Friday, December 13, 2024

Killer Croc vs Jason Voorhees (DC vs Friday The 13th)

"Monsters are tragic beings. They are born too tall, too strong, too heavy. They are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy." - Ishiro Honda

Killer Croc, The sewer dwelling and scaly brute of Gotham City.

Jason Voorhees, Crystal Lake’s walking death curse and hockey masked slasher.

Much like the superheroes in the sky, the most tragic of monsters aren’t born, they’re made. Born as a deformed and despised outcast subjected to extreme bullying and isolation for as long as they could ever know, with little to no sense of comfort to help them. They were never given the chance to be what they truly were, a person, which resulted in them being beaten, brutalized or even killed by others. Making them grow up bitter and resentful for the ones that caused them so much pain their whole life. Now big and strong as grown ups and monstrous beasts, they would deal with the carnage they were dealt and make others suffer like they did. 

But when these water lurking monsters come face to face, who will sink to the bottom of the lake and who will rise to the surface to live another day? Will Killer Croc thrash Jason enough to drown him for good or will Jason claim yet another life to the waters of Camp Blood? Let’s see who’ll take the crown of the apex predator in this all too gorey DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

As expected, with the vast media both characters and especially series bring to the table, we need to lay some ground rules on what we will be using and what we won’t. This’ll be a doozy so strap in for one hell of a continuity trip.

Killer Croc will be treated like pretty much all DC Comics characters as of Infinite Frontiers, which is essentially an in-universe composite that makes all ages (Golden Age, Silver Age, both Pre and Post-Crisis, etc) canon to each other. So everything in the main universe is canon and usable. What won't be used is any of Croc's non-standard mutations, as they are always one-time buffs from extenuating circumstances that aren't a factor here. Relatively simple, but Jason is a whole ‘nother beast.

Friday The 13th continuity is all over the place, but we’ll of course be using the movies along with novelizations, comic books and video games. As they are all considered to be in the mainline canon. Freddy vs Jason vs Ash will also be used, the series are inherently connected in a way that it’s impossible to talk about them without mentioning a part of the others series. They are the biggest rivals of horror after all. So yes, they are canon. The Friday the 13th novels are more interesting, as their canon is more shattershot, however we’ve agreed that all of them are fine. 

The Black Flame novels are vague. But the middle book “Hate-Kill-Repeat” takes place directly after New Blood, ignoring Takes Manhattan while being followed by Goes To Hell. So the first 2 installments take place before New Blood while the last 3 happen before or after Goes To Hell. However there are some aspects of these books that won’t be used, like the army of sinners Jason leads in Hell Lake or the Zombie Infection he got in The Jason Strain, as he lost both of these at the end of their respective novels. The Jason X novels are much more simple, these pick up the story at the end of the Jason X movie and were originally supposed to be sequel movies. Due to this and the fact that they are linked to Freddy vs Jason and Evil Dead, They are canon as far as we are concerned. Last up are the Eric Morse novels, they tell a story that takes place immediately after Goes To Hell about Jason possessing people who put his mask on along with adding to Jason’s backstory and his connection with The Necronomicon (Further proof the series are connected). Although it does have a strange continuity that doesn’t add up to others perfectly, it should be fine to still include under the grounds of a Semi-Composite. 

For what won’t be used, the reboot is the big one that comes to mind, as it’s, well, a reboot that takes place in a different canon then the main story of Friday the 13th. Along with the Friday the 13th TV show that had nothing to do with Jason or anything regarding the movies. We also won’t be going too crazy with the various video game titles starring Jason, in particular we won’t be using the mobile game version of the original movie and crossover fighting games like Multiversus and Mortal Kombat. We have said that the Killer Puzzle game for Friday the 13th is fair game however, as it really just gives Jason a bunch more weapons and doesn’t change anything else. The crossover comics are a similar case to fighting games, that being Jason Vs Leatherface and Satanic Six. For those comics, we think it’s fine to include feats Jason performed in them but no scaling to characters like Leatherface and… The Devil.

Since there’s a lot to unpack with the media list/timeline for Jason, we’ve made our very own chart on the continuity of the franchise. There’s no real room to put the games though so imagine they’re there, mkay? Hopefully this clears things up so there’s no “not canon!” arguments thrown around on what we’re using.

One last thing, this blog will contain graphic violence, nudity (we won’t be showing anything outright tho!), mentions of mature sexual topics among numerous other dark themes. 


Killer Croc

“You know what your problem is? You’re a monster when it suits you. Me? I’M ALWAYS A MONSTER!

In the dark sewers of Gotham City, lies a Killer. Human, but no less a monster. He is one of the most dangerous criminals the city has even seen, and yet one of its most human as well. He is Killer Croc, and his story is one of a monster that the world made him.

Growing up in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Gotham, Croc was originally Waylon Jones, a boy unfortunately born with a rare skin disease that made him grow scaly skin, just like the leather hides of Crocodiles. Naturally, children being the most savage animals of all, mocked Waylon for his entire childhood by calling him “Croc.” His very birth killed his mother, drove his father away, and left him in the hands of his alcoholic aunt, who tried to literally scrub off his skin in order to “protect him” in a warped fashion from the cruel world around him. Even when Waylon found childhood friends, like an older police officer or a curious girl around his age, both were torn away when an adventure gone wrong with the latter unintentionally framed him for her death when she was killed by an Alligator and her blood was dripping from his body.

Forced to run or be locked away with no hope for escape, Waylon resigned himself to a different cage by becoming a show freak down in Florida, wrestling gators to earn food and a place to sleep. After years of this, Waylon finally snapped, and turned on the world itself for rejecting him. He literally bit off the hand that once fed him, and returned to Gotham to embrace the monster he always was, taking on his stage name as Killer Croc. As muscle for hire and even an intelligent criminal in his own right, Croc frequently crossed paths with another animal-themed warrior in the Batman, who stopped him cold in his tracks time and time again. Throughout all these plans and losses, Croc at his core simply wanted a place to call home, and a world that wouldn't hate him just because of his looks. While he could never change his Crocodile-like exterior, he could change his interior, and surprisingly, he's done so. 

This all started when he was inducted into the Suicide Squad, which forces convicted killers to work for the government in exchange for an eventual pardon. By this point, Croc had digressed in mental fortitude thanks to several mind control experiences and hatred at the world for all the times he was shunned. However, Croc actually found himself again in this forced redemption, all thanks to the deathly goddess of magic, Enchantress. Her human host, June Moore, was one of the few people that was actually nice to Croc, and she never saw him like the world did. Against all odds, the two formed a relationship, where even the Enchantress side of her mind grew to love Waylon, for perhaps the first time in his life. This experience with actual untainted love was just the first step in Croc's journey, and certainly not his last.

You'd originally think him a heartless killer, but even before meeting June, he saved and harbored underground outcasts like him several times over, helped fellow anti-heros like Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman, and of course there's the matter of Roy Harper. Long story short, Roy was in a very bad place at the time, and Croc knew it when he was egged into a fight all too one-sided against Green Arrow's former sidekick. He was trying to commit suicide through Croc, and Waylon couldn't stand that. So, he stopped, told Roy to pick himself up, and purposely left when he could have killed him, like any brutish monster. This went even further, when he became Roy's sponsor, ensuring he stayed at therapy and on the right track away from the bottle. Even he himself longed to be redeemed, shown in case by his sitting under the sewers of a church to listen to others at meetings about their addictions and moving past them. After receiving an actual redemption through the Squad, Croc returned home; working as a member of the Gotham City Monsters and even an extended member of the Bat-Family when the chips were down. Don't think he's gone soft though, because while his journey led him to become more human, deep down, Killer Croc is still the monster the world made him, and he'll happily let it out as he devours you whole.

Jason Voorhees

”There's a legend around here. A killer buried, but not dead. A curse on Crystal Lake, a death curse: Jason Voorhees' curse. They say he died as a boy, but he keeps coming back. Few have seen him and lived. Some have even tried to stop him. No one can. People forget he’s down there, waiting...

In the deep woods of New Jersey, there lies a small camp humbly known as Camp Crystal Lake, what appears to be a healthy, fun and especially atmospheric place where kids go with one another to learn a thing or two about the outdoors is famously known by the people around the Lake to be the hunting grounds to an infamous death curse. A man, no, a monster who arises from the grave every Friday the 13th to kill teenagers. Behold the tale, or perhaps legend, of Jason Voorhees, the Camp Blood Slasher.

Before he was born, his mother, Pamela Voorhees, could already tell they had a special relationship, as the mentally ill mother was hearing voices in her head of Jason telling her to kill her husband, Elias Voorhees. Which she later did due to his abusive and neglectful tendencies. When Jason was eventually born, he was born mentally and physically disabled. Pamela tried and tried to get Jason the help he needed to be embraced into society, but to no avail. And when she moved to New Jersey and took up a job at Camp Crystal Lake as a cook, things got even worse for Jason. He was picked on by the other kids every day, until one day where he was pushed into the water by a group of kids. You see, Jason wasn’t a very good swimmer and the teenage Camp Counselors that were supposed to be watching him were busy making love then watching Jason like they were supposed to. Jason, at such a young age, drowned. 

This was the moment where Pamela’s mental state broke. She snapped and after killing the two counselors that were watching Jason, she went on a rampage years later, killing any counselor she could find. But as it turns out, Jason wasn’t truly dead, at least in the way we think. Due to supernatural methods involving a certain demonic book, Jason crawled out of those waters a rotten and more deformed version of his young self. Not understanding what really happened to him or why he’s like this other than the fact that the people of Camp Crystal Lake hurt him, Jason took off into the woods. Completely isolating himself by growing up in the woods, learning how to hunt, shelter and tend to himself all on his own. Now a grown man, Jason ultimately came back to Camp Crystal Lake, just in time to see his mothers murder spree end. Jason, still mentally a kid in all of this, witnessed his mother get decapitated by the counselors who caused his death. Next year, his mothers killer mysteriously was murdered. Jason Voorhees had come back.

