Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Leprechaun vs Wishmaster (Leprechaun vs Wishmaster)

“As long as greed is stronger than compassion, there will always be suffering” - Rusty Eric

Lubdan, The gold obsessed slasher and  madman Leprechaun. 

The Wishmaster, The nightmare granting demon and leader of the Djinn.

Ever since the beginning of mankind, there have been tales and myths of humans being deceived and tricked by mythical beings that lure us in with promises of power beyond our mortal forms, riches the likes of which no one has ever seen and more. Our mind tells us no, but our instincts, our impulses of greed and desire for something the normal world can’t give us urges us to accept. And when we do, these devils in disguise twist our words into unimaginable suffering and torment where all we see is one devious shit eating grin. But what would happen if we were to pit these wrathful and sadistic creatures against each other in one final wish that will determine who will keep all the blood and riches for themselves.

Will Lubdan be retrieving his precious gold from the cold dead hands of the leader of the Djinn or will Wishmaster add another the leader of the Leprechauns to his collection of souls to play with for eternity? Let’s see which one of the two will make the other their cattle in this mystical and supernatural Death Battle!

About The Matchup

I don’t normally do this, but since this is a relatively underground matchup and relevancy of Wishmaster has gone up thanks to the kill count, I figured why not try to sell the matchup on the blog to go along with the blog itself. I’ve been supporting this matchup for awhile now, about when I joined the community in the first place. Suffice to say, I love this matchup and think it can be amazing if done right. So to answer the question of “what are the connections?” But be warned, I kinda lost the full list of connections but the extra were just fluff for the most part.

  • Leaders of an ancient race of sinister entities that are horror spins of their usual happy-go-lucky counterparts in modern story-telling that are both greedy in their own rights but also use the greed of their victims to kill them with their magical abilities. Which includes granting wishes, dark magic, etc.

  • Above all else, they are cruel and sadistic, toying with their victims and often making them suffer for their own entertainment and killing them in over the top ways.

  • Both of them are connected to special riches that are extremely important to their series and their backstories, this piece of jewelry being found and stolen from them is usually how the plot of the movies start in the first place. With them searching for whoever summoned them back from the dead, which has led them to go to some very… strange places. Like Vegas!

Is it a whole lot? No, but for these characters you really don’t need too much for a matchup to work thematically. But besides the thematics, this matchup actually has a small legacy behind it. It’s no Jason vs Michael but for the horror genre, these two and their series are compared and contrasted a lot in the slasher community. After the Leprechaun vs Candyman movie was canceled, Leprechaun vs Wishmaster was spread around a lot and was rumored to be actually happening. Even though that rumor was obviously not true, the idea stuck around years after it was talked about and that brings us today where we finally have an opportunity to analyze these two to find out who would truly win. So yeah, this matchup has a soft legacy and I’d love to see it talked about more.

I don’t think I need to tread too much on animation and interaction potential, not only do I not want to spoil the blog too much, but I think this is pretty self explanatory. These two are known for their use of strange abilities and stranger lines of dialogue. You can actually have Wishmaster twisting people’s words to make their wishes a reality whether they like it or not, since Leprechaun only speaks a rhyme and is therefore 10x easier to make death wishes out of. Not to mention the fact that in some scenes Wishmaster can just physically fight without a wish and use some of his abilities, so it’s not one sided either way. The best way I can really describe the interaction potential is, imagine cheesy 90 slashers with a mix of genuine horror/serious moments and horrific gore as a result of their magical abilities.

Anyway, that’s about all I have to say regarding my thoughts on the matchup, in my opinion it’s easily the best for both with a ton of potential for classical 90s horror bad charm and genuinely scary visuals and themes to their powers and tones. With it having a good theme for both characters and series in addition to being a legacy matchup, it’s about all I could really ask for.

Before We Start…

Okay okay one more thing I promise.

I should probably start this blog by saying that this is not a new blog, this is a sort of remaster of my old blog with fixed formatting and new things being added. Which is funny because that blog is a remaster of an even older blog. In any case, I just wanted to clear that up in case of any confusion. 

What we will be using should be pretty self explanatory for both, as they aren’t horror characters with a bunch of media to go off of. We of course will be looking at the full film series and scripts for both (Lep’s 8 movies and Wishmaster’s 4) along with extended material like the Bluewater Leprechaun comic series, the short comic run for Leprechaun that was made to promote the first movie and the novelization of the original Wishmaster that acts as a retelling of the movie.

