Thursday, October 31, 2024

Character Analysis: Michael Myers (Halloween)


“I met him, 15 years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this... six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and... the blackest eyes - the Devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up, because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil.”

(Researchers: Spycrab, Iceking, DoRitto, Smaggle and Gio789)

  • Series: Halloween.

  • Name: Michael Audrey Myers.

  • Origin: Haddonfield.

  • Age: Varies on the timeline, 21 in the original movie.

  • Height: 6’7.

  • Weight: 225 pounds.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil.

  • Likes: Murder, that’s it really.

  • Dislikes: Anyone or anything that is not currently dead.

(Warning: This blog will contain graphic violence, partial nudity and dark themes.)

For us humans, there has always been a hint of evil even in the most honored and sincere members of our species. It’s something that will always be attached to us and has been for the entirety of man’s existence, lingering in the corners of our mind desperately trying to find a way out. But what if this mental voice wasn’t just a part of your mind, it was your mind. With nothing behind your eyes except the blank stare of darkness waiting for an opportunity to spread as much carnage and chaos as possible. These eyes are all too familiar for the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois. This town has their own Boogeyman tormenting them every Halloween, except this Boogeyman is completely real. A serial killer who escaped a mental asylum, after being locked in there all of his life. Never have been caught and hardly ever killed. A Shape of evil given flesh by our fears, a Shape named Michael Myers.

Growing up under the Myers family, Michael was never an enthusiastic kid to say the least. He didn’t do anything, he just stared and waited, and waited he did. At the young age of 6 on a Halloween night, Michael dawned his costume for the year, a clown, and snuck up behind his older sister, Judith, with a butcher knife and repeatedly stabbed her until she no longer  moved. Michael had killed her. Upon finding this out, the Myers family promptly sent Michael away to a mental asylum named Smith's Grove Sanitarium and left town to run away. Michael was looked after by psychiatrist Dr. Loomis for 15 years and according to Loomis, he spent 8 years trying to reach for something in Michael. But had no response, not even a word or facial expression. And for the last 7 years, he would try to keep Michael locked up for as long as possible because he was convinced that Michael wanted nothing more than to kill and kill again. Which Loomis probably figured out after Michael started murdering other patients on Halloween, including Loomis’s finance.

Despite the doctor’s best efforts, he could not contain the evil inside Michael forever. 15 years after he was first locked up, Michael’s patience and intellect paid off as he made his escape from Smith Grove on an oh so familiar Halloween night during an institution change. But Michael didn’t just want to kill, even though he still really wants to do that, he wants to relive the death of his sister. He would do this by tracking down his other sister he somehow knew existed before being sent away, Laurie Myers, now going under the adoptive last name of Strode. Dawning a bleak mask that soon became his true face, he would stalk his sister for the whole holiday until nighttime, where he killed all of her close friends and nearly killed her too. Until Dr. Loomis stepped in and shot him 6 times in the chest and off a balcony, but Michael would not be put down so easily. The evil inside him only grew stronger with every life he took, which allowed him to escape.

Halloween 2 takes place immediately after the original on the same night, with Laurie being sent to the hospital after her injuries. But don’t think for a second Michael is out of the picture, he makes his way to the same hospital to once again try to kill Laurie for good. Killing nurses and guards around the hospital to get to target, and when faced with her for the last time this Halloween night. Laurie shot him in the eyes and left him temporarily blind, allowing Dr. Loomis to fix his mistake of letting Michael live by blowing up the room they were in, while also letting Laurie escape. Which not only didn’t kill Loomis, but it also didn’t put Michael done for good, as we will soon see.

This is where variations of the story differ, actually it started differing at the sister thing and Halloween 2 in general, but you get the point. We’ll be telling every way that Michael’s story has been told through all timelines. It’s messy.

The Cult of Thorns timeline picks up after Laurie Strode’s death, where she died in a car crash, not to worry for Michael, who once again escaped his containment on Halloween while being transported to another hospital, he has a new relative to slaughter. This time being Laurie’s daughter and Michael’s niece, Jamie Llyod. Who was taken into foster care after her mothers death. Michael does what he does best, murder her friends and family and attack her trying to kill her, which he eventually does do later on. In a quite unfortunate scene, to say the least. Along with killing Dr. Loomis once and for all, and the timeline ends like that. No happy ending or anything, Michael is still out there and with no more relatives to kill, he’s out to murder anyone he can.