Having no one that helped him in life, not even his mother, the only one who loved him, Jason is still by all means mentally a disabled kid confused, hurt. Much like his mother, he would kill the people who killed him and his mother, the people who had hurt him his entire life, who neglected him, who bullied him, who outcasted him, who made him a monster. To Jason, the people who did all these things to him are still there, trying to hurt him again. Trying to hurt others again. Because of this, Jason doesn’t target anyone that’s not a teenager or adult, he does not harm kids or animals and has actually been shown to help people like him, disabled kids. But trust me, he is not kind to those who he does kill. Jason is insanely strong and resilient, this only got more insane after he was killed and brought back to life by Tommy Jarvis. Not as a human, as a zombie. Fully embracing his supernatural nature and in turn gaining a plethora of supernatural traits to increase his already ridiculous physical attributes.

Jason has shown time and time again why the curse of Camp Crystal Lake grows strong, his thirst and determination for the kill has led him to go and face a whole bunch of things. He’s fought everything from telekinetic teenagers to his long lost siblings who want to banish him to hell and other horror icons like Freddy Krueger, Ash Williams and Leatherface. In the former’s crossover, he worked for Freddy to get the Necronomicon from Ash so Freddy could come out into the real world to wreak havoc. Later going against Freddy due to him figuring out Freddy was manipulating him through images of his mother. He may not be heartless and he may not be inherently evil, but Jason is one mean momma’s boy that has reminded us time and time again that there’s a curse at Crystal Lake, a death curse. And you pay in blood.

Experience & Skill

Killer Croc

You’d probably expect the savage crocodile man to have “no skill” in a fight, and you’d definitely be wrong. Waylon is an expert wrestler with years of experience in fighting crocodiles and alligators during his show days. He’s used this honed skill to knock out people with neck chops, battle several foes alongside other Gotham Rogues or The Suicide Squad, take on giant monsters more than once and even demons, with him boasting nobody is better at wrestling than him. He even became a wrestling champ in a possible future, so it’s not exactly a surprise he’s this good at it, nor is it that he can take on the legendary Dark Knight himself despite being less skilled overall. Even when not fighting, he constantly trains to keep himself in top condition and has been officially noted abnormally strong hand-to-hand combatant in guidebooks. 

His skills also extend to other areas as well, like skill in firearms, swordplay, tracking down targets through information heard from the sewers and recognizing the weaknesses of supernatural monsters after killing several. Even in battles with geniuses like Bane, while Croc has admittedly lost a few times, he’s matched the bat-breaker several more, including jumping straight to tearing his Venom supply even while savage or employing a similar strategy while weaponizing blood loss to solidly defeat and humiliate him. His intelligence bears other impressive examples, like dueling powerful magicians, breaking out of some chains through ripping his hands off, shredding right through a shark with his claws to piss off Aquaman and blind him with the shark blood clouding up the water to get a sneak attack in or fighting Mr. Freeze for hours on end.

Jason Voorhees

Being one of, if not the most, iconic slashers, Jason has been tormenting Camp Crystal Lake as its infamous death curse for several decades at this point. Having “drowned” at a young age, Jason has been living within the woods of Camp Crystal Lake and surviving all on his own. Even making his own hut to live in with the decapitated head of his Mother. From his humbling beginnings to a full blown supernatural zombie slasher, Jason’s been through thick and thin. But in terms of how long he’s been killing, the series is pretty inconsistent with his age, go figure, but the oldest we see Jason canonically is 500 years in the far future, and he has a kill count to prove such an age.

Jason has killed a lot of people. In terms of what we’ve seen him do, he’s slaughtered a total 20720 people but the Killer Puzzle game it’s revealed his actual kill count is closer to 2 million. That’s what we call a fuck ton of horny teenagers. In his killings, We’ve seen Jason take on a multitude of foes utilizing not only his raw strength but his resourcefulness and creativity. He’s killed boxers, police officers, military agents, futuristic bounty hunters that are superhuman soldiers, literal demons and more with weapons spanning from a shopping cart he used as a cheese grater by slamming into onto someone and a duck toy he ripped out of a nearby playground and threw it at a helicopter that was shooting at him. Besides his usual prey, he’s fought fellow horror icons Freddy Krueger and Ash Williams, a telekinetic teenager and his upgraded self Uber Jason, whom he kept up with in combat on two separate occasions. 

Contrary to what you might think, Jason isn’t actually stupid. While he’s not what you call book smart, in fact he’s mentally a child with no real concept of right or wrong, he is surprisingly clever and has displayed this more than once. Like the time where he set up a snare trap without difficulty, or when he was slaughtering a group of soldiers and used one of them as a body shield and then made him shoot the other soldiers, or the time he recognized Ash and gang’s trap before he could fall victim to it and my personal favorite, when he impersonated someone else after swapping places with them. He also knows how to tie his shoes.


Killer Croc

Teeth and Claws

Thanks to his strange mutation into a croc/human hybrid (more on that later), Croc obviously has similar razor-sharp weaponry noted to have razor-sharp teeth and claws to his reptilian allies. His claws can scale buildings and shred through a shark, while his teeth can chomp and bite through most anything he comes across.


While Croc is primarily a brawler, he’s used several firearms and tools when in his better states of mind. These include…


God DAMN he rocks that shit.

Jason Voorhees

Hockey Mask

Ah, the hockey mask. Even if he started out with a simple bag over his head, Jason soon obtained his iconic hockey mask in Part 3. Changing the imagery of a hockey mask forever. Jason seems to prefer this mask to his other masks and for good reason, this mask is more than just looks. Turns out that Jason’s killings has caused the mask to turn corrupted and paranormal, enabling it to mind control anyone near it to make them wear the mask. Once worn, the mask grants the wearer with great power, durability and supernatural abilities at the cost of Jason possessing them. These powers include…


Sometimes you can never really beat the classic, and it doesn’t get more classic then Jason’s absolute favorite weapon, his machete. This hunk of steel compliments Jason’s insane strength in devastating fashion. With it, Jason can cut people in half and send them flying with a single hit. Jason loves his machetes so much that he has several variants, ranging from The Space Machete which can cut through air molecules, The Golden Machete which just kind of looks cool and Flame, Ice and Electric Machetes which should be self explanatory. 

Stabbing and Impalement Weapons

While Jason loves his machete and uses it as his primary weapon, he’s certainly not picky about what gets the job done. He's used a ton of other weapons over the years to impale, slice and stab his victims, ranging from the obvious to the more creative.

Ranged Weapons

In case of any survivor trying to escape or to make up for his habit of walking instead of running, Jason has a few weapons that function as long ranged weapons that can kill at impressive gaps.


Being a killer at a campsite and a killer that uses anything he gets his hands on to kill, Jason has a good amount of tools he repurposes for violence. Consisting of various basic tools of camping, gardening and more.

Improvised Weapons

When I say Jason uses anything he gets his hands on to kill people, I mean it. Everything Jason finds can and will be used as a weapon to make you go out in the strangest way possible. It’s one of Jason’s defining characteristics to kill with the most random shit. And oh boy has he used a lot of just that.

Misc. Weapons

Given Jason’s expansion arsenal, he has equipment that doesn’t quite fit into the categories we’ve previously listed. They should still be brought up however, thus they’re here.

Camp Crystal Lake Monsters

Camp Crystal Lake certainly has a unique wildlife to say the least, there’s wolves that leap out of nowhere to attack, crows that swoop down and slash you with their talons, blood-sucking bats that almost appear invisible in the darkness of most caves and… zombies. Actual fucking zombies. These are the mindless undead that were once victims of Jason’s murders that now lurk on land and water to strike and make you one of them.


Killer Croc

Croc Physiology 

Due to a rare mutation, Croc is essentially a humanoid crocodile, which granted him abnormal strength, a scaly leather-tough skin, and almost limitless stamina. More specifically, he suffers from Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis, a rare disease that makes him susceptible to HPV, the Human Pupilona Virus. Normal people suffer a wart from this, but with Croc, his impotent immune system resulted in several layers of thick dead skin forming around his body, which are so durable even an ax swing from Batman can barely pierce it. Somehow, this skin mutation gave him actual reptilian attributes as noted by a scientist, like a 3-chambered heart, permeable skin, buccal pumping to augment axial breathing, and a Proto-Diaphragm for Lung Expansion. As he became older, this mutation began to increase with Croc’s growing rage and bloodlust, ensuring he became all the more monstrous as a foe. For more general boons, not only can he leap across buildings with agility akin to Catwoman, but his skin is ridiculously tough, even by street tier standards. It can protect him from blunt trauma even on the level of multi-story falls, and is extremely difficult to pierce, like how it ignored canine bites or had Robin’s staff shatter when swung against it. His hide is noted to be bulletproof, and he’s shown it several times over, to the point that Batman has said he couldn’t be hurt through it.

This includes shrugging off shotgun blasts, an implied notion that even 12-gauge gunfire wouldn’t pierce him, showings where Bullets couldn’t pierce him even when his skin was on fire, and tanking bullets from the best in the business. That includes Red Hood, Rick Flagg, and even Deadshot, who has failed to pierce his hide several times, even when shot directly in the head. Granted, he has shown a few anti feats against bullets in general, but it is always noted and shown that even if he does get shot, you’ll need a few more bullets to take him out. Against blades, it's a more mixed bag, as Robin’s Batarangs have bounced off his skin in the past, while on other occasions they merely embed in his skin, which he just ignores like they aren’t even there. His skin has ignored ax swings, and can’t be pierced by needles, or even Catwoman’s claws, to the point that she had them sharpened to the molecular level to do so. However, there have been plenty of times where it has been pierced by other weapons, like knives, blade traps Batman made, Captain Boomerang’s… Boomerangs, or the ice of Killer Frost. Of course, there are areas of his body that are unprotected entirely that skilled enough opponents can't attack anyway, like when Lady Shiva did the same to his eyes.