But that’s not the only thing we need to clear up before diving deep into this blog. Normally, blogs take a character at their peak and while we do know Wishmaster has a peak, we never actually see him reach this due to the fact he needs 3 wishes from the one who summoned him to enter our world (and to fall in love but that movie is stupid). Because we don’t really know anything about The Wishmaster’s peak and the amount of prep he needs to do to get it in the first place cannot be ignored, we will be taking him at his normal style of granting wishes. It’s not like he can’t fight physically or use some of his powers without a wish in later films anyway, or the several moments where he’s asked to put on a big party where he uses a bunch of his abilities at once. We still want him to be the Wishmaster here. Overall, we feel this treatment of the Djinn will lead to the best way to do a blog like this and the matchup in general.

And one more thing, this blog will contain.. Very graphic and gross imagery Besides from the gore of both films, mainly Wishmaster, both series have showcases of very explicit topics to say the least. Although we will do our best to avoid trying to link anything that is overly explicit. Tread carefully.



“Ah! Try as they will, and try as they might, who steals me gold won't live through the night.”

 See the hat? The buckles on his shoes? Why, it’s a Leprechaun! A mythical race of forest dwellers found at the end of a rainbow alongside their riches. But careful, these leprechauns aren’t here to give you any of their gold. They’re trickster-like spirits having the most fun ways of using their deadly magic for nothing but mischief. These Leprechauns are known as the elves of the devil! In the medieval times, a king had employed the leprechauns to protect his gold from falling in the hands of greedy and hungry soldiers. Which they would do, ripping apart anyone who dared touch the gold. But when the king had fallen and his kingdom gone, the leprechauns all fled back to their homes. 

Except one, one who was said to have sacrificed his fellow Leprechauns for not just a piece of the king’s gold, but all of it. So when the time came, he did not leave. He remained. The one who ultimately led the war against the demented Clurichauns, the enemy of leprechauns. This Leprechaun was Lubdan.

Yes we’re still talking about the horror movie where an irish gremlin went to both space and the hood twice. Lubdan kept a hold of his gold for a long time, either for 600 or 1000+ years depending on the writer. In any case, Lubdan will do whatever it takes to get his gold back. He won’t rest day or night until all of his shillings are recollected. This utter determination for his gold has let him in some - odd scenarios to say the least. Los Angeles, Vegas, and yes you read correctly before, space and the hood. All the while using his magical abilities and sheer tenacity let him rack up quite the impressive kill count. He may be ridiculous, he may be cheesy, he may be short. But this cackling bastard had cemented himself as one the meanest lil shits horror movies have ever seen. And he wants his gold.


“I claim that which is owed.”

When God first breathed life in the universe, the light gave birth to heaven, the earth gave birth to man, and the fire gave birth to the all mighty Djinn. A race of powerful, immortal and sadistic demons condemned to dwell in between worlds, aka, Hell. Only being able to use their abilities when summoned, where they are restricted into giving 3 wishes to the summoner before disappearing back into the void. The Djinn, who are truly terrifying beasts at heart, are restricted to the role of pathetic Genies. What the race of Djinn needed was a leader. A representative of their kind who would wage war against the likes of Heaven and allow his brethren  to snuff out the flame of life once and for all. 

This leader soon arose, made a deal with a Warlock to allow him to twist the words of the wishers and took command over his kin. This figure was only known by his well earned title, The Wishmaster.

Despite the war on Heaven ending in the djinns' defeat, The Wishmaster had managed to sneak his way into reality. Where he would twist the wish of his summoner’s wishes into their worst nightmare, and once his wisher's third wish had been made. The veil between Earth and Hell would be open, and The Djinn would be able to step foot on the Earth and destroy it. But before he could do this, a sorcerer sealed The Wishmaster inside a stone known only as “The Stone of the Secret Fire.” This complicated things to be sure, but it granted The Wishmaster unlimited time on Earth. Whoever would collect this gem, whether it be by chance or by stealing it would awaken Wishmaster and he would give them chances for wishes to be made. But don’t worry! You won’t die, you’ll just wish you could.

Experience & Skill


Despite what his awful jokes and more awful movie plots might make you think, Lubdan is a surprisingly good fighter with some useful yet strange skills under his little Leprechaun belt. His age is inconsistent to say the least, the first film states that he’s 600 yet the very next film has him at over 1000. But since the comics have him existing in Medieval times before human civilization and the later movies having him in similar time periods, so over 1000 years old is the most consistent answer to his age.