In the H20 timeline, Laurie is still alive and has a son named John Tate, after years of no brother Boogeyman haunting her life and trying to kill her. Laurie moved on, although still very skeptical and traumatized by the events done by Michael on Halloween. She’s very protective of her son, which is a good thing because Michael is of course back from his “death” in Halloween 2 and ready to try his best to kill Laurie one final time. In a back and forth game of cat and house, the police were successfully called and Michael demonstrated his smarts on a level no one expected. By breaking a guard's larynx and making it so he can’t speak, placing his mask on his face and then leaving the scene of the crime just like that, Michael made his sister kill an innocent person and be placed in a psych ward. 

Until next year, in which Michael finally was able to murder Laurie Strode himself in a really unsatisfying and frankly anti-climactic scene. Clearly not nearly as good as him getting beat up by Busta Rhymes karate moves and getting zapped in the balls.

Meanwhile, the Green timeline ignores the events of Halloween 2 while retconning the idea of Michael and Laurie being siblings. Instead, Michael is determined to kill Laurie because he views her as “The One Who Will Not Die.” The timeline takes place a whole 40 years after the original, Laurie has herself a family now but she’s still tortured by the thought of Michael. Which is why she has trained day after day to fight back and kill the Boogeyman when he eventually comes back. All of the faces from the original Halloween are back, ready to give Michael one last scare. Surrounding him as a mob, beating him down, stabbing him, shooting him and making sure evil dies tonight. But it’s all in vain. After being pummeled to the ground by his past victims, Michael quickly gets back up and rushes everyone in the crowd. Killing all of them. 

Still, the fight left him beat up and him losing the fear he instills into people and the amount of people he’s killing left him weakened enough to hide in the sewers awaiting for an opportunity to strike again. Then came a young man named Corey Cunninham, who became another shape of evil like Michael after his encounter with Michael. In one last conflict between survivor and killer, Michael and Laurie fought ruthlessly. But Laurie’s granddaughter, Allison, stepped into the frame and prevented Michael from killing Laurie just in the nick of time. They had finally killed The Boogeyman. Realizing now that he wasn’t the embodiment of evil or evil incarnate either, he was a man who fed off of his increasing evil and the fear his killings spread. Except, on this Halloween night, Michael wouldn’t come back. He would be shredded into pieces, never to be seen or remembered again.

The many tales of Michael are one of utter violence and bloodshed, a final testament to the evil the Boogeyman possesses. He’s all that is evil, everything we fear and fear to be in a single form, a single shape if you will. And this shape’s hunger for murder won’t ever be quenched until the last drop of blood has bled dry from the lifeless corpses of Haddonfield. So stay in your home, lock your doors, turn off your porchlight, tremble in the dark as you hide, and pray that the Boogeyman doesn’t pay you a visit this Halloween.

Before We Start…

Since this is Michael fucking Myers, a horror icon that has been around for well over 40 years, Halloween’s continuity is fairly convoluted and more complicated than similar horror franchises. It’s composed of multiple timelines, each with their own story on our beloved Halloween killer. 4 in fact but we will only be focusing on the 3 that are linked to the original film. T

hose being the Thorns Timeline, which starts up after the second film and follows the story of Michael, elaborating on his origin by telling us that he was cursed by The Cult of Thorn into becoming evil. 

The next is the H20 Timeline, which similarly picks up after Halloween 2 but this time focusing on the story of Laurie Strode and ending with Michael… getting zapped in the balls by Busta Rhymes, Yeah. 

The last timeline is the Green Timeline or the timeline you’re likely familiar with since it's the most recent, this instead takes place after Halloween 1 and ignores Halloween 2, this time focusing on Michael’s evil and the form he takes as an entity of pure evil.