Enhanced Senses

Similarly to his Crocodile-equivalent skin, Croc has also showcased enhanced senses befitting a master predator. Once he tastes someone’s blood for example, he fully knows their scent to track them later, and did just that when blood was spilt again. His hearing and smell can recognize several different things in a sewer for example, and track down foes like Bane in response, though his smell is much more impressive, which apparently can smell Batman’s sweat ”from miles away”.

Healing Factor/Enhanced Stamina

As a physical embodiment of a predator’s raw hunger and undying fury, Croc has shown off both incredible stamina and an impressive healing factor. He has ignored getting stabbed multiple times in multiple places, ignored major impalements in his arms like through bullets or rebar, or even getting stabbed in the head and walking it off. This impressive endurance comes from his ever-present skin condition, and it thus makes it so it takes a while for him to experience pain; ensuring injuries in battle matter little to him overall. It also ensures he can fight on for several hours, like beating people to a pulp for that long, or fighting foes like Mr. Freeze for hours at a time with no signs of slowing down. When combined with his healing, this only makes Croc all the more deadly. He’s survived impalement several times, including in areas like his eyes yet still fighting and healing later, head wounds like a gunshot straight to it, and getting his jaw broken by Grundy, let alone any of the really brutal examples. He’s outright dug through his own skull with his claws to get a mind control implant out, and once tore off his own hands in order to escape from prison, outright doing so with help despite the massive blood loss, and growing them back himself.

Underwater Breathing

Like any reptilian, Croc frequently undergoes underwater combat, and can tough it out in the sewers for an exponential amount of time. He can easily fight in underwater areas, take on robots with the Suicide Squad underwater, talk underwater as shown several times, and swim for absurd lengths, like to Atlantis or to an island. As for how long he can do this, some sources have claimed he can hold his breath for 20 minutes but drown soon after, while Croc himself has said he has held his breath “forever” as a kid, and did so for hours apparently as an adult without fear of drowning. He has compared this to an actual crocodile, which is consistent, as real-life crocs can hold their breath for hours on end. While he can do so for hours his brain does still need an air supply, so he can be choked if doable.


Since real-life crocodiles are some stealthy sons of bitches, you’d best believe Waylon is too. He has frequently snuck up on masters of stealth in their own right like Catwoman, or even the big bad Batman multiple times.


Jason Voorhees

Undead Physiology

Throughout the franchise, Jason’s fate and the mystery of what he actually is was left as a mystery and never properly explained until Jason Goes To Hell, where it’s revealed that Pamela used The Book of The Dead itself, The Necronomicon, to bring her beloved son back to life. Not necessarily as a Deadite but as some kind of Deadite that’s been said to be adjacent to the regular Deadites we see in Evil Dead. This means that we can’t really give Jason any of the abilities we see Deadites use, but this ordeal gives him an incredibly unique physiology that comes with its perks.

Even as a human, Jason possessed immense strength and endurance, being able to shrug off injuries like having his collar bone be chopped up, being hit in the head with an axe and hung in the same night. This resilience only enhanced when he became a Zombie in Part 6, where he began to adopt more supernatural elements. He’s now infested with maggots, bleeds an unknown type of blood different from normal blood and doesn’t react to almost any attack besides the occasional grunt. Including things like having his arm cut off and then proceeding to place his machete in said lost arm. His body is now both organic and inorganic, alive and unalive at the same time. Meaning he doesn't need oxygen, food, sleep or really anything that humans need to survive. All of his mind, emotions, memories and intent run through his body like an electrical current. 


Yes, he has teleportation. A big surprise I’m sure. He’s been shown disappearing and reappearing at will. Arriving at locations before you do to get the jump on you and stealthily getting away Overtime, Jason’s teleportation grew after gaining a telekinetic link with violence. Now, he can teleport anywhere at any time if you’re thinking about him. Essentially, if Jason plagues your mind his physical form will be able to follow you around. This has resulted in him appearing to kill others you’re thinking about, travel places hundreds of miles apart to kill and appear in TVs.

Enhanced Senses/Extrasensory Perception

Living in the woods of Camp Crystal Lake for the years has caused Jason’s senses to be heightened to the max. Allowing him to know where survivors are based on factors like noise and fear. Illuminating their location through tiny circles on the screen. His senses only get crazier after he became the zombie slasher we know and love, he’s now able to smell sound and sense violence, life or sexual activity, which explains why he always knows when teenagers are having sex and why he’s awoken by literal organsms. How nice.


As any good mother would, Pamela has somehow managed to hang onto Camp Crystal Lake as a ghost to accompany her son with his killings. And his mother’s voice in his head guiding him, Jason can gain information on if there are any intruders in Camp Crystal Lake.


Despite his size and sheer strength, Jason is incredibly sneaky and able to get the jump on anyone he likes. He avoided the cops for years when he was still human, fooling the scent of hounds and outmaneuvering them with ease. He can climb up trees and drop down without making the slightest bit of noise, sneak up and kill trained military officers before they could react and was somehow able to swap places with a random person while he was chained up without making a single noise or alerting anyone else in the facility.


With his shift ability, Jason can cloak himself and increase his speed tenfold to catch up to any fleeing survivors. Differing from straight up teleportation by having a duration, activation etc.

Rage Power

A fairly common ability Jason has in games is his strength and other abilities to be increased through the use of a rage meter. Where the more Jason gets angry, the more powerful he gets. This rage meter can be raised and triggered by things such as a counselor escaping his grasp, getting hit with weapons and getting shot.

Technology Manipulation

Jason and Pamela can control machines to their will and live on inside machines, able to possess others who stupidly ate cybernetic flesh as food. Outside of machinery, Jason can cause lights and such to malfunction all on his own.

Soul Manipulation/Non-Physical Interaction

If physical damage wasn’t enough, he can take you out of physical surroundings by ripping your soul out of your body in order to make you experience a mere vision of the horrors of Hell where your soul falls down into hell. Speaking of Hell, in there, Jason can hurt and kill your soul the same way he would do your physical body in reality and literally feed off your violent intentions deep within your soul.

Mind and Empathetic Manipulation/Telepathy

While in Hell, Jason developed the ability to share his memories and violent thoughts with others and make them think of them too, and these violent thoughts passively emanate from Jason’s body and soul. The same logic applies to emotions Jason is feeling as well, like sending fear waves that make others feel the same sense of fear. Pamela, who Jason’s spirit should be comparable to, can transmit thoughts through psychic means to communicate with others.

Perception Manipulation

By seeing Jason, your perception of time slows to where you view things happening in slow motion. Time doesn’t literally slow per say, just that your perception to where your mind thinks time has slowed.

Weapon Creation

With his link to and strange control over the violence in our hearts, Jason can conjure up weapons from the violent memories in the air like a hunting rifle to literally shoot everyone around him (what the fuck) and his machete for more traditional killing.


Just being around Jason isn’t the best idea, as if you thought hanging near a decomposing and rotten serial killer was a good idea in the first place. Jason’s presence can alter your perceptions and play with your mind through graphic hallucinations. These hallucinations include being attacked by a younger version of himself, seeing dead loved ones and giving you flashes of all of his past kills at once. 

Along with his presence causing hallucinations and mental tricks, his aura can strike fear in the hearts of anyone near him and even kill them through his evil. Immobilizing them in fear, making them have an overload of mental imagery and making their hearts feel like they’re going to explode from fear alone. The more you begin to fear, the easier Jason will be able to sense your whereabouts. Complimenting this, his aura can passively emit an evil strong enough to overwhelm lifeforms and kill them.


Jason is the textbook example of an unkillable slasher, it's perhaps one of his most iconic traits, given how he was the slasher that started the whole unkillable shtick that’s become famous throughout the genre. No matter how many times you shoot him, beat him with a blunt object, burn him, stick him in an explosion, mutilate him or melt him with toxic waste, he will be back to kill again. And everytime he comes back, he comes back stronger, meaner and even more full of hate.

Having been resurrected by The Necronomicon, beings from other planes of existence known as The Ancient Ones oversee Jason and have their energy run through his veins. Due to this, if Jason’s body was ever destroyed beyond repair like at the end of Jason Takes Manhattan, The Ancient Ones can recreate a physical form for Jason to inhabit from scratch. Although it can sometimes lead to Jason being remade into a kid again.

At some point during his time in Hell, Jason’s survival and very being was linked to the art of violence and hatred that surrounds not just Camp Crystal Lake, but the entire world. As it turns out, Jason feeds off of the violence in all of our souls, all of our hate, spite and fear, and so long as people think and fear violence, he is never far away. He’s a product of the violence of mankind, as silly as that sounds, and embodies pure hate that can never truly die. It’s also shown that Pamela can apparently resurrect Jason herself by harnessing the dark energy of a full moon, situational, but pretty interesting nonetheless.


To go along with his immortality, Jason has a healing factor that allows his body to swiftly recover from basically any form of physical damage. Like having his eyes gouged out or stabbed and then stabbed again in the heart, being hacked with own machete, having his arm cut off, being shot through the heart by Ash Williams and having nearly his entire chest area being blown off by a grenade launcher only to regenerate it back a moment afterward. 

Jason has had this type of regeneration all the way back when he was a little child, never having any broken bones or got sick. And at the peak of his body’s performance, his cells can mass duplicate at a rate that quickly replaces any piece of his body that’s cut off. Meaning that so long as a piece of him is intact, he’ll be able to regenerate, although in an unknown time frame.  


If you somehow manage to destroy Jason’s body to nothing but bits and pieces to where he can’t regenerate or resurrect, Jason isn’t down for the count just yet. The beating of his heart can hypnotize and mind control anyone near the heart into eating it, this transfers Jason’s soul into the eater while booting the eater's soul of the body all together. Although it appears it doesn’t work right away, this is because the heart wasn’t beating and started beating later which is when the mind controlled someone, meaning it can likely mind control someone almost immediately if Jason wants to. It’s very likely that he didn’t want to do it in front of a crowd that previously destroyed his original body.