Speaking of comics, in them it’s revealed that Lubdan was once the leader of the Leprechauns and commanded them in a war against the Clurichauns. Which has gone on till present day where Lubdan is now the last Leprechaun in existence, likely due to his gold. He’s fought multiple Clurichauns at once and similar magic users like Esmeralda. He’s no slouch in the movies either, he’s taken on Space Marines and beat one of them in a quick draw at one point.

He’s clever too and very unpredictable, in just a few seconds he can make a miniature car for himself capable of flipping over actual cars with seemingly nothing. He was somehow able to infiltrate a hospital by disguising himself as a doctor (sure, I guess) and has shown knowledge on how to operate futuristic technology like setting off a self-destruct sequence on a spaceship and piloting his very own spaceship.

Also, this motherfucker can drink holy shit. He can, and I kid you not, chug an entire bottle of Irish Rum, get drunk for like 1 minute only and walk it off completely fine. Christ.


As the prince of dark dominions and all of the Djinn, Wishmaster has been leading the Djinns for as long as it has existed and has seen a lot during his time as leader. Djinns are demonic genies born from the fire of the universe in a time before time itself was a thing, which applies to Wishmaster because he’s referred to himself as older than time.

After making a deal with a Warlock to increase his wish granting abilities, Wishmaster led his race in a war against the Angels of Heaven. Where he killed several Angels beneath his conquering feet, later showcased by him facing and overpowering Archangel Michael and The Hunter, an Angel sent by Heaven to kill whoever summoned Wishmaster. Although he did lose the war, Djinns were still recognized as the stronger species. Wishmaster, through his wishes, can give others impressive skills like turning a regular no name murderer into someone as skilled as a trained assassin. 

But he wouldn’t be the Wishmaster with just his raw skill and experience, like any good devil, he has a mesmeric charm that gains people's trust with just a stare. His most iconic attribute is his knack for turning people's words and wishes against them to kill them in some real creative ways. Such as the time he trapped someone in a cage of water in a straightjacket after they said they wanted to escape, made the wishers mother sign a form that would give her son a million dollars before causing the plane she was in to explode because the wisher asked for a million dollars, he’ll think of anything really as long as it twists your wish into ungodly suffering.




Ah, a Leprechaun’s infamous pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. But don’t think for a second to take or touch this Leprechaun’s precious gold. Lubdan will do anything in his power to protect his gold, will always know whenever it’s taken and will individually count each and everyone of his gold to make sure he’s not missing a single one of his coins. He loves his gold so much that he sold his soul for it.

This gold isn’t just for looks though, these shillings can be used to grant whoever possesses one with however many wishes they want, but only one wish can be used at a time. So if another person uses the same shilling to wish for something, the previous wish will be undone. If several people have pieces of Lep’s gold at once, Lubdan is able to universally effect them all through his magic. In some movies, having a shilling on you makes you immune to all damage from a Leprechaun. This is heavily contradicted several times however, as he’s been consistently shown that he can indeed hurt people who have his gold. So this is a simple continuity issue that isn’t consistent with the character.

What is consistent however, is the fact that Lubdan’s power and survival are tied to his gold. The more he collects, the more powerful he grows and as long as there’s some piece of it out there, he’s able to come back good as new. If you were to hurt or destroy the gold however, then you would hurt and destroy Lubdan. This immortality lets Leprechaun do things like reform if there’s a piece of his gold near him and crawl out of hell through pure greed of wanting his gold back.

Gold Chest

Differing from his traditional pot, he has a chest full of his gold to keep it contained in a similar fashion. This chest is, in of itself, magic and refills itself with gold every time it’s opened.

Gold Flute

In his gold, he has a few artifacts with their own unique properties, like a Golden Flute that is unrecordable by any device and hypnotizes whoever hears it. Making them mesmerized by the user and make you like the music it plays no matter what your reaction was before.

Gold Collar

Another piece of his gold, Leprechaun can use a golden collar to snap onto peoples necks with no way to take it off besides Lubdan himself doing so. What a freak.


Lubdan’s main method of offense besides his magic, this cane or Shillelagh as it’s called, is primarily used bluntly to knock people across the face and kill people in only a few strikes. But it also has some other functions, like tracking people down with a magic spell and comes with a retractable blade for some good old stabbing. 


For a more deadly approach than his regular cane, Lubdan can summon a sword out of thin air that’s particularly made for slaying Clurichauns. Probably because this sword’s enchanted and therefore able to slice through other magical entities with ease.