We’re going to undergo a “Semi-composite” for this blog, all of these versions trace back to the original film, there’s really no good reason to not use all of them under the rules of a semi-composite and it's how basically everyone else does it. It’s completely fair, so yes. We’re using all timelines that have been previously explained. The only versions of Halloween this blog will not be using is the Rob Zombie Remakes and Halloween 3, Since those are different continuities altogether.

For simplicity’s sake, here’s a really good canon chart made under this post.

Oh right, media. As you can tell we’ll be using the movie timelines explained above but also taking a crack at the novelizations of the movies and the comics that belong to their respective timelines. Mobile games will be included and so will Dead by Daylight, and of course, the new RetroRealms game featuring Michael Myers and even Evil Dead will be used. However for this blog we won’t be scaling Michael to any of Ash William’s feats. As it’s confirmed that they are two separate games and we feel it borders a little too much on cross scaling.

With that being said, ready your bags and sharpen your knives, this’ll be a Halloween night you won’t forget.

Skill And Experience

As expected from someone who spends his time either killing or staring into nothingness waiting for the perfect moment to kill, Michael is an incredibly skilled killer through and through. He killed his older sister when he was just 6 years old, and since then, he’s taken the lives of over 226 people and spread fear and hatred throughout Haddonfield. Michael kills his victims with surgical precision, meaning he can kill you as quick or painful as he wants, like carefully stabbing the throat to silence the victim first and then precisely cutting all ligaments and major arteries. 

He’s killed an entire police station, firefighters after being stuck in a burning building, an angry mob of people who survived his initial killings and in RetroRealms, he’s faced a whole bunch of supernatural foes. For starters, he’s killed mental patients, mechanics, full on demons, Laurie Strode and Dr. Loomis at once, his sister’s ghost after she was turned into a big monster, Shadow Myers, who is a being made from the sins of Michael Myers, and Overlord who is an entity of ungodly power that recruited Michael to spread as much violence and chaos as possible, which he did before he revolted and defeated Overlord.

What’s somehow more terrifying than him just killing through brute force, Michael is extremely intelligent and deceptive. Along with his stealth, but that’s better saved for later as that is on the much more supernatural spectrum. Despite being confined in Smith's Grove Sanitarium for 15 years since he was 6, he was able to drive so efficiently it’s like someone taught him how when he escaped. But his most impressive feat of intellect is when he smashed some poor dude’s larynx and made it so he can’t speak, stuck his mask on him while avoiding detection from the hospital so that Laurie mistook that man for Michael and killed him while the real Michael escaped to kill again next Halloween. He’s done this more than once.



Once a bleached Captain Kirk mask, now the face of evil itself and one of the most iconic masks in horror history. Michael’s mask has undergone a bunch of changes over the several years and many stories he’s been through. Yet Michael will continue to wear it no matter what. To Michael, this mask is his real face. A face of violence that controls the maelstrom of rage that lingers inside him and gives him purpose. When wearing the mask, Michael can feel all of his current injuries subside and become whole and gain a boost in strength.

Spare Masks

Having grown such a liking to his iconic mask, Michael has collected a bunch of these bleached masks for himself to use as backups for himself or to put on others to make others think they’re Michael Myers to have them killed while the real Michael escapes, which is how Michael infamously avoided his death in H20 in the first place.

Blue Jumpsuit

Complimenting his blank and white mask, Michael wears a blue jumpsuit that he mostly gets by taking them from dead mechanics, which he murdered of course. This outfit, while nothing extraordinary, is fairly useful in its own right. It helps Michael blend in with the shadows and doesn’t let blood stand out too much when sprayed upon it.

Ghost Costume

Used to disguise himself and kill Lydna, Michael stole the ghost costume from his previous victim, Bob, to lure Lynda out of safety and strangle her to death with a phone.

Clown Costume

Do I look like a fucking clown to you? Admittedly randomly used to sneak into a Halloween party, Michael donned an outfit very similar to the outfit he wore when killing his sister which he wore to try to kill Laurie, of course.


Michael doesn't just kill with his looks, his main and favorite way to kill someone is with a good old fashioned knife, usually of the Kitchen or Butcher variety, which he uses to slice people’s throats and stab them with enough force to go through their body and pin their corpse against a wall, all while admiring his handy work.

