Thursday, August 8, 2024

Character Analysis: Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare On Elm Street)


“When I was alive, I might’ve been a little naughty. But after they killed me. I became something much much worse, the stuff nightmares are made out of. The children still feared me, and their fear gave me the power to invade their dreams. And THAT’S where the fun really began!”

(Researchers: Spycrab, Iceking and Fiction)

  • Series: A Nightmare On Elm Street.

  • Name: Frederick Charles Krueger.

  • Origin: Springwood.

  • Age: 61+

  • Height: 5’9

  • Weight: 160 pounds.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil.

  • Likes: Killing kids, killing in general, power, making shitty puns, souls on pizza, aliens torturing women to death.

  • Dislikes: Fire, his family, kids, Nancy Tompson, Jason Voorhees, Ash Williams, Robert Englund (Yes, his actor), The reboot, Basically anything else.

(Warning: this blog will have graphic violence, gross imagery among other dark themes)

Fear is a force, a negative image and thought brings shivers into our soul. Insecurities, phobias and dread for the future are all forms of fear that plague our everyday lives. Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have some kind of fear, deep inside our mind. For some, these fears sparked from tragedies have left them traumatized and overwhelmed in their own sorrow. And for the people of Springwood, this is exactly the case. This fairly small and once peaceful town is haunted to this very day by a cackling child murder, the bastard son of 100 maniacs, the Springwood Slasher in the flesh, Freddy Krueger.

Freddy Krueger was borned after his mother, Amanda Krueger, was sexually abused by over 100 psychopaths when accidentally locked in an asylum. Later taken in by Mr. Underwood, Freddy would be bullied constantly for his origin and abused by his adoptive father. But overtime, he welcomed the beatings, he viewed them as beating the weakness out of him. Before he killed his adopted father in cold blood, that is. Managing to get away due to the event being labeled as a “freak accident.” One day, he set out with his newly crafted finger knife glove and started brutally killing the children of Springwood. 

Despite the murders all connecting back to him and everyone begging him to be punished for the lives he took, Freddy got off scott free due to a legal technicality. This enraged the parents of the kids he killed and they decided to take justice into their own hands. They tracked him down to the boiler room he used to work at and where he killed the kids. They poured gasoline all around the building and lit a match, with Freddy inside. Just like that, Freddy Krueger was dead. But years after his death, there were reports all over Springwood about mysterious killings and suicides. The victims of which seemed to be killed in their sleep, in their dreams. One question lingered over Springwood, was Freddy truly dead? This is a horror movie, you know the answer.

Before he burnt to a crisp in that boiler room of his, he was approached by Dream Demons, a trio of demonic entities that searched the dreams of the living in pursuit of the most evil man they could find. Which they decided would be Freddy. They ensured Freddy’s survival by transporting him to another realm of existence, a place where all souls go to when they sleep, the Dream World. The Dream Demons gave Freddy the power to control this dimension however he wanted, so that he could kill people within their dreams. If you die in the dream, you die in real life.

Freddy would use his new found powers to hunt and kill the Elm Street children, the children of the parents that burned him alive, along with other teenagers in Springwood. He relished in their screams and in fear that he exploited, it only made him stronger. Freddy represents the worst side in us all. All of our fears, insecurities, and the rest of our negative emotions are a part of his twisted existence and used against us to make us succumb to our own agony. He wants nothing more than for us to be overwhelmed by our misery, behind that shit eating smile and laugh, lies a monster with no intent other than to spread as much hatred as he possibly can. Yet, if we fight against our fears and the parts we hate the most about ourselves, we might just be able to make it out of this nightmare alive. 

So next time you drift off to sleep and hear the screeching of knives, the cry of a lamb and a bone chilling laugh. Just know that you’ve been chosen as Springwood’s next victim by its notorious slasher. You’re not in your world anymore, you’re in a world designed to terrify and petrify your very soul. Lock your doors, grab your crucifix, don’t stay up late and never sleep again because Freddy Krueger is coming for you and he'll make this night a nightmare you won’t wake up from.

Before We Start…

Since we’re doing a thread on a character with as big of history as Freddy Krueger, we need to set some ground rules on what we will be using and why. Obviously, we’ll be using the film series from the original up to Freddy vs Jason, the tv series; Freddy’s Nightmares, comics, games (including Mortal Kombat but no scaling to those characters), manga (yes, really) and the film novelizations produced by Bob Italia and others. We’ll also use the other novels, the Black Flame series, Freddy Krueger’s Seven Sweetest Dreams, Freddy Krueger’s Tales of Terror, The Krueger Curse: A Nightmare Before Elm Street and various magazines and articles starring the man of your dreams. 

As for what we won’t be using, anything surrounding the Reboot. Which includes the movie itself along with Dead By Daylight. Sorry Freddy, you’ll have to wait till they add your correct character model I guess. As well as New Nightmare, not to say it isn’t canon, it’s just not a usable form of Freddy but that discussion is better saved later.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s not waste anymore time and get straight into this nightmare!

Skill And Experience

Freddy might appear he’s reliant on his powers and dangerously unpredictable abilities to overwhelm opponents, but he’s surprisingly a good fighter with plenty of experience on his belt. He knows Jujitsu and played pretty well in football as a kid. Freddy’s had years of experience and training when it comes to using his dream abilities and his abilities can give him new skills on the fly. Freddy, being one of the most iconic slashers of all time, has had an overall impressive kill count. We’ve seen him kill 89 people over the years but over 10 years, he managed to somehow kill the entire minor population in Springwood. According to the horror house wiki, this means that Freddy has approximately killed 15,265 children in just 10 years. 

Over those 10 years, he’s faced some real ugly stuff, uglier than him! He’s fought trained police men, the Dream Warriors: a group of Elm Street kids that can easily control their dreams, the Dream Master, Dream Nancy on several occasions across the Dream World, various other lucid and skilled dreamers, literal Dream Gods and an “Anti-Freddy” made to counteract Freddy’s existence. He’s taken on Jason Voorhees and Ash Williams, he would’ve won against Jason if it weren’t for outside help being in Jason’s favor and he did keep up with Ash in hand to hand as well… until Ash broke his arm and caused Freddy to lash out in anger. 

What’s scarier than brute force, Freddy is extremely cunning and intelligent. In the Real World he’s still a crafty fighter that sets up traps for Jason even if they don’t always work out. He’s tricked and manipulated others, from telepathetic kids to government officials. Successfully getting them to think that they were in control only to transform back to his Dream self and continue his reign of terror once more. You can only trust a child murderer with a finger knife glove so much but you’d be surprised at the amount of people Freddy has duped over the series's lifespan.


Finger Knife Glove

The most iconic glove in all of horror. Krueger’s bread and butter is his homemade one handed finger knife glove he uses to slice teenagers and adults alike into pieces.This his favorite tool for killing kids when he was human. But when he died, this glove became demonically enhanced and his soul seemingly merged with it To the point where he can control it if it’s ever disconnected from his body, throw his glove as a projectile or crawl to his opponent. This glove is also considered to be a dream object, an object that exists simultaneously in both the Real World and the Dream World. If one glove wasn’t enough, he has an extra to use if he ever feels the need to.