For his next trick, watch as he traps you in a box and slices it in two with a chainsaw he pulled out of absolutely nowhere.

A Motherfucking Lightsaber


Roller Skates

He can spawn a pair of roller skates to move around and try to keep up with cars, even if he kinda sucks with them.


Stolen from one of his victims, Leprechaun uses this drone and his small stature to fly around and similarly keep up with speeding cars.


As you can see, Lubdan has a strange fascination with tiny vehicles that let him travel faster than on bare foot, don’t believe me? He’s ridden a tricycle found at a barn house, a miniature car that definitely is not fit for actual roads, a customized race car and a car he made out of basic scrap that can flip over actual cars. 3 of the examples above are in the same god damn film for the record, the directors really want this guy driving apparently.


On more than one occasion, Lep’s got his lucky hands on multiple guns and got into gun fights with trained Space Marines as well. He’s wielded tiny futuristic shotguns and revolvers.


For more firepower, Lubdan can summon and come across a variety of explosives like propane tanks and C4, along with a detonator to activate the C4 of course.


During his ventures through space, Leprechaun made a special syringe that injects people with regenerative blood and some bug DNA that will mutate you into a giant bug once injected.


As expected from a purposely dumb fun horror movie franchise, Lubdan has killed several in creative and gruesome ways. His remaining arsenal are mostly normal weapons that don’t warrant their own section, so they’re labeled under miscellaneous. 


The Stone of The Secret Fire

Forged in the molten remains of some unknown material, this shiny gem was originally used by a sorcerer to seal the Wishmaster inside of it in some sort of pocket dimension to trap him there for the rest of eternity. Until he found a way to escape of course. Yeah, with one breath and one good rubbing, or if you just touch the stone it’s not too complicated sometimes, Wishmaster can be freed and enter our world. Don’t do it with your bare hands though, this stone can burn whatever it touches. Hence the name, The Stone of The Secret Fire. 

Wishmaster is a microscopic entity to those outside of the gem, but in reality his twisted soul is what really lurks within that stone. The pocket dimension that Wishmaster has now conquered inside the gem has an infinite space between it and the reality world that separates it. Having lived in the gem for centuries, Wishmaster of course needs ways to entertain himself, which he does by torturing the souls he’s taken through his wishes. 

He’s gotten so attached to his beloved gem that not only does he seem to actually enjoy being trapped there, but the gem has become integral to the Djinns power and is the source of his power in general. Along with being essential for the whole race of the Djinn. Which explains why everytime a Djinn dies, they are simply reborn within the gem and able to come back at any time. Meaning that so long as the gem is kept nice and safe, Wishmaster can be resurrected everytime he dies.


Wishmaster can turn The Stone of The Secret Fire into a sweet blade to do battle with any pesky Angel in his way.


While he sometimes prefers rocking it shirtless, Wishmaster has a full set of Djinn custom armor and a fucking awesome cape. Unfortunately he has no consistent design so the cape is lost to time. What a shame.


To torture the souls stuck in the gem with him, he has tendrils around the place to tear people apart. Just for funsies. He’s also kind of freaky.


Standard firearms summoned by Wishmaster on two separate occasions for the same person, to blow someone's brains out and make it hurt like hell.

Djinn Dog

For his age, Wishmaster must be lonely all the time. Luckily, he has his very own good boy in a Djinn Dog that follows his every command. Awwwwww.


Despite mostly being a character centered around his abilities, Wishmaster has occasionally used other pieces of equipment in fights or for miscellaneous usages.




What makes the Leprechaun differ from other slashers is that he doesn’t kill you through brute force, usually, rather he utilizes Leprechaun magic to great effect to murder people in real creative and nasty ways. As funny as it sounds, he’s a master sorcerer and magician, being insanely skilled using his magic in fights against other magical beings and users. His magic is extremely versatile and powerful, able to make him do damn well near whatever he wants.

He can fire his magic in particles or as an energy beam to send people backward, create force fields with this same energy that fries anyone who touches it, infuse his magic into your brain and make you his minion with a touch, enchant locations like his lair and make them supernatural, grow in power whenever he’s given gold or whenever he kills and of course do a whole lot more as we are about to see in the following sections.

Wish Granting

As seen in Leprechaun 2 and 3, victims of Lubdan can ask for a total of three wishes from a Leprechaun. Which if you couldn’t tell by now, he also twists the words of these wishes into extreme suffering and almost definitely your death. Because of this and the previously mentioned shillings that can grant wishes to whoever has one, we can compare Lubdan’s wish granting abilities to his own shillings, at least as far as uses go.