Other Stabbing and Impalement Weapons

While Michael obviously prefers his knife as his primary means of killing, he’s utilized plenty of other sharp weapons to impale or stab his victim to death. We won’t be counting them done one by one, as they aren’t really remarkable and mostly regular weapons and tools.


Michael doesn’t just have random sharp objects to be used as weapons, he’s used a lot of mostly normal tools to kill people in a matter of moments.

Improvised Weapons

Michael is by no means picky about what can get the job done when it comes to killing, he’s an expert at using damn near anything at his disposal as a weapon and a means of murder.


For a long running franchise, naturally Michael has used a hell of a ton of means to butcher and mutilate his victims.


Despite being stuck in a mental institution for basically all of his life, Michael has, on more than one occasion, managed to drive a car and a truck around in order to travel into Haddonfield and around it however he wants. 

Nightmare Realm Eye

Given to him by Overlord in order to help him conquer the realms of the universe, this creepy looking eyeball let's Michael temporarily travel into what is known as the Nightmare Realm. This realm is a demonic version of our world, enemies in our world will appear as demonic representations of themselves. With this especially powerful eye, Michael can travel in to skip segments in the regular universe or avoid fighting someone altogether, or use it to sneak up on someone. 



Michael’s most iconic characteristic besides his famous mask would be his super human stealth. He’s the template for a stealthy horror character after all. He has so many insane showings of stealth it would be impossible to list them all. Some of his most notable showings are appearing right next to two of his victims without either of them noticing, sneaking up on a teacher in broad daylight, disappeared before police officers could see him despite Michael standing right over Lonnie seconds prior, evaded the implementation of countrywide curfews, roadblocks and deployment of the National Guard and snuck out and around a cop car to get the jump on Ray who never noticed this happen.

Enhanced Senses

Due to his stealth, adapting him to dark surroundings and stalking them in the corners of their view, Michael’s senses are off the charts. He was able to sense the presence of Allyson and knock the shotgun out of her hand before she could fire it, he can smell his victims through holes in the walls and hear the blood pumping through their veins and the most bizarre example by far being the fact that he can smell the sweat from the dancing teenagers and literally hear their blood pulsating. 

Enhanced Endurance/Stamina

a woman in a blue shirt is standing in a dark room with the words " by diablito " on the bottom

No matter what anyone throws at him, Michael never stays down for long. That’s kind of his thing. He’s been shot 6 times and sent off of a balcony, only to show up the same night in the very next movie. He’s been run over (Not talking about no Ben Tramer) and not been slowed down, and he was shot, stabbed and beaten into the ground by an angry mob and got right back up and does what he does best. By the same logic, Michael can keep killing for several nights and never give up till Halloween night is over. In the mobile runner game, Michael can keep chasing and pursuing his victim for forever.


When he’s not using cars to get around town and stalk people, Michael traverses the locales of Haddonfield through teleportation. He’s quite famous for it, after all, and blatantly does so, no film theory required please and thank you. He managed to disappear without a trace even when Laurie was looking dead at him, was gone from the scene after a young Tommy Doyle looked away for a few seconds and the most damning, he teleported away in flashes of lightning. It’s even more apparent in RetroRealms, where his dodgeroll is him literally teleporting in a move called Shadow Step. He’s also invincible during it.


"I prayed that he would burn in Hell. But in my heart, I knew Hell would not have him."

As you can probably tell by now, you can’t stop and you certainly can’t kill The Boogeyman. The people of Haddonfield have shot him, stabbed him, burnt him alive, injected him with acid and much more, but nothing they have done to Michael has ever kept him down. He regularly shrugs off these kinds of punishments and keep going, in some cases he’s able to regenerate from these injuries, like recovering from having his eyes shot out and being stabbed in his eyes. He’s had his eyes hurt a lot for some reason. More impressively, he's had a nail slammed into his forehead, he’s regenerated from having a guillotine dropped onto the center of his mask and survived having a plumbing pipe stabbed into his chest and out of his back.