Various Other Finger Gloves

While his Finger Knife Glove is reliable, sometimes a murder needs to spice things up a bit. Luckily for him, he has a bunch of gloves designed for killing people in the most fun ways possible. After his death, he still made several variants of his original glove. Like one that replaces the knives with needles full of drugs, one that enlarges the blades to horrific extents, one whose knives are instead a variety of dentist equipment and don’t you forget about the power glove; A regular glove with a nifty add-on that lets Freddy control technology around him as well as control video games and any soul stuck inside of them.

Natural Finger Knives

While he might miss his glove, Freddy can always give his finger knives a more natural feel by splitting the tips of his fingers and letting blades cut through the skin. A crude but effective way to imitate his beloved glove.

Hand Constructs

To torment anyone with a lack of a hand, Freddy can sure as hell give them a hand in the form of sentient hand constructs with his finger knives that attack anything they see.

Jason’s Machete

Now THAT’S just rude. 

Dream Pool

A landscape in the corner of the Dream World, the Dream Pool is an area where all of Springwood’s dreamers, and soon the entire world’s dreamers, reside. With this, Freddy can take quite the evil bath, literally soaking in their power, energy and lives to increase his abilities. 

Demonic Wheelchair

Used against Will in Dream Warriors, Freddy made a spiky and highly dangerous wheelchair capable of racing down hallways and scaring the daylights out of Will.

Magic Broom

Yeah… these movies get weird okay? And maybe a little bit stupid. Okay, very stupid. 


This is a real scene from a real movie made by a real director in a real studio. Real

Super Hearing Aid

Used against Carlos in Freddy’s Dead, Freddy created a replica of the kid’s hearing aid that, when put on, fuses to the user and amplifies their hearing to the max. Which Freddy exploits in the best way  he can, making noise on a chalkboard with his finger knives until your head full on explodes. 


Taking a page from other slashers of his caliber, Freddy has been shown using a knife more than once. Whether it be your standard kitchen knife or an Aztec obsidian knife.


For some reason, Freddy has dozens of tendrils with his face on them in his eye sockets ready to pop out and nibble anyone down to their skeleton. 

Giant Mousetrap

A large mousetrap made to split people in half, what more can be said really?


It’s as terrifying and as awesome as it sounds. 


For his Mortal Kombat fatality, Freddy summons a boiler from the pits of hell to launch his opponents into. Boiling them alive, pun intended. 


Found by Lori in Freddy’s Nightmares: Killer Instinct, this is no regular talisman. It’s a magical charm presumably made by our beloved child murder that lets anything the holder is imagining happen in reality, like causing mysterious deaths for example.


Near the end of Freddy’s Nightmares: The End of The World, Freddy has a mini nuke he made that traveled so fast that it seems like the stars are moving and was implied to be able to destroy the Earth. We never see this actually happen, since he said he would rather kill people one at a time instead of all at once, but the context should be enough to say it can.

Necronomicon Ex-Mortis

In the Freddy vs Jason vs Ash comics, Freddy got his hands, or rather hand and claw, on the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis. Otherwise known as “The Book of The Dead”. He did this by manipulating Jason after their previous encounter to hunt down the Necronomicon and retrieve it for him. Which he did. The Necronomicon is a demonic book made by an ancient group of beings called “The Dark Ones” in order to unleash its evil onto the world, its pages are made of the flesh of the damned humans and passages inked in the blood of said damned humans. The evil it unleashes has been actively stated, by Ash Williams, to come from spaces between the spaces we are familiar with. On top of this, The Dark Ones draw their power from an endless realm and made all of creation bow before their might.

Freddy used this all powerful book and its various spells, in particular a spell called “Waking Nightmares”, to escape the Dream World while managing to keep his powers in the Real World. Becoming a form known as Primal Freddy, which let him have unlimited control over the waking and dreaming landscapes among other things like the Dream Demons. He ultimately fused with the Necronomicon and all of its power and abilities ran through his veins, making him basically become a dream god. The book on its own is no laughing matter either, it can do a lot on its own. Since Freddy later had all of the Necronomicon’s powers after he fused with it, consider this both an arsenal section and an ability. It’s less complicated to compile them into one category. But keep in mind this is a Freddy blog, not an Evil Dead one, we’ll just be briefly going over what the Necronomicon can do.


Nightmare Manipulation

As the name implies, Nightmare On Elm Street is a franchise centered around dreams, or rather nightmares. To get this out the way, although it will be elaborated later on, the Dream World is not as simple as regular dreams. It’s a completely different dimension, as stated many times. It’s parallel to the Real World but with its own non-physical reality, system of logic and causality. When a dreamer falls asleep, their soul roams free from their physical bodies and ends up at two gates, a positive gate: dreams and a negative gate: nightmares. The last thing that remains within the dreamer's consciousness is what they will dream about. Everyone on earth is able to dream, and these dreams are all still connected to the Dream World, making the Dream World a sort of hub containing the dreams of everyone on earth and more.

Dreamers, more specifically skilled and lucid dreamers are able to control what they see and determine the fate of their own dreams for themselves. Turning their dreams into their own personal playground. The Dream Demons, the guardians of all things unholy and awful in the Dream World, gave Freddy the ability to rule over the Dream World. Controlling “everything” so to speak. Using Freddy’s own words, he’s an omnipotent god in the Dream World and his control over dreams is so potent it can override other people’s control of their own. Which explains why every time a skilled dreamer has fought Freddy, they either retreat or die trying. As he puts it, it’s his world, not yours. 

Now, there are some very important rules to consider when it comes to the Dream World. The most iconic of which is that all of the damage you take in the Dream World will affect you in the Real World, meaning if you die in the Dream World, you die for real. This is the main way Freddy kills his victims in the first place, and why he has come to appreciate his dreamy existence. But there are several more rules to consider, like…

As for what dreamers like Freddy can do with their reality bending antics, most of their abilities warrant their own ability sections but for a basic gist: Dreams are a place where anything can be true, all you have to do is wish for it and will it to happen. Freddy himself can overpower your will with his own, allowing him to do whatever he sets his mind to. Which is of course killing you. 

For most of the series, Freddy is limited to using his abilities in the Dream World, however he’s found loopholes. The strongest of which is using the Necronomicon’s “Waking Nightmares” spell, which lets him come into the Real World and use his powers as he does in the Dream World. Later fusing with the Necronomicon and gaining unlimited power over the waking and dreaming landscapes. Now having the power to alter both of them simultaneously. 

For a more in depth look at what the Dream World is and how it operates, you’re free to skip to the cosmology section in important notes, or get to it after you’re done reading what Freddy can really do.


Yet another major part of the series is Freddy growing in power, as if he didn’t already have enough of it, over time through a variety of methods, usually emotions. His favorites are fear and having people remember him, both of which let him enter the dreams of people and interact with them. The more you fear Freddy, the stronger he gets and the same goes for the amount of people who remember him. Similarly, Freddy can increase his power through negative emotions themselves, using the Dream World as a sort of battery to fuel his abilities. And since the Dream World has an unlimited amount of dreams, Freddy has an unlimited amount of power he can draw from at all times. Another is the souls of his victims, we’ll touch on the subject more later on but the theme is that Freddy can absorb others souls and in turn, get a boost in power.

Fear/Empathic Manipulation

The tricky part about Freddy becoming more powerful the more you fear him is that he can provoke fear in the hearts of his victims, and any other emotion he feels fits the moment. Freddy can make things as innocent as a lamb’s cry terrifying, grip your soul with sheer fear and of course become more powerful the more you fear. Freddy can go so far as removing someone's conscience to make the right decision out of their soul. Emotions in Nightmare On Elm Street are interesting, as potent ones can somehow cause physical pain and fear can even pull open someone’s mind, filling their minds with brutal memories and assault you with a barrage of colors, pictures, sounds etc.