Enhanced Senses

As the sole survivor of the Leprechauns, Lubdan has honed his senses to the max. Being able to sniff out danger coming near him across rooftops, recognize the smell and taste of his own gold and tell who is an ancestor of who by the scent of their blood.

Extrasensory Perception

Lubdan’s senses aren’t just heightened, they’re supernatural in more ways than one. No matter where he is, even if he’s in the darkest pits of hell, if you touch or dare to steal his gold, he will know and crawl out of hell to reclaim what is his.


After being awakened, he’ll go through one intense gold hunt trying to find who you are and where you are. Luckily, or unluckily for you, Lubdan knows the name and address of anyone who has his gold and can use other spells to know your current location. Yes, this Leprechaun can dox you.


Stab, shoot and stick him in an explosion as many times as you want, you can never keep this Leprechaun down. Mostly due to his link with his gold, Lubdan can reform his body whenever he dies, exist for several eras, have his soul remain conscious after death and curse the place he died in to corrupt things like water to make him live again and regenerate from almost any means of damage. 


Lubdan’s ability to take a seemingly endless amount of damage can be chalked up to his absolutely absurd healing factor. Let’s see, he’s regenerated from decapitation, dismemberment, having the top part of his body blow clean off, being exploded and being stuck in explosions, being melted, you name it and it’s likely that it cannot kill Leprechaun. Even something as tiny as a single drop of blood will cause Ludban to form and keep fighting, being able to get his full body back through other drops of blood. Essentially, if there’s a piece of Leprechaun still out there, you haven’t killed the Leprechaun and he’ll be back as good as new.


If one Leprechaun wasn’t enough for you, which it definitely was but I digress, Lubdan can shoot out a magical beam of energy into your… penis that spawns a magical copy of himself that crawls out of your body and replaces the old Leprechaun later on. Since his soul remains conscious after death, he can do this after his physical body can’t fight anymore. So you’re really gonna have a hard time keeping him down.

Biological Manipulation

This guy really has a thing for coins huh? Nonetheless, he can pump your arm like a slot machine and make you vomit out coins or alternatively, he can target specific organs in your body and make them explode.


Lubdan can control the form of anyone and anything at a moment's notice, he can turn regular dinner into riches for himself or others, make a phone an extension for himself as he sticks his hand through the line, turn someone’s arm into money or completely turn a human into a snake by touching them.


By biting you, he can transfer his Leprechauniness onto you. Turning you into a violent, potato obsessed, rhyming and gold hoarding Leprechaun just like him. This corruption is more than just altering your biology however, he can corrupt your soul itself and things like water through a curse.

Size Manipulation

Besides the previously mentioned size manipulation via wishes, Lubdan can increase the size of someone's head until it pops like a balloon with a blast of his powerful magic.


To deceive people, Lubdan can disguise himself as anyone he chooses. Being able to switch back to his normal appearance in an instant, but when he’s disguised he perfectly copies the voice of who is disguised as and their kissing techniques. Which is honestly the scariest moment in these movies.

Body Control

When dismembered into pieces, he still retains full control over his body and magical abilities plus he can just reattach the lost body part whenever he wants so it’s no big deal.

Body Puppetry

It doesn’t end with controlling his own body, he can overpower the control others have on their own body. Making them do things like shooting themselves.


Perhaps his most iconic ability, Lubdan can control things with his mind and launch fully grown adult men several feet into the air with a flick of his wrist. Along with many other uses.


In what can only be described as the best effects ever made, Lubdan can appear and disappear at will, even in the most strange places.


By holding onto someone, he can make him and anyone he’s holding onto fade away and into his lair. His lair has been enchanted by yours truly to trap anyone stuck inside with repeating loops of hallways and hallucinations. Given he enchanted the place to begin with, we can give Lubdan both of these abilities in addition with his BFR.

Perception Manipulation/Illusion Creation

Lubdan can muddle your perception through things such as mirrors or make you hallucinate, seeing deadly things like saw blades as a pretty woman and creating fake rooms for you to go mad in.

Mind Manipulation

If you couldn’t get this stupid cretin out of your head, that’s because he’s in your head in the most literal way possible to fuck it up and make you experience the world completely differently. He can similarly mess with your mind with his magic itself, which can be injected into your mind to take it over and make you one of his minions, or what I like to call them, Leprechaun Ladies.