Jason can keep transferring his soul to other humans while in human form through a black tongue thing, leaving his current body to melt into a bloody mess. While humans do the job fine enough, Jason much prefers his regular body and will do anything to get it back. Fortunately for him, if Jason ever manages to possess the body of another Voorhees, he will be reborn as his regular appearance. Jason has other ways of possessing people and objects too, like through his mask corrupting those who put it on and Pamela has been shown to hijack people’s bodies as a ghost, causing the souls of whoever she’s possessing to cease to exist, implying Jason can do the same if his body is completely destroyed. 

The Curse of Camp Crystal Lake

In all honesty, Crystal Lake is hella haunted and I don’t just mean Jason or his mothers murders. Before the so-called death curse brought about because of Pamela’s killing spree, the lake has a curse caused by thousands of souls who died at Camp Crystal Lake in the mid 1800s. They wandered the lake in search of a vessel to pour their hatred and pain into for centuries, until they found a suitable vessel, which was none other than Jason Voorhees. Now being the vessel, Jason is cursed to die and come back to life to kill again over and over so long as the curse lives on. He only increases the amount of souls keeping this curse going with every single person he kills, and the curse alters itself in order to keep Jason alive.

The souls of Camp Crystal Lake aren’t helpless either, they can grab at you and attempt to drown you or rise up from the lake to terrorize the woods and any survivors in them.

The Essence of Jason Voorhees

Jason has become so much more than the boy that once drowned at Camp Crystal Lake, not only in becoming a hulking zombie but spiritually too. Jason’s soul, or more accurately the essence of Jason Voorhees beyond his tangible flesh, has been consistently said to embody and exist as the concept of anti-life. Anti-Life, as the name implies, is a force of nature that acts as the opposite of all life and every life. Each act of life must equate to an equal act of anti-life and vice versa, meaning that any life created will trigger an anti-life response of equal force and resurrect Jason from the grave.

The Essence of Jason Voorhees is not connected to the main body of Jason, so it’s unaffected by whatever the physical body goes through. Where The Essence of Jason Voorhees actually resides is in the realm of the Anti-Life, a separate realm of existence where certain concepts like kinship do not exist and where he experiences a space-time where every place he’s lived through was here and every moment he’s lived through is now. Jason’s soul has now developed to the point where everything that happened to him and everything that anyone has done to Jason in the past, is Jason. He thinks of the past not as what had once been, but what he was, he’s every event that he’s faced. Yeah these novels get out of hand.

Immortality Negation

There’s nowhere to go that’s safe from Jason’s wraith, you could be across the entire lake and he’ll appear to get you or appear and try to stop you from being brought back to life after you nearly drowned.



Killer Croc


  • Terrorized (and helped in saving) Gotham several times over the years.

  • Led his own criminal gangs against others at multiple points.

  • Was on a list of potential recruits for the Justice League, the greatest team of heroes in the world. 

  • Saved several sewer folk and overall alone folks left to rot by the world above.

  • Teamed up with other antiheroes like Catwoman on multiple occasions.

  • Saved Roy Harper from suicide and became his sponsor (and unlikely friend) in therapy

  • Has fought extremely skilled and capable fighters, like Batman, Robin, Bane and Onyx to name a few.

  • Got laid, and with a nerd/goth GF no less.




Jason Voorhees


  • His series was originally a rip off of Halloween, but later surpassed Halloween in popularity. No wonder Michael and him have beef.  

  • Avenged his mother after her eventual death at the hands of Alice Hardy.

  • Died but later got resurrected as a zombie and continued to kill. 

  • Haunted Crystal Lake and far more for decades, and racked up a kill count of over 20720 to 2 million.

  • Killed Mr. Dead Meat himself, James A Janisse.

  • Fought other horror characters like Freddy Krueger, Ash Williams, Leatherface and an advanced cybernetic version of himself, twice.

  • Killed Lucifer, grabbing Lucifer's pitchfork and escaping hell as a result.

  • Obtained The Necronomicon from Ash for Freddy Krueger, but ultimately rebelled against Freddy and held his own.

  • Commanded an army of Deadites against humanity. 

  • Got his own Alice Cooper song.

  • Fought Godzilla.

  • Actually ruined an entire sport.




(Edit by Death Battle, idk if you have heard of them)


Killer Croc


Killer Croc is obviously one of Batman’s strongest villains, and believe me, it shows. Even beyond the dozens of times Waylon has matched Bruce, there are frequent times where he flatout is noted superior. You can take your pick from all the occasions he severely damages Batman and breaks his bones like twigs, to the others where he oneshots him or knocks him out in a few hits, to frequent notions of his overwhelmingly impressive strength. Bruce has noted that Croc “hits like a freight train” while also stating he “doesn’t stand a chance” against that strength, with DC Guidebooks stating each and every encounter is one Bats is lucky to walk away from; solidly reinforcing that Croc is one of the most dangerous inmates ever housed in Arkham.

The Bat-Family

Similarly to taking on the big bad Bat, Croc has frequently fought the Bat’s brats and extended family. He’s fought all the Robin’s, former or current, on several occasions, and sometimes even twice at once alongside someone like Batman. From beating Red Hood to threatening Damian Wayne, to ambushing and severely damaging Batwing, to being outright noted far beyond Tim Drake’s physical capability. With such impressive showings, Croc should certainly compare to anything the extended family of the Caped Crusader can pull off.


As Croc’s biggest contender for Batman’s strongest foe, Croc has famously crossed paths with Bane multiple times. While most media, like Batman: The Animated Series, has painted Bane as unquestionably above Waylon, it’s not quite as concrete. While Bane has his fair share of solid victories over Croc to the degree of plot armor in beating Croc while he was on Venom along with a dozen other supervillains, overall, Croc himself has equally impressive victories. 

Not only has he already bodied people juiced up on Bane’s Venom, but when he got his own hands on impure Venom, he proceeded to easily defeat Batman to a degree Bane rarely does. For more direct showings, he has been tricked into punching Bane/smashing him off of a cliff and fought him on even footing in the sewers around the Knightfall saga. Of course, there’s also the time he, frankly, kicked Bane’s ass, by taking advantage of how his blood related to Venom and weakening him via his own strength and slashes; making him run dry of energy in a brilliant showing of combat knowhow. Future comics also take note of how solid this victory was in reference to how impressive Croc can be when he gives it his all, so he would certainly compare to the Bat-Back Breaker.

Other Batman Rogues

As one of the more brawn-based bad guys of Gotham’s criminal crowd, it should come as no surprise that he scales and even upscales to the majority. He frequently beat and even fodderized many of the more impressive Batman Rogues, like Joker, Victor Zsasz, Man-Bat, Catwoman on MANY different occasions, Riddler, Killer Moth, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot. He’s even fought one of Bruce’s most comparable foes in Mr. Freeze for several hours on end, with no signs of slowing down on either side. With such brawn and sometimes brain, Waylon more than compares to the majority if not all of the wackos in Arkham’s attic.

Various DC Street Tiers

Given Batman is consistently one of if not the most dangerous fighters in the DC street crowd, Croc would be at a similar place, give or take, thanks to the ludicrously impressive showings against Bruce, his allies, and his Rogues gallery. Croc has proven this firsthand, like in his many examples of fighting and beating people like Huntress or Katana, with him ragdolling thugs that could fight her, snapping her sword in his mouth, and intercepting her charge at him. He’s also one-shot assassins like Captain Boomerang and beat the piss out of Roy Harper, so Croc should be able to be compared to any similar or weaker characters in DC’s more human cast.

Jason Voorhees


Given his kill count, Jason’s been stalking and killing the residents of Camp Crystal Lake for quite some time now. From the simple horny teenagers to the badass survivors with a burning hatred to space soldiers to straight up supernatural kids. Jason has fought and overpowered a whole lot of survivors all of his slasher career. Which means we can very comfortably upscale him from feats down from these survivors.

Uber Jason

While it may sound strange at first, Both Regular and Zombie Jason have actually fought the upgraded Uber Jason on a couple of occasions. Despite basically every version of Uber Jason shown to be stronger and more durable, with him winning these fights every time, Regular and Zombie Jason actually are not as far behind as one would expect. Jason has hurt Uber Jason, tanked blows from Uber Jason and kept up with him in combat. Which does mean we downscale Jason from feats performed by his upgraded counterparts. But do note that there are multiple versions of Uber Jason, 3 to be exact, but we’ve come to the agreement that we can scale Jason to Uber Jason 1, 2 and somewhat 3. (See Before The Verdict)

Freddy Krueger

The OG horror movie and franchise rivalry, Jason and Freddy were already confirmed to have shared a universe with one another before they eventually fought on the big screen. In Freddy vs Jason, we saw them fight and although Freddy was killing Jason real good until outside help arrived, Jason held his own in both the Dream and Real World. 

The blog team has agreed that we won’t be scaling Jason to any of Freddy’s crazier feats due to reasons that will be discussed later, however we do think we can comfortably scale Jason to Freddy’s feats that he’s been shown to do causally along with most physical and telekinetic feats Freddy has. Given that Jason was physically tossing Freddy around and caught him off guard during their fight twice. As well as Jason being comparable to Ash Williams who survived a point blank fire attack from Krueger after he got serious. We just can’t reasonably scale Jason to any of Freddy’s reality bending, creation or cosmic feats that he has has been shown to be powerless against. So only physical, telekinetic etc feats it is. (See Before The Verdict)

Ash WIlliams

Speaking of being comparable to Ash… Friday the 13th and Evil Dead are much more connected then one would first assume, as the inclusion of The Necronomicon in Jason Goes To Hell is a whole plot point of the film that is considered to be canon to Friday the 13th and soon Evil Dead. Not an easter egg like some like to believe. When these franchises crossovered in the 2 Freddy vs Jason vs Ash comic series, Jason Voorhees and Ash Williams were the ones that faced each other head on the most. With Jason easily overpowering Ash before he could react most of the time. So we can scale Jason to feats Ash has done throughout his series.