Soul Manipulation

The Dream World being a place souls go to when they sleep… Yeah, you can already guess where this is going. Freddy has the souls of everyone he’s ever killed embedded into that burned chest of his, constantly in agony and constantly giving him power. Freddy can add to his collection at any time by slurping up souls, with the power increase depending on the kill count of whoevers soul he sucked up. He can attack your soul directly with his bare hands, transmute it to his liking and perform a whole lot more. A given since he kills souls in the Dream World every damn day. 

Astral Projection

Being one of the most feared spirits ever, Freddy is no stranger to controlling his soul. Evaporating whatever body he’s currently in into pure energy and entering minds like what he did to escape Springwood. For a more offensive approach, he can ditch his physical body and appear as a ghastly head to slurp up other souls. Weird but overall effective. 

Mind Manipulation

Along with being able to affect the dreams, emotions and soul of the individual he’s torturing, Freddy has displayed an absolute absurd control over the minds of those he kills. Minds in Nightmare On Elm Street are generally portrayed to be linked to the soul and having their own mindscape within that soul. Freddy’s been showing messing with both of these, mindscape included. With this, Freddy has more mind centered abilities then you can imagine.

Freddy can read your mind to know everything about you and your life, tear open your mind to get any information he needs out of it, mind control someone into doing his bidding, invade the minds through his previously mentioned astral projection or by stabbing into your brain, seal someone in his own mind which has its own unique properties, perform psychic surgery to remove someone's conscience, destroy your consciousness as a by product of killing you and rip apart someone’s essence apart with a psychic maelstrom by existing. 


Often used by Freddy to interact with the Real World in some fashion while he’s still in the Dream World. He can quickly slither into your soul, bend you to his will with his mere presence or slowly corrupt you into himself and take control of your body, soul and dreams. When possessed, he knocks your soul out of your body and completely takes control over it. Allowing him to carry out his murder spree with little suspicion. His possessed victim also allows him to use his dream abilities in the Real World, although likely with some restrictions. His possession goes so far that he’s able to take control over his actor, Robert Englund, everytime he puts the makeup on. Which is frankly hilarious when you take into account how consistently this is stated. 

Madness Manipulation

Through mental shenanigans, Freddy can wear out someone’s sanity and turn them more violent than they otherwise would be. He can do a similar thing in Freddy’s Revenge, this time with a bird he made go insane enough to start killing other birds and combust on the spot.

Perception Manipulation

Despite being adjacent to the Astral Plane, which isn’t a realm of the senses, Freddy can manipulate what you see, feel and the rest of the senses that dreamers have. Likely due a soul’s connection with their physical bodies. In any case, Freddy has been shown messing with the sight of survivors. He can drown out all senses at once or amplify one's senses to horrific degrees.

Illusion Creation

“One, two, Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, Better lock your door. Five, six, grab a crucifix. Seven, eight, Gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, Never sleep again....”

Freddy likes toying with his victims using false imagery in the form of illusions, most of the time sticking to the iconic Jump Rope Girls to hopefully drive more fear out of his prey. But he can create graphic hallucinations and illusions for far more, like creating a fake Camp Crystal Lake for Jason, a fake rendition of a school and completely making fake scenarios out of smoke.  


Freddy’s able to communicate with dreamers through their dreams and psychosis, giving him a brand new way to make their life miserable and more impressively, passively collect other people's thoughts in his mind through telepathy.


As you can tell, Freddy has a whole bunch of abilities specifically designed to fuck with your head. But what about fucking with you with his head? Well, he can move people and objects telekinetically, flinging them around like a human pinball machine. This telekinesis is strong enough to send houses to space.

Teleportation/Dimensional Travel

Much like other slashers in his era, Fred can appear and disappear whenever he likes. Cutting the chase and making it seem like he’s in two places at once by teleporting the moment you take your eyes off of him. He isn’t restricted to basic teleportation either, he can transport himself to the Real World in order to possess his skeleton, manifest himself in whatever dream he wants so long as he knows whose dream it is and enter dimensions by literally cutting through them. His dimensional traveling abilities only heightened with The Necronomicon, which let him pass from the Dream World to reality’s planes and dimensions by walking. Constantly changing what dimension he resides in with every step he takes.

Portal Creation

While he’s no slouch outside the Real World, he would much rather stay in the Dream World at all times. Fitting, since he can create portals back to the Dream World after he’s dragged out. In the Dream World itself, Freddy can create wormholes and light portals to travel anywhere he pleases. 


At any moment in time, Freddy can transport you to a variety of places within the Dream World. Usually either different parts of the same dream or different dreams all together. But he can send you to realistically any location possible. Mirrors, wormholes, fucking space, pieces of paper, various pieces of fiction, the Real World and the Dream World. You name it, he has it!

Body Puppetry

Freddy can do the most gruesomely accurate showcasing of Body Puppetry by literally pulling your veins out of your body and controlling where you go like a puppet. Thank god for sleepwalkers, except for you, you won’t be thanking god for that.

Body Control

No matter how much you cut ‘em up, he’ll keep kicking. He’s able to activate abilities as just an arm or straight up attack you as his finger knife glove.


His first ever on screen ability, brings me back. Freddy can stretch and twist any part of his body, most of the time his arms, up to 50 feet total to do whatever the fuck this gif is.

Size Manipulation

Not only can stretch and control his body, he can increase or decrease the size of it too. Becoming well over the size of a whole continent or as small as a puppet. He can modify the size of his victims too, forcefully making them bigger so they slow down.


Freddy has absolute control over his appearance and can shapeshift into anything he wants whenever he wants. He can turn into others and replicate their voice perfectly, often choosing a person close to his victim to trick them. Or change his biology entirely by becoming objects like rocks, steel etc. Take any shape or size, anything from a moon to a razorblade to a puppet to back his original self. Freddy can even take on a look as something like a Prey Mantis that is the “pure, mindless embodiment of a predator.” Poor choice of words Fred, poor choice of words.


With his shapeshifting, Freddy can “upgrade” his body by transforming into a variety of forms. How about a worm Freddy that gobbles you up and slips into your throat to possess you? Or “Devil Freddy”, a form Freddy takes when he gets VERY angry. Ghost Freddy? So many options but if you wanted the worst one, Freddy can transform himself into Super Freddy. Despite sucking, Super Freddy does prove that Freddy can increase his stats through these transformations. 


Aside from changing his own form to whatever he desires, he can manipulate your body to turn into anything he feels fits the moment. Whether it be turning your standard real world phone into a freaky tongue of his, slowly transform his victims into a cockroach, alter people’s biology to become paper or plastic like and if he’s ever hungry, he can turn your soul and mind into some soul food. Just like ma used to make! 


If you couldn’t tell, Freddy is just such a lovely human being isn’t he? I mean, did you really expect a child murderer to be a good person? What you probably didn’t expect is Freddy’s evil being so potent that it’s able to corrupt anyone and anything it comes into contact with. He can reconstruct whole buildings with pieces of himself that bring the building to life, desperately looking for more things to corrupt. He’s even able to implant his evil into people’s souls, making them grow a split personality that tries to take over their body every waking second and makes the person far more hostile. Looking at Freddy for too long will also make you feel unclean and corrupt.