In his lair, he’s got a few skeletons of his victims that he can re-animate into hostile monsters to create the deadliest cliche ever. 

Slight Toon Force

If you forgot this series was a horror franchise, don’t worry the writers did as well. Like when they made Leprechaun have realistic cartoon physics, he’s no Bugs Bunny and only really uses this ability on a small scale. But that doesn’t change the fact he can put his finger to a gun and make it explode when it's fired and flatten a guy’s head perfectly circular with a disk he threw with his telekinesis.


To warn people about workplace safety like a good employee, Leprechaun can hop in and out of digital media like a TV commercial at will to do, well whatever this is.

Technology Manipulation

Lubdan displays a unique control over technology, both past, present and far future technology are all things he’s shown to distort and influence it with his magic.

Curse Manipulation

When defeated or incapacitated, Lubdan can utter his iconic rhyming to cast spells that curse wherever he died with his soul and corrupt things connected to that place like water. He can use curses offensively as well, like the time he cursed someone into losing their life by a stroke and have a stroke they did.

Life Manipulation

In Back 2 The Hood, yes this was his second time at the hood, he was able to literally absorb his fleeting life energy as it was spewing out of him after being shot with clovered covered bullets. Undoing basically all the damage his body felt as his life regains strength once more. This extends to others, as Lubdan can create life out of nothing.

Death Manipulation

Upon using one big spell that affects anyone who had his gold at the time, he caused two people standing right next to each other to drop dead on the spot.

Soul/Essence Manipulation

Leprechauns are beings with immense dominance over human souls, being able to “drink” the spirits of humans and get drunk off of it. Lubdan himself claimed that taking his gold corrupts your soul, only giving him more authority over it.

As said by Esmeralda, a powerful human sorcerer comparable to Lubdan, stealing a Leprechaun’s gold will result in much more than just a couple measly deaths. It can tear apart the very fabric of your essence if you’re not careful, while the nature of this essence is unknown, it can be compared to how Lubdan obtained his gold. Which he traded his soul for, meaning tearing apart your essence most likely means destroying your soul in a sense. Which lies up with the opening line of the first In The Hood movie backs up the idea of Leprechaun having soul disorienting properties. 


Really anything Lubdan wants to be sent to his location he can create or summon, like a nice dinner table in case he’s feeling romantical and his pot of gold in case he’s still feeling romantical, but to his gold this time.

Paralysis Inducement

When facing against fellow magic users, Lubdan has one good trick up his little Leprechaun sleeve, he can stop them dead in their tracks and immobilize them with a demonic growl and glowing red eyes.

Fire Manipulation

As nature’s deadliest magician, Leprechaun has a decent amount of abilities relating to or consisting of controlling the elements. Like fire, which as shown above, lets him create a large wall of fire between him and his opponent. 

Temperature Manipulation

With a point, Leprechaun can increase the heat of any object in sight to become burning, forcing whoever’s holding it to drop it if they wanna keep their hand.

Explosion Manipulation

With a snap, very different this time I know, Lubdan can fire combustions in the air that act as projectiles able to contend with actual guns and send walls of fire your way. Or, if he’s backed against a corner, cause your very organs to explode with a bang of his fingers. Lep did it first.

Lightning Manipulation

Lubdan can zap you with some sort of magical green lightning that makes your brain overload with magic and become a slave to the Leprechaun before you promptly die.

Air Manipulation

If for some reason Leprechaun wants to send a relatively flight object flying, he can create a gust of wind with a blow.

Plant Manipulation

As you can expect from forest spirits, Leprechauns like Lubdan can telepathically control plants to snare or strange people to hold them down long enough for him to rip a gold tooth out of you.

Metal Manipulation

With the energy sent out by his magic, Lubdan can gravitate metals near him and mold them together to form a giant furnace golem. While he wasn’t able to control it here, he didn’t have full control over his magic and wasn’t at full power. A peak Lubdan should be able to fully control this thing.

Rainbow Creation

Like the trope goes, at the end of the rainbow lies the Leprechaun’s gold. But thanks to the greed of this Leprechaun, he doesn’t exactly want people following the rainbow. Which is why he can create and manipulate rainbows however he pleases, which he uses as some sort of portal to travel. This is only enhanced by the comics, where his rainbow portals can literally let him time travel into different time periods.