There have been several explanations to Michael’s unkillable nature, which we will soon explore in depth, but for miscellaneous information on Michael’s immortality: Everytime Michael gets too injured, he does actually die, but he is reborn and resurrected from the dark to kill more. Which he can continue to do for as long as he likes. The Halloween Kills novelization remarks after Michael’s done tearing the mob apart that Michael is a thing of darkness and will “come home” whenever there is an absence of light.

Curse of Samhain (Cult of Thorns)

Introduced in the Thorn timeline for an explanation on why Michael is as unkillable as he is, The Cult of Thorns is a mysterious cult that placed a curse on the Myers family, in particular Michael, which made him start killing his family members one by one. This curse is known as the “Curse of Samhain, an ancient spirit of Halloween and the ultimate evil, making Michael a vessel to said evil. 

 As long as there’s one of Michael’s family members out there and Michael’s body isn’t in too bad of shape, he can telepathically be awakened and resurrected to kill again. Too much exposure to good old Michael here will let him pass this curse onto you, turning you violent and making you attack your loved ones. Often leading to your mental state breaking or your death moments later. 

The Collective and Unconscious Mind

Another explanation on Michael’s immortality, this one proposed by various comics and novels, is one of Michael not being a man at all but a shape of our own fears. Let me explain. The trauma and fear that haunts us, even in the darkest parts of our mind, only grows and takes form over time - whether it's a shadow at the edge of your vision or a presence lurking in every room. Michael is one of these shapes. He’s not literally fear itself, just one of its many shapes. In fact, he’s a shape of all your fears and can continue to track you down as a result, chasing you wherever you go and always appearing in the corner of your eye. Never being able to stop so long as his body isn’t destroyed beyond repair. 

The black spirit of Samhain that’s inside Michael is no regular Halloween spirit or monster, it’s the unconscious mind. Everyone is afraid of the dark inside their own mind, which gives Michael a level of possessing everyone's worst attributes all in one demon.

The paranormal nature of Michael is something that Dr. Loomis has always known. In his earlier documents regarding Michael when he wasn’t crazy, he remarked that behind Michael’s black and devilish eyes lies something that has been given life from the innate fears and desires that have been seeking to destroy humanity for as long as it has existed. Essentially meaning that so long as Michael stays a shape of our fears, he can’t truly die.

Fear Manipulation

As a shape of all our fears and as a serial killer who traumatized the town of Haddonfield for several decades, Michael is well adapted to scaring the life out of people. People have experienced a supernatural form of fear that makes your vision blur, cause your thoughts to muffle, make your perception slow down till it seems like time has stopped and immobilize you like an infection, all from seeing Michael once.

Fear Empowerment and Absorption

What makes his fear shtick even worse for us is the fact that Michael grows stronger every time we fear and every time he kills, evolving into something that is impossible to defeat by the moment. He can consume terror from people by looking them in the eyes and is comparable to  another shape of evil, Corey Cunningham, was able to absorb the fearful and negative emotions that Michael gave him. Speaking of which…

Power Amplification

In his overview in Dead By Daylight, it is said that every time Michael stalks and preys on survivors, his evil grows and in turn it fuels his malevolent power. Becoming stronger on the go.


Michael has the ability to corrupt his victims, making them become evil just like him. He did this with his niece Jamie Lloyd who after becoming corrupted became soulless, grabbed a pair of scissors and much like her evil uncle, used them to stab a relative although for Jaime it was her mother unlike Michael who famously killed his sister. In the final timeline when Michael grabs Corey by the neck and looks into his eyes he pours his evil into the young man turning him into a force of evil as well.

Mind Manipulation

Michael’s killings have been referred to as “lurid and hypnotic”, making people watch helplessly at the people he’s killed and turned into bloody pulps. He seems to have more oppressive mental capabilities as well, he can appear in your thoughts and memories and harm your subconscious along with altering the state of your mind like spawning falling Jack-O-Lanterns as he kills you for more metaphorical visuals if anything. 


Like any rascal older brother wanting to torment his sister, Michael can mess with Laurie Strode by seemingly creating fake imagery in the form of hallucinations, like making her see him instead of the corpse of someone else and making her see him in a car in a random parking lot.