Matter Manipulation

Strangely, despite not being a realm of the physical, the Dream World still has a unique type of matter that, surprise surprise, Freddy can manipulate. With this he can turn solid material into an adhesive one - much like toothpaste weirdly enough - and dreamers can turn water into fire. Aside from changing matter, he can disassemble and reassemble forms of matter with a snap of his fingers.

Energy Manipulation

Freddy can passively absorb energy around him, increasing his abilities if they’re ever weakened and potentially nullifying whoevers energy he’s draining. Freddy has a special connection to dream energy in that his spirit exists within it, so if dream energy is ever released onto someone, Freddy will possess them. 

Anti-Energy Manipulation

His aura spreads anti-energy to anything near him. Anti-energy is, in short, a negative energy source that drains the energy out of anything living it comes into contact with. Anti-energy is also referred to as “sheer, absolute and total nothingness”, meaning anti-energy doesn’t just drain energy, it erases it from existence entirely. 

Energy Projection

By consuming enough dream energy, or nightmare energy in Freddy’s case, dreamers can shoot them out in the form of energy blasts. 

Elemental Abilities

As the dream demon and rival to the dream master, it’s no shock that Freddy has great control over the elements that the dream world still possesses and Freddy has showcased power over nearly every god damn one of them.

Weather Manipulation

A killer can’t get a good kill on without some fitting weather conditions now can he? Plenty of times Freddy has been shown to be able to channel storms either directly or indirectly, even being able to become said storm to oversee escaping victims or make it rain blood all over the place. However if boring old regular weather conditions aren’t doing it for you, he can summon sentient storm clouds that block out the sun and are capable of devouring it in a short time.

Magnetism Manipulation

Kane, who stole Freddy’s dream powers for himself, can project powerful waves of magnetism that can redirect any metal to stab through the target and morph metals however he likes, quickly forming anything from a sword to a chainsaw. 

Life Manipulation

Freddy has power over your life in more ways than one, by killing you to literally having power over your life. He can “consume your life” by killing you, soak in your lifeforce and other dreamers Freddy should realistically be above are able to create life out of nothing. 

Death Manipulation

Freddy has consistently shown to utilize the nature of death for attacks and to “decorate” his environment. Causing lifeforms to decay and wither away at a rapid rate. For the actual attacking part, he can mummify others to nothing but dust and turn once normal looking humans into a dried skeleton the moment you take your eyes off of them. Cue the kickass guitar music. 

Age Manipulation

By exploiting fears that link with your past, Freddy can revert you back to your younger self. Making you vulnerable to mental attacks and generally being weakened. Due to, y’know, being a child.

Biological/Blood Manipulation

Kills come with blood and Freddy has both of those in spades. He can summon massive amounts of blood from seemingly nowhere, form himself from your own blood or materialize objects like his signature hat from blood. Along with controlling blood, Freddy can modify your biology like creating holes in your arms for needles or fusing your biology with an earpiece.

Fragrance Manipulation

I guess murdering children for a living sacrifices any attempt to maintain proper hygiene. Freddy’s breath is vile in the fact that it apparently smells like raw sewage that has chunks of animal flesh rotting in it for several weeks. Oddly specific, a little bit too specific.

Disease Manipulation

Yeah, this one’s just plain gross. Freddy can infect you with a supernatural sickness that causes you to vomit profusely and so much to the point where you drown in your own vomit. Which then BFRs you into another dream. Told you, gross.

Technology Manipulation

Freddy has fairly consistently been shown to have the ability to influence Real and Dream World technology to his liking. Hijacking cars, controlling robots in his image or making lights malfunction and blow out just by passing them.

Data Manipulation

Good old Freddy Krueger has seen a lot through his killing career, from killing in the Real World, to killing in the Dream World, to killing in both of them simultaneously. But a much more odd way he’s killed is through electronics itself, more accurately through the TranceBox program. For clarification, the TranceBox is a digital program that hooks the user's brain up to samples of other people’s dreams and lets the user take the place of the dreamer and experience these dreams on their own. 

After people found dreams involving Freddy, he was able to slip into the program. With this, he got straight to work being able to reshape websites and change elements in them like what the cursor looks like. Don’t think for a second he’s trapped in there! He can extend his arm out in a plasma or ectoplasm like way to attack you from the screen.

Paper/Text Manipulation

Since Freddy likes messing with people so much, sometimes, he actively communicates to them. The biggest example being in Freddy’s Dead where he made the average map grow larger and larger to the point where it seemed endless. Only to then write out a “YOU’RE FUCKED” at the end of it. Great. Thanks Freddy. If he wants to be somehow even meaner, he can create text on pieces of paper in reality to say whatever vile shit comes to mind.

Animal Manipulation

How the Dream World has wildlife is beyond me but eh. Freddy can influence both real life animals and dream animals, making them act violent, paranormal or using them as decoration. 

Darkness Manipulation

Using the shadowy environment of the Dream World, he can manipulate his shadow to project himself and kill people from a distance. Despite this power not working as intended in the scene, Freddy’s ability to interact with dreamers was weakened so it likely works when he’s at his peak. For example, at full power he was able to grab onto someone's shadow and tug them backward.

Light Manipulation

Complimenting his darkness manipulation, Freddy can spawn what appears to be flashes of light that acts as a portal for him to make his way literally through your body. But if he ever wants to make a dream like home, he can turn the sky into whatever color he wants. Most likely a crimson red.


During his time in the deadite dimension, Freddy stuck around The Necronomicon for so long that it literally became a part of him against its will. Now with the book’s demonic passages coursing through his very veins, he gained all of the book’s own abilities for himself. In addition to its primary use, it allows him to exist in the real world and transform into his stronger dream form in an instant. 


Comparable to the Dream Master, Alice, who was able to split her soul and dreams apart from Freddy after he merged with them. Forcefully vomiting him out in a frankly weird as fuck scene.


Freddy’s not above taunting people with the dead, but this seems a bit excessive. In any case, he can summon the victims of whoever he’s messing with as a makeshift army to overwhelm them. But if he really wants to wreak havoc on someone’s dream, he can resurrect the souls of the dead as mindless zombies that will blindly attack anyone they see and turn them into a zombie. 


When he used the Necronomicon to bring his nightmare to life, Freddy could summon an army of deadites in the form of deadite possessed trees, animals and of course, zombies. 

Power Bestowal

Necronomicon infused Freddy, or Primal Freddy for short, can grant others the Necronomicon’s ability to help him conquer earth. 

Accelerated Development

As the ruler of the Dream World, Freddy is capable of just about anything a regular dream can do and much more. Dreamers can adapt and learn everything that has to do with a specific skill, such as soccer. Allowing them to increase their physical capabilities to better match what they’re doing and engrave themselves with everything that has to do with it in their body. 

Forcefield Creation

Freddy can fire and or energy like barriers to block enemies and protect himself from damage, or if he wants to play hide and seek, he can make shields separating people from certain realms. Preventing them from entering.


In case of any budget problems, Freddy can cloak himself and fight while invisible so no dynamic shots are needed! How neat. Thank you Freddy! You sure saved this movie.


The Dream World is a non-corporeal realm that is directly stated to not be bound by physical reality. Meaning that both the Dream World and the souls that reside in it are non-physical, allowing them to phase through matter as shown above and interact with other non-corporeal entities. 