Wish Granting

As the name implies, Wishmaster’s main method of using his dark magic offensively is through a wish permitting him to do so. And thanks to his pact with a Warlock letting him be unbound by God’s old curse limiting the Djinn’s wishes to only letting them grant exactly what the wisher means, Wishmaster can now twist the wisher's words and turn their wish into their worst nightmare. These wishes aren’t free either, although Wishmaster can grant additional wishes if he feels like it, they come with the price of your very soul. Which Wishmaster now owns to torture it for all of eternity and or absorb it outright.

But why does Wishmaster want to give wishes to be people if he only wants to hurt them? Well, for a majority of the series he’s stuck having to do exactly what everyone tells them. No, what the Wishmaster really wants is to grant the person who summoned him with 3 wishes (and fall in love with them but we ignore that movie), which will fulfill some sort of prophecy and let him and the rest of his kind take over Earth and destroy all of creation.

There seems to be really nothing Wishmaster can’t do with these wishes and he’s talked a big game about them, promising great wonders and possibilities to be given. We’ll get into the specifics later on of course.

Soul Manipulation/BFR

Beyond claiming your soul once you’ve wished for something, his wishes themselves cast magic that is able to rip your soul from your body and twist your being into a new, dark reality. Which is implied to be the realm of the Djinn or at the very least his gem, a void in which he rules. Where you can only be freed if Wishmaster’s unholy magic is undone, until then you’re basically stuck in his realm and frozen in place in reality without a soul or have it consumed.


Along with affecting your soul, Wishmaster’s powers put a strain on your body in the form of an unholy corruption that will turn you into a puddle of transmuting matter that breaks down into nothing once the corruption is expunged from their bodies.

Accelerated Development

Once brought out of the stone, Wishmaster will start rapidly developing from a slug like baby into the Djinn we all know and love. Growing in both size and power, usually from a wish.


If the gem ever breaks, The Wishmaster can simply pull it back together good as new as if nothing had ever happened.


To disguise his devilish appearance as that of a human, Wishmaster can rip someone else’s face and wear it, turning him into an identical look-like to whatever face he stole and mimic their voice to better fit in. We’ve seen him use many identities throughout the years, but his most prominent is the identity of Nathaniel Damarest. 


The Djinn are about as hard to kill as you can likely imagine, they can live for eons and have existed before time did at the beginning of all creation and with the Stone of The Secret Fire by their side, they no longer fear death. To them, death is just the moment before being reborn in the gem with even more hatred in their hearts. Only being able to finally die if this gem is destroyed.


To go along with his eternal and “evil never dies” shtick, Wishmaster has a healing factor that allows him to shrug off and easily recover from gunshots to the chest and head. But if it’s any consolation sweet viewer, it hurts like hell!


God forbid we go one blog without mentioning teleportation, anyway, he can transport himself wherever he likes whenever he likes the moment you look away.


It should come as no surprise that Wishmaster can use telekinesis to make people run into each other and fling people around rooms in an act that defies gravity.

Mind Manipulation

All the way back in the year 1122 AD, Wishmaster swayed a king to wish for the respect of his people, where he then granted it by mind controlling the population he was ruling to like and worship him when they hated him before.


Wishmaster can use anyone around him as a meat shield, like the time he made someone act in primal fury as if he was possessed and kill everyone around him while also giving him the skill of a trained assassin.

Illusion Creation

To fool with the human eye and what they see, Wishmaster can make graphic illusions depicting certain realities in order to sway or distract you from his true motives. Places where you will never grow sick, age or die under his influence.

Biological Manipulation

Wishmaster is very commonly shown the ability to alter our bodies and genetics to create a variety of effects, like making your organs come to life, make your organs explode randomly or make you shit out coins for some reason, turn you into a someone composed out of entirely wood or a hybrid of a human and a crocodile that begs for salvation. 


By manipulating the form of our mesley and simplistic human bodies, he can turn us into really whatever he feels fits the moment or wish, he can turn you into a mannequin, glass and bubbles of transmuting matter before breaking down into puddles of blood and guts.

Body Puppetry

He can control how human bodies move and what they do as well, making you attack randomly or fold your body like a chair and make you… fuck yourself to death. Listen, these movies get out of hand real fast after the first one.

Life Manipulation

While we might never see him lead an army of Djinn for real, we see him make makeshift armies out of inanimate objects that he’s given life to on the spot constantly. 

Death Manipulation

To balance out his art of life giving, he can induce death upon anyone he’s wished to “remove the pain of” with a snap of his fingers. Which honestly isn’t on him you’re just asking for your wish to backfire with wording like that.