Killer Croc

Despite his incredible power, Croc is not without his weaknesses. His hide, while incredibly tough, can’t always protect him from bullets, and he shares crocodile traits regarding it like being tender in the ribs, which experienced fighters have noted to quickly attack and beat him through it. In other croc terms, he can’t hold his breath underwater forever and will eventually drown, and he hates the cold; saying it makes it harder for him to think. While he has some good showings in cold environments, overall he is more susceptible to the cold then others would be and has been defeated by freeze rays for example more times than not. Similar to cold, he has both a physical and psychological aversion to fire, due to extreme heat on a Suicide Squad mission that put him through enough pain to regress him back into a monster, mentally speaking. Among further showings of resistance and weakness, it is still a potential issue nonetheless, especially when his skin seems to be flammable. Similarly, Croc has been defeated before by a blast that dehydrated him. 

Most damningly, Croc is consistently incredibly weak to powerful sonic attacks, and they have near-instantly knocked him out several times over, whether through Batman’s gear or something like Black Canary’s infamous Canary Cry. Among other antifeats regarding resistances and etc, he’s been knocked out by certain tranquilizers and darts, harmed by electricity and fire, blasted by flash-bangs, and has a very bad record regarding mind control. While he has resisted it at times, he’s still been controlled on many other occasions, from Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy and other technology, with his feral states not exactly helping either. His mental state in general is an easy way to bypass his strength, like how several foes have outsmarted him due to his somewhat wavering intelligence, which can be outmatched by getting creative, or getting skilled with something like nerve combat. In a literal sense, Croc has been put to sleep by magic from Klarion and has been possessed before as well.

Jason Voorhees

He may be a hulking behemoth of what used to be a man but he is far from invincible, he’s died damn near every film after all. His biggest problem is the fact that he’s still mentally a child with no understanding of right from wrong, his survival skills are top notch but he isn’t the brightest and is prone to attack impulsively based on rage and bloodlust. He can be tricked and baited, leaving him open to attacks and traps set up by survivors or the military. Hell, in both of his encounters with Freddy he was fooled into doing his dirty work for him. Freddy did this by exploiting Jason’s love for his mother, which is something others can do to confuse and even manipulate Jason.

While he certainly is skilled at killing, most of the time he relies on his superior strength to simply overpower his victims until he can get a killing blow. He’s by no means an expert at martial arts or at using weapons. This has led to Jason being overwhelmed by an excessive amount of attacks or being ganged up on, and if his healing factor can’t keep up he will temporarily be knocked down, this has been done not just by people like Ash or Freddy but regular people like Tommy Jarvis.

Before The Verdict

DC Herald Scaling

Well, here we are with yet another BTV where a street tier villain has arguments to be Herald™. So, how does Croc stack up to these Godly beings in the Justice League and beyond?

The primary example that makes these arguments entertainable is how Croc was the muscle (or “big guns”) of the Suicide Squad for an extended period of time, and their usual counter to any demi-god like Zod for example. In this vein, he frequently fights people that would classify as Heralds, but virtually every decent example is outright false for actual scaling. Starting off with Zod as we mentioned before, he was the first major foe of this caliber Waylon encountered on the Squad. As far as that is concerned, he was one-shot/taken out by Zodd’s heat vision, and ragdolled to be thrown away later on. Granted, he did manage to bite Zodd’s arm, but later on when Zodd was weakened and Croc damaged him with a punch, his strength returned soon after to send Croc blasting off again in a clear victory. No reliable scaling unless you want to argue Herald™ Teeth.

Next up is the Squad’s fight with the Justice League, where Croc crossed paths with its resident aquatic ass-kicker, Aquaman. Similarly to Zod, this was clearly in Arthur’s favor, and the story itself shoves that notion in your face. To recap on why they were fighting, Batman and the League got fed up with Waller’s Wallering all over the place, so they showed up to capture the Squad. In this fight, it had the higher members fight equivalent threats (Superman vs Enchantress and Killer Frost vs Cyborg and Jessica Cruz for example) with understandable pairings elsewhere based on history (Flash vs Boomerang, Deadshot vs Batman), but then completely nonsensical ones based solely on other factors, like freaking Harley Quinn fighting Wonder Woman. While some of these fights narratively could go either way depending on the writer with actual backing for that result, nobody in their right mind would argue Harley actually compares to Wonder Woman, and the Squad itself was aware of that notion to the point that Frost and Waller outright said the mission was to survive and not get captured until help arrived. When outright concerning the comparison with Croc to Arthur, Waylon’s strategy, which he outright said by the way, was to trick Aquaman and get a sneak attack in, due to not wanting to get in close while underwater. So, he blinded Aquaman with shark blood to do so, and bit his skin to draw blood… but this very act broke his teeth due to the hardness of Arthur’s skin, and Croc was promptly sent flying out of the water with one punch. Even later in the series where he wanted a rematch and fought a possessed Aquaman later, Arthur was very confident he’d win another go, and the story itself clearly noted he would. No reliable scaling unless you want to argue Herald™ Teeth, which, uh, broke. So… yeah.

Following Arthur’s example, let's talk about a few more examples of the Justice League and their encounters with Croc. During that same miniseries, he briefly restrained part of a possessed Cyborg’s body, and Harley drew blood from him… but this was because Cyborg wasn’t fighting them at all; instead using a large portion of his powers to make a backup program to prevent himself from being weaponized against him. Next, he appeared to get hit by a possessed Jessica Cruz/Green Lantern, but as shown with Arthur, it's clear in-story this wasn’t her full strength, as if it was Croc would have definitely lost. This extends to Kryptonians as well, in which the encounters and jobbings are just as frequent. He can injure the Superman of China (has the powers of Superman) on story covers, and fight him in the story, but the man was noted to be weakened, and he still punched Croc away, and ignored the attacks of another Squad member in Deadshot moments after. Concerning legitimate Kryptonians outright from Krypton, like Superman and Supergirl, fairs no better, as both Clark and Kara have bodied him several times over. With those gone, your best bets are using cover feats that don’t happen in the story like fighting Bizarro, getting punched by a guy that punched Superman on another occasion and not dying and still getting bodied by Damien Wayne when he had Superman powers. Once more, no scaling.

Really, these examples keep going on and on, from everybody to Shazam, Sinestro, Hawkman, Firebrand, etc. Closing out with the biggest potential arguments, let's discuss his fights with King Shark, Solomon Grundy, and Osiris (Black Adam ally). Starting with Shark, this saga in general put Croc in a pretty decent place scaling wise. He fought Atlantean’s like Urcell, and obviously fought Shark, underwater no less, even beating him once. His main fight, elaborated upon through several issues, had Shark bite through his arm, and both draw blood from each other, but Shark still won. Granted, he did say that Croc was tough and that his heart wasn’t in it due to Enchantress having died at the time, thus impacting his psyche, but a loss is a loss, and precisely the case when you realize why they were fighting to start with. In short, the Squad was tasked with unleashing a nuke on Atlantis, where Aquaman enlisted Shark to help and save the city. Multiple members among the Squad rejected or accepted the mission, with Croc being in the latter grouping due to wanting and knowing he would die from the resulting explosion. In other words, he is outright admitting he would die to a nuclear explosion, which is LEAGUES below any normal godly hero/villain that Shark would scale to. The writer is clearly portraying all relevant characters here as mortal enough that a nuke would threaten them, even though Shark has scaling to characters beyond such potency. Thus, unless you are arguing a nuke would kill King Shark and Aquaman, Croc wouldn’t reasonably compare to the former or the latter’s best. 

Moving on to Grundy, this is the most simple to discern. Croc has fought Grundy a few times before but Grundy is the clear victor majority of the time, and flatout snapped his jaw on one occasion. Even if you wanted to say this leads credence to scaling, Grundy canonically varies in power based on resurrections, which is why he can manhandle Superman one issue and job to Batman another. Same deal here. Finally, we have Osiris, who has the powers of Shazam, or in this case Black Adam, as he gained his powers from Teth Adam. In this fight, while he did have his jaw broken by the boy, Croc was notably winning later on and would have killed him. So, why wouldn’t he get scaling? Well, Osiris was saved right after by Batman, who proceeded to fight Waylon like normal with no trouble and shrug off a punch from Osiris, reinforcing where Croc lies in the pecking order. The story itself also does so, as it was noted prior that Osiris’ powers were weakened prior to fighting Croc due to Adam being otherwise occupied (turned to stone) at the time, and thus he wouldn’t be at the full strength of a champion of Shazam. So, after all of this, the answer is clearly that Croc is not on this level, which shouldn’t come as a surprise given all the antifeats, clear losses, narrative standpoints, and so on and so forth. Frankly, this entire comparison falls flat when you bring up that at one point, Croc was mutated into a giant Kaiju that would obviously be much stronger than his base self, yet he was still defeated without much trouble by Beast Boy and the other members of the League. In case that wasn’t clear, arguing Herald Croc effectively means you would argue his base self is comparable or greater to his amped self, which still lost to people like Superman.

TLDR; No, Killer Croc is not a Herald™. 

Failsafe Scaling

Epic foreshadowing

You may have noticed a rather impressive feat in scaling to Batman for Croc in Failsafe that not many blogs talk about these days. That would be Failsafe, who Bruce blasted with an energy cannon packing over 3 quadrillion watts, which is energy equivalent to 717 kilotons of TNT, and a solid buff to the DC street game if applicable. So, is it? Well, not exactly.

The primary issue with this is that Failsafe isn’t a street tier that Batman would justifiably scale to, nor is he your run of the mill robot you could argue this equates to. The very purpose and nature of Failsafe is to be the ultimate counter to Batman itself, which Bruce made as a Failsafe in case he ever did the unthinkable and killed somebody or went rogue. To ensure this would work, Bruce outright made Failsafe both stronger and faster than him, but also to a degree that he could contend with the Justice League, which it did with little issue. Even in a vacuum, Failsafe was made with a basis on technology like that of Amazo, which can directly contend with strength on someone like Superman’s level. From a narrative and even simple power-scaling perspective, Failsafe is outright and objectively above Bruce to the degree that scaling him to this is a huge no-no.