Avatar Creation

Since souls are incorporeal by nature, in order to operate on certain dimensional planes or interact physically, they can manifest a physical body for themselves with their imagination.


Oh god there’s more of them. As if you didn’t get enough of his burnt face and striped sweater, he can split himself into multiple Freddy clones that can gain up on enemies or make a dream duplicate of you to aid him in battle.


There aren’t just multiple Freddy’s through his duplication, Freddy is damn near everywhere in the Dream World. He can occupy more than one space in your dreams at once and exist as separate entities. He’s not limited to singular dreams either, Freddy can appear in multiple dreams and terrorize each dreamer at once. There’s even a Freddy in Freddy’s mind and dreams funnily enough. In fact, each dream that the TranceBox collected from past dreamers had a Freddy in it. There could be a Freddy in your mind, ready to burst out at any moment.


Being far more powerful and in control then dreamers means that we can reliably compare Freddy’s abilities to these dreamers, such as dreamers who have directly been stated to have precognition and those who can understand and predict the future through unconscious dream awareness.


Along with being able to see the future, Freddy can make you see glimpses of the past in the form of images, emotions and various sensations that bring dread to the very core of your being. Having too much exposure to this mad bastard is unwise as well, since that can make you dream of his past and relive it. 

Time Manipulation

Unsurprisingly, the reality of the Dream World comes with its own time too. Which Freddy is more than prepared to manipulate. He can trap you in a time loop, making you repeat the same actions over and over with no ending, cause time to slow to a crawl and return to normal in the blink of an eye and stop time. Which other dreamers like Nancy herself can do. 

Spatial Manipulation

Freddy can bend and alter the spatial distance in dreams, making distances that were once a few footsteps away a mile in length and objects impossibly tall, causing them to stretch so far that they disappear out of view and into shadows.

Gravity Manipulation

Even with his power slowly being absorbed, Freddy can reportedly defy gravity through some pretty damn skilled acrobatics.

Black Hole Creation

During a fight in the Dream World, Freddy and a dreamer’s attacks collided in a force so powerful it smashed a hole in the fabric of reality - a black hole. Now given the context we don’t think it’s a black hole but one thing is for certain, it’s a rip in the Dream World to the Real World. A destroyed chunk of reality in the Dream World that if went into, will transport you back into the Real World. Definitely a unique black hole that’s for sure. 

Dimensional Manipulation

With the Real and Dream World’s dimensional shtick, it really shouldn’t be a shock that Freddy has commonly messed with the boundaries between the two. There have been points where Freddy has ripped the membrane separating them and an entity with Freddy’s powers was able to overlap reality and dreams evenly. Standing in neither one or the other but in both somehow. If all this is too complicated, don’t fear! Freddy can stick you in a 2D plane himself and follow you there, or become a 2D drawing and slowly push himself back into 3D. 

Pocket Reality Manipulation

As stated by the writers of Freddy vs Jason vs Ash, Freddy can create dimension altering bubbles that act sorta like snow globes, a pocket dimension in simpler terms. This is backed up by the comics where Freddy created a pocket dimension containing its own starry sky out of a hole in a bed.


Freddy has a knack for trapping the souls of his victims inside some form of fictional media. Pieces of paper, television, movies, video games, paintings, the list goes on. Freddy can enter these works of fiction himself, though only he can escape of course. Why does he like to do this so much? No idea.


The Dream World can sometimes get really lonely for our good pal Freddy, souls come and go but none of them stay. At least, not willingly. Freddy can lock your soul in the Dream World, whether it’s his mind or your own,  making it impossible to get out by yourself. But if he likes to trick the poor son of a bitch he’s tormenting, he can seal them in a dream within their current dream. Giving the victim false hope that they’re awake, letting Freddy get the jump on them once again.

Willpower Manipulation

For a quick refresh on Dream Manipulation to get a better understanding of this. In the Dream World, realistically anything is possible as long as the dreamer wishes and wills it to happen. Freddy can target this aspect of Dream Manipulation by draining the willpower out of dreamers or overpowering their own will with his own, letting him rewrite their dreams.

Subjective Reality

Much like his soon to be dream self  Freddy as a human was able to control his dreams and eventually learned the secret to eliminate the difference between his fantasies and reality. This fusion of fantasy and reality is exactly how he performed and later got away with his killing spree in the first place. Dreamers can bring fictional characters to reality of their daydreams and shape the logic of their dreams by dreaming about characters or places in fictional stories such as the Dreamlands of H.P Lovecraft. Letting them experience the world of these works of fiction for themselves. 


The Dream World is not governed by the same logic or causality that our world does, it runs off of “Dream Logic.A unique form of logic where the rules of logic and cause and effect mean nothing. It doesn’t follow the same lines of logic that our world does and instead operates on a much more twisted scale. Time is weirdly elastic in the Dream World, further proof that it has a different flow of time relative to the Real World.This separate system of time, logic and causality is exactly how Freddy is immune to history being changed by events in dreams.

Causality Manipulation

As expected, dreamers often have recurring dreams of traumatic events which are a one for one replica of what actually happened. Fortunately, or unfortunately in some cases, dreamers like Freddy can interact with and change how these events played out. Essentially rewriting history to their whim, although occasionally it does spark an unwanted outcome. This ability works in both the Real World and Dream World, the latter of which implies this ability is layered because the rules of causality don’t apply to the Dream World. Yet dreamer’s causality manipulation can still affect them. 

Curse Manipulation

Upon his death, Freddy seemingly inflicted Springwood with an unliftable curse that haunts them to this very day. A curse that brought terror to the once peaceful town, all in the name of Freddy Krueger. 

Fate Manipulation

Dreamers, albeit extremely powerful and skilled ones, can alter the course of action of their dreams just by willing it to happen, taking control of their dreams once more to achieve whatever they want. They can even visualize a fate for others and turn this fate into reality, like when a powerful dreamer in Jacob trapped Freddy in a death loop by applying the fate he visualized to Freddy’s dream. 

Existence Erasure

At his peak, Freddy was able to tamper with the line between dreams and reality until he found a way to manipulate both. Leading to him erasing his victims out of history, almost as if they never existed, after he kills them. Along with this, he’s able to tear the very essence of one's being apart just with his overwhelming presence and erase certain aspects like humanity from people. All of this he can do at a drop of his dashing hat. 

Enhanced Senses

Him hunting and playing with his prey every chance he can get has naturally increased his senses, to where he could see in the dark and track his victims down no matter where they go.

Cosmic Awareness/Extrasensory Perception

If it wasn’t obvious enough, Freddy is in complete control over one's dreams and knows exactly where his victims are at all times. His senses go from superhuman, to much more supernatural with time. Which fits, given he can sense the presence of spiritual beings in dimensions adjacent to that of the Dream World and tell when someone is messing with his corpse. Quickly being able to possess his corpse to stop them. 


The Dream World can get a bit boring at times, despite all of the fun it has for Freddy. So if he ever needs to sit back and relax, Freddy can view things unfolding in the Real World through orbs or through the eyes of his victims, even being able to briefly communicate with people in the Real World. Skilled dreamers are also able to know where people are in the Dream World purely off of instinct. With his mind reading, he can know “everything” about you and your life.