It really does say a lot that even normal people in Halloween have displayed very… strange abilities. One of these abilities showcased by Dr. Loomis, who can gain an awareness of new feelings insinuating itself into his consciousness that lets him feel the same experiences of the life of someone else. Which Michael should be comparable to of course. 


Yes, you read that correctly. It’s as dumb as it sounds.

As it turns out, the people in Haddonfield have fate to blame for bringing them to Haddonfield and making them destined to be there along with the lives of everyone else in Haddonfield toward a convergence no one knows. No one, except Michael. Who’s stated to know what fate has in store for the lives of everyone in Haddonfield. Surprisingly, it's consistent that members of the Cult of Thorn and participants of Samhain can see omens of the future through sacrifices. Which backs up the idea that Michael has this ability. 


Being evil incarnate and famously having empty and devilish eyes, Michael’s presence can let off evil vibrations in the air that can draw people to go to certain places as if a force is compelling them to do so or stunting people in place with said force, make others go mad from terror and allow voices in your head to speak to and taunt you.

Darkness Manipulation

(Art by Watchful Eye)

Guess he really does have the blackest eyes. So black in fact, that darkness can leak out of them and any other part of his body that acts as an invisible force that freezes people where they stand and make them shake uncontrollably. As if he didn’t already have enough abilities to fucking do that. This also helps with Michael’s stealth, cloaking himself into darkness on a whim.

Technology Manipulation

Even as just a kid locked up in a psych ward, Michael has displayed instances of his supernatural abilities more than once. Like the time where he caused the lights to go out so he can drown someone ducking for apples without being noticed.

Lightning Manipulation

As shown in RetroRealms, Michael has the quite frankly odd ability to summon a lightning strike, no matter the kind of weather he’s in, in order to disappear when it hits.

Dead By Daylight Perks

Due to his status as one of the most influential and iconic slashers in the genre, Michael’s landed himself in his fair share of crossover games along with other slashers. The biggest example of which is none other than Dead By Daylight. Where he was brought into The Entity’s realm to kill and give The Entity sacrifices, but Michael really only cares about the killing part. 

To kill survivors as efficiently as possible, Michael gained a few Perks to help him and increase his own abilities. Most of these Perks rely on a mechanic known as “Obsession.” Obsession is inflicted onto a random survivor at the beginning of a trial, and the more Michael stalks this survivor the more benefits he can get to kill the other survivors and leave his Obsession for last. But enough about that, let’s get to those sweet Perks.

  • Dying Light: Each time Michael hooks a survivor other than his Obsession, all other survivors suffer from a penalty to repair, heal and sabotage. Along with the effect being stackable per Token action.

  • Play With Your Food: When Michael chases his Obsession, this Perk gains a Token up to a max of 3 Tokens. Each token gives increased speed and haste to Michael but attacking while this Perk is active means a loss of a Token. This Perk has a 10 second cooldown on Tokens too.

  • Save The Best For Last: Whenever Michael attacks a survivor other than his current Obsession, this Perk gains a Token up to 6/7/8 Tokens. These grant Michael a cooldown on his attacks, but if he stabs his Obsession, he loses 2 Tokens.




  • Escaped his psych ward on a Halloween night after being locked up for 15 years.

  • Has survived death several times, earning his title as The Boogeyman.

  • Brought terror to Haddonfield every time the year hits Halloween several times over.

  • tracked his niece down after his sister's death and tried to kill her and her adoptive family. (Cult of Thorns Timeline)

  • Faked his own death using a stunt double he shattered the vocal cords of and stuck his mask onto. (H20 Timeline)

  • Has amassed a kill count of over 226 people, including… 

  • His sister, Judith Myers, whom he killed at the age of 6.

  • Doctor Loomis, who was the main person trying to stop Michael and his evil for years. (Cult of Thorns Timeline)

  • An entire police station.

  • The surviving victims of his original murder spree all ganging up on him at once. (Green Timeline)

  • His niece, I don’t want to talk about what happened during her death. (Cult of Thorns timeline)

  • His younger sister, Laurie Strode, who was the only one that managed to survive him consistently. (H20 Timeline)

  • Got into Dead By Daylight, Call Of Duty and RetroRealms.