However, let’s entertain it for a moment and say he would scale anyway. Even then, there’s still a mess of narrative and consistency issues in comparing Batman to this. Just looking at the weapon itself, it is made with New Genesis technology (the planet that goes to war with Darkseid and Apokolips) and an objective super-weapon that Batman pulled out as literal bigger guns against Failsafe when his options were running out. Batman is a mortal man, and arguing he scales to a literal God weapon from a God planet in this context would be like saying if the weapon was fired at him, he would survive it, which, ah, is stinky logic. What’s more, the scaling in question would be achieved through him taking hits from Failsafe after he survived the aforementioned 3 Quadrillion Watt gun. Well, that falls flat when it is outright noted that Bruce made Failsafe to be superior to him in stats, so at that point you’d just get downscaling at best given how clearly Failsafe was winning that fight, and from that point DC has arguments near 100 kilotons anyway so you’re really left with nothing.

To sum up, the feat was performed by a character that can fight the Godly members of the league and was literally made to be stronger than Batman, was the result of Bruce firing a New Genesis weapon of super-tech that he himself would be extremely unlikely to survive, and all the compromising and the like you can make would result in severe downscaling at best. Therefore, the feat is pretty unusable or not scalable as far as things are considered. 

Uber Jason Scaling

Okay actually this time.

I guess it really does take a Voorhees to kill a Voorhees huh? As crazy as it sounds, Jason has fought his cybernetic self on more than one occasion, two times in fact, and while he lost both of those times, this has been used to argue that regular zombie Jason is comparable to the feats of the superior Uber Jason. Unfortunately, this scaling, or at the very least downscaling, is far more complicated than what you would expect, hence why we’re here to explain it thoroughly and give our take on the matter. 

The first case of Jason vs Uber Jason comes from the Jason vs Jason X comic. During Uber Jason’s murder spree, part of his body that the nanobots didn’t absorb was left falling into a cloning machine. Using nearby dead bodies as supplementary material, the cloning machine produced a genetic clone of Jason that is the exact same in every way. This Jason and Uber Jason then found each other, and well, read the title of the comic. Jason kept up with Uber Jason, harming him a good few times, surviving his hits and keeping up with him in combat. They traded blows fairly evenly and Jason managed to cause blood to come out of Uber Jason by slamming his head in the wall, slicing him with his machete, stabbing him in the chest and surviving basically any form of punishment that Uber Jason performed. If Uber Jason was really all that stronger, Jason would’ve been hopelessly overpowered and promptly folded like a chair. So we can scale Jason to normal Uber Jason and his feats.

But this is where things get much more confusing, see, in the Jason x novels, there isn’t just one Uber Jason. Jason’s exposure to advanced technology ended up with his consciousness remaining in virtuality, in nanospace, where he was controlled by government officials to continuously resurrect his physical self with each version of Uber Jason getting stronger and stronger. The previously mentioned comic fight between Jason and Uber Jason was only the first Uber Jason, there have been a Jason x II and a Jason x III. 

With that out of the way, in Death Moon, the novel ended with Jason fighting Jason x II and keeping up with him in combat. But this wasn’t just Zombie Jason that fought Jason x II, it was Human Jason. The weakest version of the character. They were even called identical in quantum terms and their fight caused a plasma storm around them that they turned into a fog and later ice that they shattered into a million pieces. This means that we can scale Jason to any feat that Jason x II can perform.

Then there’s Jason x III, who seems like Jason could scale to on paper. I mean, Jason fought Jason x II who was called identical to Jason x III and they fought very evenly (how many times has this guy fought himself?). However, Jason x III is the strongest Jason yes, but he also lacks good feats. The one feat that everyone points to is Jason x III surviving being flung to the moon by the Space Sling, which got 4.4 Gigatons of TNT or Island level. But context matters and this only happened after Jason x III absorbed Jason x II, which dramatically increased his power and abilities into becoming the strongest version of Jason ever recorded. And since we have no way of knowing if this amped up Jason x III is comparable to other Jasons, we can’t scale Zombie Jason to this feat. Although this feat can be used to back up the other Island feat involving the Space Sling, that being Uber Jason I and II both breaking down reinforced doors that have been said to only be breakable through a spaceship ramming into it. 

Lastly, we would like to end this section by just saying, Jason being comparable to his upgraded self is really not that crazy by Jason X standards. This is a series where talking alien cats who perceive time in nanoseconds exist, where black holes are actually interdimensional wormholes to hyperspace, where this sentence exists, where Jason is referred to as Mr. Fuck, Lord Abortion and The Endgame Man. And also, there really isn’t any smoking gun evidence for Uber Jason being that much stronger than Jason. This is the future where technology and people’s capabilities are at their highest, it only makes sense that there are more impressive feats to be had here. The Nanotechnology that made Uber Jason was said to not have been the reason for his incredible strength and speed and we only get vague power gaps between Jasons with descriptions in The Killer Puzzle and Jason X to The Third Power. 

So yes, we do buy Uber Jason scaling to an extent. This isn’t to say really any version of Uber Jason isn’t stronger then Zombie Jason, since he wins both encounters with Zombie and Human Jason, but we absolutely think that scaling and or downscaling Jason from Uber Jason, Jason x II and Jason x III before getting an amp’s feats is perfectly okay. We just can’t know if he scales to Jason x III after absorbing Jason x II. 

Freddy Krueger Scaling

Fitting that the biggest slasher rivalry of all time has a very split debate when it comes to scaling. Now, don’t expect us to be scaling Jason to Freddy’s full power. It’s shown often that Jason and Ash have been helpless against Freddy’s reality warping, so we can’t exactly scale Jason or Ash to Freddy’s cosmic and creation feats, since that’s mostly due to his reality warping and not necessarily what we see Jason and Ash keep up with. Well what do we see Jason and Ash keep up with? We can comfortably scale Jason and Ash to Freddy’s telekinetic abilities, most speed feats, etc. But we’ll go far more in depth.

Freddy vs Jason Dream Fight

In Freddy vs Jason, Freddy manipulated and resurrected Jason as a way to remind Springwood of Freddy’s existence so he could kill again. Freddy had to search through the bounds of hell for a worthy killer to make the people of Springwood remember, and we know he did his homework since he knew exactly how to manipulate Jason. So he already had prior knowledge of what Jason is capable of going into the film.

After Jason killed enough to give Freddy enough fear to kill kids again, Freddy was very upset when his kill was stolen by Jason. So much so that chose to stop killing for the time being, possess someone and drug Jason to make him fall asleep. Wanting to kill Jason as quickly as he could.

Now that the context is out of the way. In the actual fight, Freddy shows off how powerful he is because of his massive ego. After that however he gets started to the point and starts pummeling Jason, sending him flying with telekinesis, stabbing him, etc, but Jason is not helpless. He survives everything Freddy throws at him, including his telekinesis, and even catches Freddy off guard, making him visibly grunt before he teleports away. The novelization states that Freddy underestimated Jason and that him dropping a boiler on Jason was Freddy “summoning all of his power” into that attack. Freddy even said “Why won’t you die!?” which is just a big fat neon sign he was actually trying to kill Jason. 

The usual argument against this is simply saying Freddy was toying with Jason, but that is heavily contradicted. Not only does the context imply nothing like this, this simply is not how Freddy toys with people. Take a look at the original Nightmare On Elm Street, Freddy intentionally does not attack people when he has the chance, instead purposefully letting them get away just so he can hunt them down and continue making them freak out through their fears. With Jason, he didn’t even know he had a fear. He didn’t make any sort of an attempt to figure it out either, he just attacked similar to how other instances treat Freddy being serious. The only somewhat jokey thing he does is at the start where he regenerates his arms and him making pinball noises while laughing when flinging Jason around, I hate to say this but this is a case of Freddy’s ego, god complex, masochism, psychopathy and generally being an asshole. Saying Freddy was toying with Jason not only goes against the context of both the film and fight, Freddy’s style of tormenting people and lines said throughout the fight but it also paints Freddy like a bubbling idiot who went against his entire motivation for starting the fight all to somehow underestimated someone he was “playing” with. 

We can absolutely scale Jason to Freddy’s telekinesis. Which has an attack potency of 287 Megatons and sends things at 2% lightspeed. But we can go higher, Freddy gets a 10x boost when in boiler rooms and the fight takes place in a boiler room. With this multiplier, we can get Jason surviving Freddy’s telekinesis all the way up to 2.8 Gigatons. Is this novel where this power boost is mentioned canon to Freddy vs Jason? Yes, it mentions the events of the movie and characters along with their experience with Freddy. So it isn’t a stretch to say that this power boost would apply here, even if it sounds really funny and dumb on paper.

Freddy vs Ash Fight

Near the end of Freddy vs Jason vs Ash: Nightmare Warriors, Ash needed to buy some time in order for someone to use the Necronomicon to try to banish Freddy into the deadite dimension. In order to do this, he fought Freddy directly, injuring him with both his chainsaw and bare first. Causing Freddy to scream in pain. Keep in mind this was Freddy merged with the Necronomicon and he was holding a clear advantage. But this isn’t what we’re talking about. What we are focusing on is the part where Freddy stops messing around and screams “ENOUGH ALREADY!” While the Ash vs Freddy fight could be argued as Freddy not taking it seriously, there is no denying the fact that he got serious right after Ash broke his arm. And Ash survived his serious attack point blank and got right back up with no sign of injury. 

Because of this we can likely compare Freddy’s serious output to be well above other feats he performed playfully in this comic, like his house explosions, storm conjuring and making it rain blood over Washington. 

Freddy vs Jason vs Ash Fight

In the first Freddy vs Jason vs Ash comic, the three horror icons got into an all out brawl - Freddy included. Freddy already didn’t exactly like Ash, as he got furious when Ash took the Necronomicon from him. But during their fight, Ash ran over Freddy before he could react (that’s one way to do it) and was beating him down until Jason got involved. Even if you did argue Freddy was once again not taking Ash seriously, he actively said “Enough screwing around” before the final scuffle. Where Ash clearly traded blows with him alongside Jason.