Fourth Wall Awareness

So, finally a chance to meet eye to eye? Don’t look at me like that bitch, I’ve seen you for quite awhile, scrolling through this blog these pathetic losers made, but I can’t be too mad at them. After all, they are the reason we’re speaking face to face. I know exactly what you're here for. You came to see ME! You’re here to see what Freddy Krueger’s made out of! For good god damn reason too, how come that slow, stupid and no style having mommas boy is getting tossed around by Batman and Bugs Bunny? How come that jackshit nobody who got his life ruined by a fucking dictonary is getting a animated series that no one in their right mind is gonna watch? Yet, nothing for poor old Freddy. 

As if being forgotten in my own series wasn’t a bitch, NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH MY FRANCHISE SLOWLY BEING FORGOTTEN WITH NO NEW NOTHING!? I SAY NO! I’ll tell you what, I like ya kid. You got your eyes set on the right slasher, from the bottom of my cold and frankly non-existent heart, I appreciate it. I’ll let you off the hook for the time being, but these “researchers” here who left their computer open and unattended? They won’t be so lucky. 

Alright I’m back. Freddy has often shown that he’s awa- oh what the actual fuck.

Plot Manipulation

As I was saying, Freddy often displays an uncannily accurate awareness of the fourth wall. He can talk directly to us, know people like his actor and know if characters in his series are major or minor characters. What’s scarier is that Freddy seemingly has had control over his story at times, he hosted and directed his own TV show starring scenarios he himself created. Starting episodes at his command. We’re not safe from his influence either as the writer of the Freddy vs Jason vs Ash comic had a vision of Freddy that, although it didn’t kill him, was real. Evident in Freddy’s shit eating smile. Freddy went so far as possessing his actor, Robert Englund, reportedly more than once. 


Freddy is powerful not only in his dangerously unpredictable abilities and his absurd strength, but in his sheer unkillability. As the remaining sections will discuss, it’s near impossible to keep ‘em down for good. Burning, impalement, mutilation, the list goes on. Let’s not beat around the bush and get straight to it. 

Right off the bat, the Dream Demons blessed Freddy with forever life and to keep his charming good looks for an eternity. He can survive fatal injuries like constant stabbing, having his arm ripped off and can even remain sentient after decapitation. Despite his immortality in the films usually taking a while, in novels works right away and at the most less than an hour. Not including his defeat in Dream Dealers, which seems to be the end of Freddy’s story for now. 

It really says a lot when Dr. Neil Gordon, someone who spent nearly their entire life researching ways to permanently kill Freddy, came to the conclusion that the only person who could do so was Freddy himself. Or rather a version of Freddy that was specifically designed to destroy Krueger in the same way that antimatter destroys matter. Which didn’t even work, mind you.

But all of this is just child’s play, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


If you somehow manage to kill Freddy, it is far from the last you’ve seen of him. Through multiple means we will soon get to I promise, he can come back from the dead and if being an equal to the Dream Master is anything to go by, he can resurrect others by dreaming them into, well, dreams. But it’s never about others with Freddy is it? When Freddy “dies”, he doesn’t die in the traditional way, he spawns back into his own dream to recollect his power to try again. 

Freddy’s own life seems to be put on some bizarre loop where when he dies, his mother relieves her past and gives birth to a baby Freddy which quickly develops into the Freddy we know and fear. It doesn’t seem to be Freddy’s doing either, as he lost his powers in the previous film and only got them back after his mother gave birth to him again.

Dream/Real World Self

One of the many reasons Freddy is able to come back is through the remains of his past self, whether it be his Real World corpse or the dream version of this corpse. Either way, his remains act as seeds where he can be reborn after he gains enough strength to do so, which he can get plenty of by retreating to his own nightmare for the time being. Essentially his remains keep him tethered to existence and so long as they’re around, you guessed it, he’ll be back lickity split. In order to get rid of his connection to his remains, his real world remains anyway, you need to find it in a junkyard and do it in holy water before saying a holy chant. Only then will remains be destroyed. 

Dream Demons

Somehow, the very things that gave Krueger his power are even uglier than him. The Dream Demons are mythological entities of pure and absolute evil that search the realm of dreams for a host evil enough to be given the title of Dream Demon. Which just so happened to be Frederick Charles Krueger. They exist within the layers of Freddy’s soul yet are, more often than not, unphased by an attack on Freddy’s soul. Having given Freddy his powers, they can strip him of his dream powers if he gets too out of line or resurrect him everytime he dies. Making him forever, too bad you’re not.

Dream And Soul Merging

After death, Freddy can passively fuse himself with your or anyone else’s dreams and soul. Letting him live on as long as your soul and dreams are still around, only growing stronger with each passing day. Due to being connected to you, Freddy can be ripped out by his host spitting his body and soul out of them. God that sounds bad. Although this does take some form of fissionism to pull off correctly.

Essence Immortality

At various points through the novels, it’s claimed that Freddy’s survival is tied to his essence. Just knowing Freddy’s name and writing your experiences with him on let’s say a notebook will fill the notebook with Krueger’s essence, letting him tamper with the text on the notebook and invade the minds of anyone who reads the notebook. Essentially, everything you know about Freddy is considered his essence and he can live on through it and the more you know, the more his essence spreads to other minds. This is especially hard to deal with since just seeing Freddy once will let you know who he is and will engrain his name into your mind.

Abstract Existence/Conceptual Immortality

Freddy’s existence goes far beyond what even skilled dreamers can hope to accomplish, it’s more horrific than anyone could ever dream of, fittingly enough. Freddy has grown to such a level that he is now a representation and embodiment of the world’s fears, nightmares and most importantly, hate. As long as humanity keeps hating each other and as long as hate exists as a concept, Freddy can never truly die and is able to come back to life once hate reaches its threshold. Which is borderline instantaneous.

Freddy is the highest evolutionary state of evil in the same way that a human being is beyond an insect on the evolutionary tree. He’s an accumulation of every negative emotion that humans are capable of feeling. Every negative action, word, thought and imagination are all contained within his twisted hellspawn of a soul. With him basically being the storage tank of negative emotions that exist and don’t exist, he can never really be killed for good and will have an unlimited supply of power at his disposal as long as people keep having these negative emotions and continue to have bad dreams.

These concepts mentioned are fairly unique on their own, because concepts in the Dream World are far more abstract then regular concepts, which in this case just so happens to be physical hands. Meaning Freddy’s abstract existence and conceptual immortality may very well be layered. At least in some way.


Last but not least on the immortal chopping block is Freddy’s unbelievable healing factor. Over the course of the franchise we’ve seen him go through intense punishment but manage to get back up like nothing happened, so let’s see exactly what he’s survived.

Now, these regenerating feats already can get up to Low-Mid Godly regeneration but we can go higher knowing how souls and minds work in Nightmare On Elm Street. Firstly, souls contain the mind in a sort of mindscape. Regenerating the soul would require regenerating the mind and so on. Focusing on Bekka’s feat, not only was her soul and mind being attacked by Freddy but Freddy’s abilities were damaging her physically. So, she was able to regenerate her body, soul and mind from being torn apart through her sense of self. 

Meanwhile, Freddy’s soul, as explained in the abstract existence section above, is hate, fears, nightmares and evil in its highest evolutionary state. Along with every other negative emotion that humanity is capable of feeling, even emotions that are imaginary. All of this qualifies for Freddy hitting Mid-Godly regeneration at absolute worst and comfortably hitting High-Godly.




  • Killed several children during his time as a mere human and got away with it without being punished by law.