  • Defeated the Overlord in his campaign. (RetroRealms)

  • Has stood the test of time as one of horror’s most iconic, if not the most iconic, slasher.

  • Was in the same movie as Busta Rhymes.

  • That fucking music man.





Michael may be an unstoppable force of nature that has left Haddonfield with so much pain and suffering that it can never truly forget him, but he still has problems that can be exploited. Michael’s obsessed with his mask, viewing it as his true face and if it's ever taken from him then he will do whatever it takes to get it back, which has led to him being baited into the open and stuck in the middle of a mob. What’s more is that, in the Halloween Ends, Michael got drastically weaker due to a lack of fear and terror that he absorbed from killing. Even when he later got stronger, he still was far weaker then he was in 2018 or Kills. 

Despite having good immortality and resurrection on his own, these attributes can only take him so far. If his body is destroyed or the spirit inside of his body that keeps him cursed is targeted, that can and will kill The Shape once and for all. As his regeneration, while impressive, simply cannot keep up with his immortality. Meaning he’ll struggle to replenish his body if it's ever destroyed, which is why we see Michael take years to recover from extreme injuries.

Also he’s weak to Busta Rheyme awesome fucking karate skills and ability to shock him in the balls.

Important Notes

Michael Myers Statements and Their Reliability

If you’ve been around Michael Myers debating for a while, you’ve run into statements around the character that make scaling it a little more complicated. In short, the Halloween series is very metaphorical and symbolic with its imagery and depiction of Michael and death in general. Some of these statements are very outlandish to say the least and mostly said by insane victims of Michael that have gone coo coo like Laurie Strode in the Green timeline and Dr. Loomis. This makes it tricky to pinpoint on what statements and descriptions can or can’t be used, which is exactly what this section hopes to clear up. We’ll be going over what can and can’t be used and give a detailed explanation on each example. Obviously we can’t mention everything, but we do hope to clear most things up.

First things first, Michael is not the embodiment of evil in any timeline. The main timeline I’ve seen this drawn from is the Green timeline, in particular the ending and back cover of Halloween Kills, where Laurie says Michael is the essence of evil that grows stronger the more people hide and die by his hands. While the latter has Halloween Ends, to back its concept up, Michael being the essence of evil is contradicted by Ends. After killing the mob, Michael retreats into the sewers due to losing a lot of the fear he instilled into people and the amount of people he kills, living off of random hobos. His powers and being are not tied to evil itself, his evil and therefore power are rather increased by the amount of fear he spreads and the more he kills. 

Okay, that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not an evil incarnate, but what does is the fact that Michael… isn’t the villain in this movie. Corey Cunninham, who adopted the evil of Michael and similarly grew more powerful the more fear and kills he had, is. They’re too distinct characters. Which means someone else can be the shape without literally being evil itself, implying Michael isn’t evil itself either. But the real kicker is something said in the novelization, Michael is not evil itself, he is one of its many shapes that develops off of the fear and killings he’s dealt. While this certainly is interesting in its own right and grants Michael with unique abilities, it’s a definite deconfirm on the idea that Michael is the embodiment of evil. He’s tough for sure and will continue to strive without yielding so long as he has enough kills and fear, but if his body is destroyed past what his regeneration can perform, he can’t keep going. Once again, this is exactly how he died at the end of Halloween Ends. Saying Michael is the embodiment of evil would go against the entire narrative of the Green timeline and would be contradicted by several other parts of the story with nothing to back it up except the words of hysterical and frankly crazy survivors.

Now that that’s out of the way, what statements are usable? Well, we’re going to be focusing on the more questionable abilities that you probably raised your eyebrow at. But for the general gist, we’re going to be looking at consistency and accuracy.