Once again this is pretty good evidence for Freddy scaling and can be used to scale Jason and Ash to any of the previously mentioned feats. 

Other Instances Of Freddy Scaling

So, does this mean Jason scales to Freddy’s full power?


Freddy’s full power is well above Jason and Ash, we can only scale them to attacks they’ve shown to be able to survive among others. Whenever Freddy uses his more reality bending feats and anything of the sorts, it’s too much for Jason and Ash to handle. Jason nearly died in Freddy vs Jason due to this and Freddy would’ve been able to kill Ash if the Necronomicon didn’t fuck him over. Jason survived an attack that Freddy “summoned all of his power and control over the dream into” can likely only be applied to his telekinesis given the context. Not only is it very inconsistent with how Freddy’s full blown power is portrayed, but is inconsistent with Jason and Ash’s own feats.  

In conclusion, we can’t scale Jason to Freddy’s cosmic feats but we can scale them to casual feats that downscale his more serious attacks. 

Savini Jason

Jason's has taken the form of many things throughout the franchise, whether it be due to Nanobots during his adventures into space or forms caused by time periods when time traveling in the puzzle game. But the one that’s most brought up as a standard form for Jason is none other than Savini Jason. Essentially, This form was created to reflect what Jason may have looked like after escaping Hell, Savini Jason is a charred and hellish redesign of Jason. After dying, his soul fought Lucifer and took his pitchfork before promptly emerging from the depths of Hell to wreak havoc on the living with his new found power.

While Savini Jason can be argued as a unique immortality and potential scaling. We have decided that it and by proxy Lucifer’s pitchfork are fairly unreliable in a vs sense. Not only do we have no real context on how they fought or how strong this version of Lucifer is but it’s been shown that Jason was trapped in Hell for a good while with no real option to escape on his own. So sending Jason to Hell by killing him can be considered an incapacitation option, although there are some scenarios in other matchups where Savini can come into play. This isn’t one of these however so Savini will not be considered in the verdict.


(Art credit)

(Art by SteppingOnRats) 


(Art by Vlad Dunkulus) 


With both of these characters being infamous for their ludicrous physical attributes that makes throwing people around and tearing them into bits look easy, it was a given that whoever had the advantage in physicality would have a massive advantage over the course of the fight. However, with both not having any crazy feats on their own. Scaling was going to be a key factor determining who takes the crown here. Strap in, this one is messy so we’ll break it down as much as we can. Starting with strength and durability of course.

Killer Croc, being an insanely powerful Batman Rogue and DC Street tier in general, naturally comes with a handful of incredibly impressive feats of strength and durability. Waylon has ripped doors and bank vaults off their hinges, survived several explosions from small to big, toss Batman around with consistent showings of hurting and badly injuring him, same Batman who can take blasts from Atomic Skull, which got 43 Tons of TNT, survive hits from Quakemasters gun which can cause widespread earthquakes with energy equal to 59.2 Kilotons of TNT. Waylon’s taken many others on, like the Bat family consisting of Nightwing who is able to tank a small island explosion worth 27 Tons of TNT and Stephanie Brown surviving an explosion able to crater a whole city block getting 15.6 Kilotons of TNT. Croc’s had extensive encounters with Mr. Freeze and his ray, which is able to create massive ice blocks that explode, getting the ray and Croc by proxy 1.9 - 5.8 Kilotons of TNT. There are many other Street Tiers that Croc should scale to, like Deathstroke who can live a whole ass submarine being thrown at him with a force of up to 1.3 Kilotons of TNT. Or Roy Harper, whose able to withstand his gun capable of transmitting 143 Kilotons of TNT worth of energy exploding in his face, or Gunfire’s magma which can reach to the bottom of the atlantic ocean from the core of the earth, getting the blast to 38.54 Kilotons of TNT and finally Adam Strange, who can survive being launched into the sun, which gets up to 62.89 Kilotons of TNT and surviving earth’s expansion getting 77 Kilotons of TNT.

Moving onto Jason, as expected from a classic horror movie villain, he has himself a variety of impressive feats of strength and durability. Like surviving house and airplane explosions, spaceship crashes, effortlessly knocking over steel doors, fighting Ash Williams who has survived hill explosions worth 137 Tons of TNT and fighting Deadites who could survive a 20 Kiloton blast. But the elephant in the room is of course Uber Jason and Jason’s run-ins with him. Being in the future, Uber Jason has several feats that are worth a mention, like surviving a spaceship explosion worth 1.9 Kilotons of TNT, almost knocking a spaceship out of orbit through a shockwave caused by his deadly blows, tanking an atmospheric piercing explosion equivalent to 43 Megatons of TNT and knocking down futuristic doors that can only be broken through another spaceship crashing into it, using the Space Sling in Jason X: To The Third Power (since they have higher technology then these doors that Jason still can break through) this feat can get 51.7 Gigatons of TNT. Jason has also managed to survive Freddy’s telekinesis. As said in Before The Verdict, this was serious and amped Freddy as opposed to the playful Freddy whose telekinesis launched a house into space, which got to 283 Megatons of TNT. This is consistent with Uber Jason scaling and other feats casual Freddy has performed in this continuity like making it rain all over Washington needing an energy of 289 Megatons of TNT. But If you were to take the power boost Freddy gets in boiler rooms literally, that could mean Jason could get up to 2.8 Gigatons of TNT. 

With all that out of the way, we can finally get to comparing these two’s strength and durability. Killer Croc’s most consistent range is, as you can probably tell, the Kiloton ranges or Town Level, with the highest one being Roy Harper’s gun explosion getting 143 Kilotons of TNT. Jason could match this, scaling to the Deadites Ash fought and Uber Jason could also get into Kilotons. Speaking of Uber Jason scaling, that and casual Freddy scaling far exceeded nearly all of Croc’s ends. This would at least get Jason into the low Megaton ranges (43 Megatons of TNT or City level) to higher megaton ranges (287 Megatons of TNT or Mountain level). Meaning Jason was 300x - 2007x stronger and more durable then Croc. Even giving Croc the benefit of the doubt and using the Failsafe feat of 717 Kilotons of TNT wouldn’t cut it, that’d still be a 58x - 389x gap. And this would only get worse if you bought the Gigaton ends for Jason. What do we think of Gigaton feats for Jason? Well, we certainly think they’re useful but we also view them as arguable high ends and nothing more really. We don’t think they’re all that reliable and need assumptions on if the power boost is actually usable or if we can use the Space Sling as an end for the indestructible wall since both tech comes from 2 different spaceships with vastly different tech. They do have problems, but even then, Jason did not need them to take strength and durability in the slightest.

Speed is more interesting but a similar story, as yet again both did not have many feats themselves that are all that impressive, especially compared to what they fight against. In any case, scaling gives both a field deal with speed feats, so let’s get straight to the crazy impressive stuff and compare them. Killer Croc could scale to Batman, whose able to dodge beams of light, Joker dodging a radiation blast, Azarel who can block and dodge lasers, Richard Dragon who dodged lasers which got calced to 1.12c, Katana who can reflect a laser at 2.27c and Black Canary, who is able to perceive and potentially react all within a nanosecond, which got 4.3c. So Waylon should very comfortably be in the FTL ranges. Jason has a very… interesting relationship with speeds near the lightspeed ranges to say the least, which we will get to soon, but we’ll highlight the feats of pure speed for now. Jason can fight Uber Jason, who caught onto a spaceship going half of its full speed, which is lightspeed, meaning the ship he grabbed onto was going 50% c at bare minimum, Uber Jason could also dodge a laser which got to 55% c. Once again we can scale Jason to lower end Freddy feats such as the house feat which is 2% c in speed and the groovy man himself Ash Williams moving in tandem with a beam of light getting calced to 87% c. Meaning Jason should be at Sub-Relativistic to Relativistic levels of speed. So comparing all of these ends, Croc had a solid speed advantage of up to 2.24x, 4x, 5x faster than Jason. 

However, something that the blog team were mixed on was the idea of lightspeed Jason through the use of hyperboles consistent with the speed of Jason. These include the many nanosecond statements, which are used in a variety of ways from an actual time frame to less so in the same novel. And the ones that are actually used to portray a timeframe are ones no one scales to. Jason moving at the “speed of a star going supernova” and “speed of light”, among other cases like analyzing possibilities moving in your mind “at the speed of light.” These are way too consistent for their own good and they wouldn’t hold up on their own, but together and with the very consistent Relativistic stuff for Jason it could definitely be argued. To each their own on how they interrupt these feats but in the end it doesn’t really matter all that much. While this can be considered, it only makes the speed gap slightly less harder to deal with for Jason, taking it from a 5x gap to a 4.3x gap. Croc should take speed basically no matter what.

For a short recap, Jason should be far stronger and more durable than anything Waylon can be compared to (Town vs Mountain) while Waylon is a good gap faster than Jason. (FTL vs Relativistic).

Arsenal & Abilities

Stats were far from the only deciding factor this debate has, their arsenal and abilities were crucial to keep the other on their toes and ultimately wear them down enough to score a killing blow. 

First up on the chopping block is arsenal and this one is a double edge sword, on one side Waylon didn’t have as much stuff as Jason has used to kill teenagers throughout the years but on the other the majority of Jason’s arsenal is improvised by Jason on the spot and is most of the time normal weaponry and tools he uses to fatal effect. Croc has access to several guns and we’ve seen that he’s a pretty damn good shot with them too, sniper rifles, handguns, shotguns and even rocket launchers are all things he’s used and pretty handedly outdid any range weapon Jason had, even Jason’s own gun he’s used on one occasion. Although most of his arsenal is just regular weapons, Jason being able to summon them at any time through his link with violence does give him a significant edge in having access to any of his weapons at all times and always being able to be armed with a weapon as the fight went on. Jason’s extensive list of things he’s killed people with are far too much for Croc to actively predict.