  • Was deemed the most evil motherfucker in the whole verse by the Dream Demons.

  • Tormented Springwood as its number one nightmare, killing the entire population of minors in only a decade.

  • Broke out of Springwood and took his terror worldwide.

  • Fought skilled dreamers, the dream master, Jason Voorhees and Ash Williams.

  • Manipulated Jason Voorhees into getting the Necronomicon so he could use it to enter the Real World.

  • Got his own musical album.

  • Became President of the United States and made child murder legal.

  • Took control over his actor.

  • Still is remembered today despite not having a recent solo movie installment starring him since 1991.


  • When fused with the Necronomicon…

  • The “worlds” in this case are both the Dream World and Digital World (given the context of him killing Milton in a dreamscape on Autumn's computer), not only is this further back up him scaling to the Dream World. But the Digital World, in particular the TranceBox, is a rift in time and space and a portal to other dimensions. Meaning Freddy has control over these dimensions as well and is able to reshape them however he likes. 




"Now I lay me down to sleep. The master of dreams, my soul I'll keep. In the reflection of my mind's eye, evil will see itself and it shall die."

One might think, with all of Freddy’s power over the Dream World and his plethora of abilities to hunt his victims down, it’s impossible to wake up. However, Freddy has far more flaws than you would otherwise think. The most obvious of which is ego, Freddy views himself as above everyone he faces and although he can get serious when someone poses as an actual threat to him, his arrogance has led to his defeat more times than he’d like to admit. Freddy can be blocked out of dreams through the use of a Dreamcatcher, not really important but useful to bring up.

His other main weakness is, his powers are specific to the Dream World and other spiritual planes of existence, he can’t use them in the Real World without sources like the Necronomicon letting him do so. What makes this worse is that Freddy can be dragged into the Real World if a dreamer wakes up while holding onto him. Even if he can make a portal to go back to the Dream World, he’d still be put at a massive downgrade in terms of stats and abilities. The souls in his chest can turn on him and rip open his own soul if he’s ever exposed to his own reflection. He seems to have gotten around this weakness since he later regenerated from this, however.

But his absolute biggest weakness is being forgotten, as silly as that sounds. Freddy is a supernatural force that drives himself off the misery he has created, both in his murders when he was alive and after his death. If too many people end up forgetting the name Freddy Krueger and what he did, then Freddy will not have the power to enter or interact with the dreams of others. It would be difficult to make sure no one remembers Freddy and it isn’t totally a surefire way to put him down, however by destroying the memories of Freddy from reality then you can erase Freddy’s own memories and effect his connection to the souls he would otherwise be killing. It weakens him greatly and he actually can’t do anything about it, except scream in anger. He’ll do just that. Although, he can ignore this weakness if we were to give him the Necronomicon. Which offers him direct contact with reality and not needing to be remembered in order to kill that he usually has. 

Also, he’s 0-2 in rap battles, come on Freddy you’re supposed to be good at insulting people.

Important Notes

A Nightmare On Elm Street Cosmology

Of course the funny slasher series that has a bastard son of 100 maniacs kill you when you sleep has cosmology, why wouldn’t it? I did briefly go over how the parts of the cosmology of NOES works in both Nightmare Manipulation and Power but it does warrant its own section explaining the full cosmology as a whole, so here we are. 

The Dream World, despite what you might think, is nowhere near close to the dreams that you and I experience. It’s an astral plane of existence and a completely different dimension that our souls go to when we sleep, where the dreamer then chooses between a positive gate or negative gate. These gates lead the soul to their respected dream, which is determined by what was last in their consciousness before they drifted off to sleep. Everyone does this every time they sleep. 

Dreams are a parallel universe to that of the Real World, which is how they have identical places and celestial bodies like planets and stars. Dreams have also been referred to as infinite in size, having an endless night sky and stretching to infinity. Meaning they’re not only parallel to reality and therefore just as big as a normal universe, their total size is infinite. 

As said before, everyone dreams and there can be multiple dreams happening at once. The Dream World acts as a multiverse to these dreams, housing the dreams of everyone on earth in a dreamscape of sorts, for lack of a better word. Each dream is their own realm with different realities not bound by physical reality and with their own elastic time. How many dreams are there? It’s said that Freddy’s laugh echoed throughout the Dream World and therefore affected the dreams of everyone on earth. So the Dream World contains the earth’s dreams, since this novel (Protege) takes place in 2009, we can estimate that the Dream World at this moment has over 6 billion dreams. But it doesn’t end there.

In an interview, Wes Craven himself had this to say about the Dream World:

“Now that he (Freddy) is in that boundless realm of dreams and non-corporeal existence, he has enormous power.”

Notice how it says dreams, plural, not singular. Now obviously this doesn’t literally mean boundless in vs debating terms but it does mean that there are an infinite amount of dreams within the Dream World.

There are other important things to mention about the Dream World I would like to mention, mainly one. Which is H.P Lovecraft. Yeah, that H.P Lovecraft. Using the TranceBox, a device that lets you relive and experience forms of media like books in the form of Dreams, some nerd used this to dream about the Dreamlands from Lovecraft. We know that dreamers using the TranceBox can shape the reality of their dreams by just knowing information and given that she already dreamed about Lovecraft characters like a Gug. You can argue she did indeed experience the Dreamlands especially when she remarks that the Dreamlands found their way into the TranceBox’s dreams. Now does this mean we’re gonna use Cthulhu Mythos scaling, no we’re not that crazy but I wouldn’t have another chance to bring this up so, yeah. 

The Astral Plane, similar to the Dream World, is a metaphysical plane of existence. It’s dimensionally adjacent to the Dream World and is considered fair ground for Freddy to use his dream abilities. We don’t have a clear cut size for the Astral Plane but Bekka does say that the core of the Astral Plane is farther than the “outermost star in the galactic perimeter”, which would be just over 1 million lightyears from Earth. Besides that we don’t really know a whole lot. 

The Digital World, cue the theme. Once again, not a whole lot of information to go off. The Digital World opened up to Freddy through the over-use of the TranceBox making people dream about Freddy again, letting him enter the Digital World and do his thing. The TranceBox is a rift in time and space and contains other dimensions.

The Real World is the name often used throughout the series to refer to reality, our world so to speak. Obviously not much needs to be said given it functions the same way our universe does but it does have its own traits. Dr. Neil Gordon, pro in all things killing Freddy, claims that there are an extremely large but finite number of parallel universes still connected by the laws of physical reality that correspond to life changing decisions. Each being that has ever existed in the universe has at least 1 parallel universe but not every other parallel universe. Just multiple.

Since Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Evil Dead all share the same universe (more information here), we can assume their cosmologies are the same for the most part. In Evil Dead, there are infinite timelines and always a version of you connected to some point in time. Funnily enough, this lines up with the Dream World being parallel to the Real World since both would contain an infinite amount of universes that are infinite. 

So, does Freddy scale to the Dream World? Yes, at the VERY least we can scale him to a singular dream. He has ways of scaling to other parts of the cosmology too. Freddy has been said to control both dreams and the Dream World even when he was just a “regular” human. He has feats of destroying the layout of a dream and turning it into an endless road that stretches forever in all directions, scaling to dreamers that can cause the fabric of their dreams to collapse with a scream and combining the dreams of several people into one big dream. Hell, he even draws power from the Dream World and its nightmares. 