Michael’s connection to fear and the mind, or as I like to call it, The Collective and Unconscious Mind, essentially means that Michael is a shape of all our initiate fears that grow in the corners of our mind and manifest as things like a presence in every room, with this fear still around Michael can continue to pursue his victims no matter where they are and survive so long as these fears exist. Not only is this said throughout different comics and Halloween 2’s novelization which means it has consistency down, it’s linked to the Cult of Thorn’s practices on Samhain and granted by the black spirit inside of Michael. Not only this, but these ideas were provided by Dr. Loomis before his 15 years with Michael and the night of Michael’s original return. So he’s not like he’s blabbing about nothing here, and the Cult most definitely isn't either.

Next example is precognition, this does sound very weird on paper and trust me it’s not easy to digest. Loomis, through his clairvoyance (god that sounds dumb) was able to link his life with the life of Hunt and know that he and Hunt are fated to be here and go down a path only Michael knows about. Fate, and how people walk through it but can’t move or change it, is a consistent theme throughout this book. So narratively it’s not random and doesn’t contradict anything. Shortly later, we see Loomis say that the Druids, or the Cult of Thorns members, were able to see future omens through their murders. Which is said again in a comic describing the Cult of Thorn, so we know that Loomis isn’t spouting nonsense and is accurate to how Michael is able to predict events. This one is a bit questionable, admittedly, but we’ve ruled it should be mostly fine to include for the same reasons.

Again, there are more examples but those are the basics and some cases we thought fit the best. The series is abundant with these types of symbols, so whether you agree or disagree is up to how you interrupt these things, so to each their own, but we’ve decided to keep to what is the most consistent and accurate for the sake of the blog.


"It is the essence of evil. The anchor that divides us. It is the terror that grows stronger when we try to hide. If they don't stop him tonight, maybe we'll find him tomorrow. Or next Halloween, when the sun sets and someone is alone. You can't close your eyes and pretend he isn't there. Because he is."

  • Attack Potency/Durability ranges from wall level are bare minimum to small building, debatably building level. Debatably much stronger with storm feats. Stronger as time goes on.

  • Speed ranges from Subsonic to Supersonic+, potentially higher.

  • Extremely skilled and experienced when it comes to killing, taking on everything from mobs to hoards of demons.

  • Deadly intelligent and cunning.

  • Incredibly stealthy, resilient and nearly unkillable thanks to his immortality and low level regeneration.

  • Has varied immortality that lets him survive a lot longer than expected.

  • Can grow stronger off of fear and evil, as well as spread fear and corrupt others with his evil.

  • Good pool of abilities consisting of Teleportation, Enhanced Senses, Mind Manipulation, Illusion Casting, Darkness Manipulation, etc.

  • No specific weaknesses.

Closing Words


Yeah, I bet I scared you. Bet you’re shitting your pants right now. Old Michael here taught me the best didn’t he? Anyway, Spycrab here and Happy Halloween! First things first, massive thanks to everyone who helped research this thread and help this get out in time for Halloween.

Oh man how I love this holiday, if my collection of horror blogs didn’t already say enough (it’ll keep growing). I’ve had a busy October, including working on blogs like Ellen Ripley vs Sarah Connor, Slenderman vs Siren Head, Ghostface vs Fisherman and this blog. The others I will link if they are out, if they aren’t, stay tuned because they should be out today.

Michael Myers is my absolute favorite slasher of all time and my favorite character from any horror movie. Being in my top 5 favorite fictional characters ever, him and his series are incredibly important to me and it was a blast. After all, it's been awhile since the last Character Analysis huh?

Speaking of which, I just wanna say thank you for all the support and attention my Freddy Krueger Blog has gotten. It’s so surreal that this blog, which was just supposed to be a fun passion project, blew up this big. Really, thank you.

Anywho, like last character analysis Michael has one too many opponents to do individual possible opponents for. So here’s a tier list for him and an additional Jason Voorhees tier list.

One last note, since I’ve had quite the October tossing around several blogs that aren’t exactly the easiest to research. I’ll be taking a bit of a break. Not a big one but I’ll be taking it easy, this has been my month and I wouldn’t change that, I just need some time to recover. I do hope to get at least one blog out by the end of this year, stay tuned for December because I, and the rest of the team, have plans.

Thank you so much for reading and once again, I hope you have a fantastic Halloween!

The Demon vs The Entity (Wes Craven's New Nightmare vs The Suitmation Trials)

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