Regeneration and Endurance was more simple, Croc managed to shrug off anything from stab wounds, gunshots, tearing off his own hands, having his jaw broken and digging through his own skull and brain to get a chip out and kept going through sheer bloodlust despite suffering large amounts of blood loss. But this healing factor has failed to save Croc from injuries like having a massive hole blown throughout his chest. Unlike Croc, Jason’s healing factor has quickly made him regenerate from having his upper torso and chest completely blown up in seconds and his cells have been said to mass duplicate at a rate that replaces any piece that gets cut off. His regeneration is the reason he’s kept alive under the government for research after all. Jason, as a human, was able to take a stab to the knee, having his collar bone chopped up and being hit in the head with an axe and his zombie form is even more resilient.

Both had their fair share of good stealth feats, with Waylon being able to sneak up on very stealthy and quiet fighters like Catwoman and Batman, as expected from someone of his name. Jason is pretty famously sneaky, having avoided the police and military as well as not making the slightest bit of noise when hunting. While Croc definitely has the better stealth feats, this is thrown out the window when considering Jason’s ability to follow and teleport to you if you’re thinking about him and with his invisibility and teleportation, Croc’s stealth doesn’t actually matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

In fact, that is the main thing that Croc is going to struggle with in this fight, he just doesn’t have any way to keep up with Jason’s absurd supernatural abilities. Take for example, Jason’s soul, empathetic and perception based abilities. Jason, at any point during the fight, could rip Croc’s soul out of his body and give him a vision of Hell or hurt it all the same as he would any living person. Jason could also mess with Croc’s emotions and perception, Jason grows stronger off of the violence in our souls and projecting that emotion onto Croc would not only likely make Croc go into a blind fury but only make Jason stronger as a result. And his aura could make Croc experience intense illusions of young Jason attacking him, his loved ones and any of Jason’s past killings. If that’s not what Jason’s feeling he could also immobilize Croc in fear or drain his life force with his evil through his aura. All of this is something Croc is not equipped to properly deal with. 

But most importantly, Croc has been shown to be specifically vulnerable to possession and although it can be argued he has a resistance to mind control, Jason has several means of possession not tied to mind control. Of course, his most iconic use of possession is through mind controlling someone to eat his heart, which can work at any time and right away if Jason chooses to make it beat in front of Croc. Jason’s mask performs a similar case of possession and by mind controlling Croc to put it on. And last by not least is Jason’s ghost, which is comparable to Pamela’s own ghost, who can possess people via your typical ghost means. And this is very useful given that this form of possession will destroy Croc’s soul if he ever got hit by it. 

Finally, the biggest thorn in Croc’s back is that he doesn’t actually have a way to kill Jason for good. Jason’s immortality is busted and varied at the same time, with many moving parts that Croc plain and simply cannot bypass. Jason is a creature fueled by violence and is “never far away” if there is ever a hint of violence, he embodies pure hate that can never truly die, can have his physical body remade for him if his current body gets too mangled, his existence is the byproduct of a curse that will continue to resurrect him as long as it exists and his soul, or essence, resides in the realm of the Anti-Life which results in him being able to come back to life as an equal response to an act of life. Essentially meaning as long as life is around and being created, Jason can pop back up as the sole representative of the Anti-Life. With no way to combat this, Croc is going to ultimately be outlasted and not have a good option of ridding the world of the Camp Blood slasher.

Tertiary Factors

When it comes to their skill and experience beyond their strength and unpredictability, they were no pushovers. Which makes sense since both fended for themselves for almost their entire life.On paper, Jason has the much higher kill count and has been in a ton of encounters with fellow supernatural beings, experienced fighters and even runs in the military on occasion. But it’s consistently shown throughout these fights that Jason primarily uses his insane physicality and more often than not has no real fighting style or strategic planning. He occasionally does showcase his stealth, survival skills and creativity to kill a multitude of people but these examples are few and far between. Meanwhile, Waylon has been fighting and wrestling crocodiles and alligators for several years, with remarks in his hand-to-hand capabilities being called abnormally strong and even being a raining wrestling champ in a possible future. He keeps his body in peak condition through weight training and practices discipline. Much like Jason, Croc does use his strength as his primary advantage but unlike the Big J he combines this with his wrestling and hand to hand combat and is constantly training to keep his physical condition in check along with having fought experienced fighters like Batman, Bane among others. Depending on the time period, Jason could be older than Croc, but that doesn’t automatically mean he should take skill and experience. Waylon should still be the better and more experienced fighter.

Their intelligence was a similar story although different in some aspects, Jason isn’t totally stupid with a surprising number of intelligent feats to his name, such as successfully setting up traps, identifying other traps, outsmarting people searching for him, using people as meat shields and make them fire their gun on others and somehow swapping places with and impersonating someone without being questioned. Waylon is no slouch either however, he knows how to properly use an assortment of weapons like firearms and swords, track and distract people, recognizing the weakness of a group of demonic forces all on his own and outsmarting people like Bane by tearing his venom supply or weaponizing blood loss to wear him down. As you can see, Waylon overall has the much more impressive intelligent feats and is smarter in most showings of the character. 

Both didn’t really have many means of exploiting the others weaknesses, after all they aren’t really ones to trick the other in a fight or take advantage of things such as sonic attacks or Jason’s love for his mother. However they both did have a leg up in one main factor. Jason could exploit Waylon’s inconsistent interactions with mind control and vulnerability to possession to, well, possess him. Jason could do this in a variety of ways, he could have his body destroyed and make Killer Croc eat his heart, which he can cause at anytime due to the mind control being tied to Jason’s heart beating, have his mask mind control Croc into putting it on and possess him them way or ditch his body altogether if it gets too mangled and enter Croc’s body. Where his body would be hijacked by Jason and his soul would be destroyed as a result. Waylon had a much more simple way of using Jason’s weaknesses against him in the form of just, pressuring and overwhelming him. Jason has a very inconsistent response to repeated blunt force but it has been shown time and time again enough hits will knock Jason down and potentially out with enough blows, normal survivors have taken advantage of this and so have characters like Freddy Krueger and Ash Williams. Jason’s endurance takes him far but enough will do him in. Croc can use his skill/experience and speed edge along with his intelligence in spotting enemy weaknesses to keep the pressure on Jason and pummel him until Jason ultimately loses consciousness. It obviously won’t be easy but it is an oddly effective way for Croc to potentially net him a win.


Killer Croc

“This battle... this struggle to keep any sense of normality... Just when I get a taste of it, it's taken away... this life is a living death. At least you have a mask. I can’t take this off. Ever.”

“We’ve all had something taken away from us that ends up changing us. It’s not giving in to the darkness that defines us, Waylon.”

“Thanks Batman. For using my real name.”


  • Faster and much more agile in combat.

  • Better showings of skill and experience.

  • Overall more intelligent in both battle IQ and regular IQ.

  • Possibly able to scout out Jason’s weakness towards excessive and continuous damage and use it to his advantage.

  • Superior ranged options via firearms.

  • Killer Cock please laugh

  • Likes Seinfeld.


  • Weaker and less durable.

  • Less versatile in both weapons and abilities.

  • Stamina and healing factor, while impressive, aren’t on the level of Jason’s.

  • Likely couldn’t bypass Jason’s perception-altering aura.

  • Had very little options of permanently killing Jason with the Curse and Anti-Life in mind.

  • Possibly vulnerable to Jason’s mind controlling heart and mask, as well his possession.

  • Killed a crab.

  • Pretty damn bad Movie Adaptation track record.

Jason Voorhees

"Jason used to be a kid like me, they say. Deformed, despised. Even though he never talks, I can tell... he knows what it's like to  be ridiculed and abused. That's why I realize now that he would never hurt me. And unlike my father, he would never abandon me. We're a lot alike, he and I. The only difference is that Jason... Jason doesn't let anyone push him around anymore."


  • Far stronger and more durable.

  • Better and more versatile weapons, with him being able to summon these weapons at any time.

  • Hallucinatory and perception based abilities could slow Croc down.

  • Able to affect Croc’s soul outright by either ripping it out or destroying it through possession.

  • Raw aura made it so Jason’s evil could drain Croc’s life and fear provoking causing Jason’s senses to increase.

  • Greater healing factor and stamina.

  • Varied immortality was too much for Croc to realistically handle.

  • Guest star on a talk show.

  • Kane Hodder, any Jason actor at that.


Overall, while he’s certainly not without his advantages, Waylon simply had too much stacked against him and struggled to match Jason’s overpowering supernatural strength and abilities before it was too late. Waylon’s only real way of knocking out or possibly incapacitating Jason would be using his superior speed and skill to overwhelm Jason, as Jason has been physically overwhelmed many times in the past by foes weaker than him and Waylon has sighted weaknesses akin to this in other supernatural forces like demons. However, Croc would have no easy time doing this due to Jason’s frankly insane power gap over Croc and his endurance and regeneration always backing him up. Not to mention Jason’s other abilities like targeting Croc’s soul, perception, emotions and of course, possessing Croc through a variety of means like his heart, mask or just as a ghost. Combine all of this with Croc not having any option of killing Jason for good, especially with his immortality. 

Waylon put up one hell of a good fight, but the Camp Blood Slasher´s strength, durability, abilities and utter resilience made it Crystal clear who would scale to the top of waters and who would sink to the depths of the sewers.

The Winner is Jason Voorhees.

Final Tally

Team Killer Croc (2) - Tario, Gator Loki (Pity Votes)

Team Jason Voorhees (6) - Round 1 Fight, Spycrab, Fiction, Iceking, Bang, ThiccGrimes


  1. This was an amazing blog for a match I originally didn't like much. You've now convinced me that this is the 2nd best for both. Can't wait for the next one, whatever it may be.

  2. What the hell is up with these stats? We realize that dc and marvel street tiers can also scale to things or objects moving at relativistic speeds?


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