He has affected the entire Dream World and all of existence by screaming or laughing. He has ripped the membrane separating the Real and Dream Worlds, and was able to affect them both at the same time on occasion. His power was said to be able to shape worlds and modify reality, worlds in this case referring to the Dream and Digital World. Using amps he can get higher, like how he entered a world beyond that of the Dream World by using a kid in a coma and the Necronomicon giving him control over the Dream Demons themselves and unlimited control over the Real and Dream Worlds. 

All of this supports the idea that Freddy’s power should at least be comparable to a single dream, which is Universal+. Combining multiple dreams into one big dream would be Low Multiversal. His power over the Dream World and other dimensions could very well get him higher, anywhere from Multiversal - Multiversal+. With amps like kids in comas and the Necronomicon, he can potentially get higher. 

Is Freddy weak to a lack of fear and or belief?

Yeah, that question you just read is the most frequently debated topic in all of Nightmare history. So, what’s our take? Is Freddy weak due to a lack of fear and belief? In short, sorta but not in a way that really matters all that much in a vs scenario. Although it admittedly does depend on the matchup you’re going for. Lemme explain. 

Starting off with Fear, it’s understandable why people think no fear would be a weakness to Freddy at first glance. However, although Freddy gets stronger from fear, not fearing him has never weakened his abilities permanently. Key word permanently. We’ll get to that.

The main case I see people use is Freddy’s “defeat” in the original Nightmare On Elm Street. Nancy declared that she “took back every bit of energy” she gave Freddy, despite Freddy successfully being erased from her dream as a result. As soon as Nancy opens the door, she finds herself in yet another dream and at the hands of Freddy. You can’t use this as a point saying you can get rid of Freddy by not fearing him since he immediately comes back and is ready to murder good as new. 

He’s faced good people who don’t fear him too. Like Nancy Thompson, who Freddy killed while disguised as her father, leaving her no room to fear him. After her death, she became a dream entity that fought Freddy in different realities. Other examples include The Dream Master, Alice, who adopted all of her dead friend’s traits and fought Freddy head on with no fear in the back of her mind and Jason Voorhees. Who I don’t think needs an explanation. Among other examples like lucid dreamers.

As you can see there’s quite a bit to suggest that Freddy can fight and kill people who do not fear him. However, no fear can serve as a weakness. Freddy’s power is not dictated by one person’s fear, it’s everyone's fear of him. One person not fearing Freddy will not do much when he has the entire Dream World to fall back on, or if he wants he can soak in their lifeforce to gain power, but if one were to target the Dream World’s fear of Freddy in addition to forgetting about Freddy. Then that can serve as a legitimate weakness… although one that can be easily ignored if we were giving him the Necronomicon. Which lets him interact with reality and all of existence directly instead of needing fear to invade people’s dreams.

Next, Belief. This one is a little more weird, natural since it’s the main thing dreamers use to fight against Freddy. So is it an option his opponents can use against him? Not particularly no. For starters, not everyone can shape the reality of your dreams, you have to either be very skilled and experienced in how to do it or you have to be gifted. The only reason ordinary kids like the Dream Warriors were able to is that they are the last Elm Street children and were given the power by other dream entities. People who do not fall under this case are skilled dreamers, who need a bunch of equipment to do it right and have spent their entire lives researching this. Even then, both of these Dream Manipulation users Freddy has had no trouble overpowering and killing. 

Think of it this way, Freddy is the pinnacle of power a person can have in the Dream World, skilled dreamers always fall short and normal people fail to control their dreams at all. You can’t just “believe” you can. It’s not that simple unfortunately. Now, believing in Freddy’s existence is another thing. No one remembering Freddy is, as stated, one of his main weaknesses. But also as previously stated, he can get over this weakness with the Necronomicon.

So, no. You not fearing Freddy and believing you can control your dreams will not work unless it’s widespread throughout all of reality and all of the Dream World. Which, even then, could be negated by the Necronomicon anyway.

New Nightmare Freddy

The cooler Mimic

If you don’t know by now, the final solo Nightmare On Elm Street installment, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, is a rather interesting case when it comes to Vs. There has been some debate on whether the version of Freddy in this film is usable with the original Freddy, which is why I noticeably left it absent from this thread. So, is it? No. It is not a usable version of the character. In fact it’s not even the character at all. 

The first thing you have to realize about New Nightmare is that, although it does take place within the same “story” of sorts, It views the rest of the franchise as fictional. As in, the characters in this film are the actors that starred in the film series, such as Nancy Thompson and the goat, Robert Englund. It’s connected to the Nightmare canon in the same way, let's say, the Goosebumps movies are connected to the books. They view the verse as fictional, a movie series, in the same way that me and you do.

Secondly, the “Freddy” in this movie is not Freddy at all. It’s an evil entity that has been festering in the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise ever since its first film. It just takes the form of the character Freddy Krueger, rather than actually being Freddy himself. There is no evidence of the actual Freddy being comparable to New Nightmare Freddy either. 

Because of this, New Nightmare Freddy cannot be considered a usable version of the character of Freddy Krueger. He is a completely different character that views Freddy as fiction, it warrants his own matchup rather than being shoehorned into a Freddy matchup. 


“Welcome to my nightmare.”

  • Attack Potency/Durability ranges from Universal+ to Low Multiversal at least, Multiversal to Multiversal+ through the Dream World, Higher at his peak using amps.

  • Speed ranges from Relativistic to MFTL+, Infinite to Immeasurable at best.

  • Skilled fighter in and out of the Dream World with many years of experience.

  • Very cunning and manipulative.

  • Dream Manipulation lets him manipulate reality itself in the Dream World, letting him do anything he really wants. 

  • Various abilities, Empathetic manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Transmutation, Shapeshifting, Time Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation to name a few. There are much much much MUCH more.

  • Resistance to a good amount of abilities such as physical Reality Warping, Fire Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind/Dream Manipulation.

  • Absolutely busted immortality and regeneration makes him nigh impossible to put down for good.

  • Main weakness is his massive ego and being forgotten, although the latter can be negated with the Necronomicon. 

Closing Words

Hey, Spycrab here. This blog was a doozy to get through, it was chaotic but also very fun since I got to go in depth about a slasher I really like that hasn’t been fully researched. Speaking of which, big thanks to Iceking for helping with some research and Fiction for helping with the Necronomicon sections. Even if they’re both big nerds. To credit sources, for some links I did end up using the VSBW page on Freddy, Freddy Krueger vs Pennywise Blog by g1^2 and H1DBBlog’s Ash Williams vs Frank Wes blogt. (Hi thicc it’s Ice)

This blog is long enough as it is so I won’t be adding a “Possible Opponents” this time around, although if you were curious about my thoughts on Freddy’s matchups…

Here you go, not explaining nothing. Except, no, that's not Jeff the killer in okay. 

On a real note, I love making blogs and threads like these and I do hope you enjoy them. I worked really hard on this one and if you don’t necessarily agree, totally fine. I’m just a silly crab writing about silly characters. Well that’s just about all I have to say, thank you so much for reading and…

Wait what’s that claw coming through my scree-



  1. Nice blog, I'm the person that made the Freddy vs Pennywise blog way back then. Is there a way I can get your contact info? I'd love to talk more about some of the things in here.

    1. Thanks! my name is Spycrabbin on discord, you can likely find me in servers like Death Battle Judgement under the name "Spycrab." Curious on what you would like to discuss.


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