During the party scene in the novelization, Wishmaster made it so that when a man touched another person, that person would be turned into an exact double of the man in every physical way. Except now evil and with murderous intent, courtesy of Wishmaster

Power Bestowal

Wishing for power is extremely, and I do mean extremely, unwise but if you really wanted to. The djinn can bestow upon certain aspects like strength, skill etc. At the cost of your everything.


Anything ranging from a regular weapon or object to people in a different realm of existence is all on the table for Wishmaster to summon for the wisher.


If Wishmaster wants to flip the tables and trap you in the Stone of The Secret Fire instead, he could always seal you into this gem’s pocket dimension for however long he wants, and with an infinite distance between this world and the real world, you’re really never getting out. 


He demonstrates an odd level of control over fictional things such as paintings, either bringing creatures from paintings into our world or trapping your soul inside a painting. 

Reality Warping

Our reality is at the cold dead hands of the Wishmaster, and under his control he can cause reality to shimmer until it loses all sense of stability all together and demonic figures attempt to force its way into our reality. Once you are caught in this reality, you are transformed into transmuting matter by the corrupting influence of The Djinn. He can even merge together parts of our world with his own for more extreme effects. 

Probability Manipulation

Fun fact, Wishmaster loves gambling. As it’s a way for people to become addicted to something that they will eventually lose at. In any case, Wishmaster can effortlessly obtain souls by causing irregular luck to gamblers all around a casino, making them win every game they play.

Causality Manipulation

Wishmaster can reverse specific actions done in the past to cause a butterfly effect. Like at the end of the first film, where he undid the level of intoxication of a worker to make sure that the stone of the secret fire was never revealed to the public, and thus, The Wishmaster was not summoned

Law, Spatial and Time Manipulation

As a being of unlimited power, Wishmaster’s abilities actively go against the rules of nature and the laws of space and time. If you ask for anything, he must grant it whether or not these rules allow it or not.


Having existed before time and since the dawn of creation, it shouldn’t be a shock that Wishmaster’s memories have remained unchanged despite wishes that rewrite history and undo the events of the film.

Matter Manipulation

Wishmaster, despite having his power be fucked over by God, can rip molecules apart and reform them into an entirely new object and it’s revealed that his wishes operate down to the atomic level.

Fire Manipulation

Not surprising that a creature birthed from the literal fire of creation would be able to use fire to set others ablaze with a flame that set fire to everything they touch or harness it in order to burn others on contact.

Ice Manipulation

If wishes are too much stress and you need to take a chill pill, Wishmaster has you covered! As in, he can drop your body temperature and freeze you to a chunk of ice.

Air Manipulation

He was able to turn a regular blowing force into a gust of wind that launched Billy across the room. Talk about blowing someone. Which is exactly what this guy wished for. Dumbass. 

Age Manipulation

When someone wished that they were never born, he fulfilled it by deaging them into nothing. Which again, dumb wish, that’s on the dude.

Disease Manipulation

He can give someone some form of super cancer that causes them to twitch on the ground and grow several tumors before dying in seconds.

Fourth Wall Awareness

I thank the Crustacean for the introduction, but he’s outlived his purpose for the moment, do you not agree? Now that we are alone, let us begin. You’ve seen what I can do, the power I can give, the wonders I can show you. Let us get right to the point and cut all the shit, shall we? Make. Your. Wis- Hey scram! HISSSSS Darn evil horror villains! Always writing in my blogs… wait what.





  • Traded his soul for the sake of his gold.

  • Fought and led the war against the Clurichaun, where he would later win.

    • Later Sacrificed the rest of his race for his gold.

  • Became the last Leprechaun.

  • Continued to fight the Clurichaunin the future, still holding his own despite him being weakened. 

  • Cursed a well with his essence and came back 25 years later still looking for his gold. 

  • Been to the hood and back.

  • Funniest horror character I’ve ever seen.






  • Became the most powerful Djinn through a deal with a Warlock.

  • Lead the war against the Angels of heaven.

    • Although the Djinn lost, the djinn were still regarded as the stronger species overall.

  • Hosted a party that was remembered for centuries on end.

  • Collected 800 souls in a single night.

  • Fought and bested archangel Michael, who was sent down to stop him.

  • Has almost converged realities between earth and hell 4 whole times, nearly achieving it everytime. 

  • Got a kill count! (Finally)






While Lubdan’s utter determination has gotten him through thick and thin, he’s a lil shit to the very end and has a variety of flaws that his foes have exploited. To the point where nearly every single movie there’s something new that can kill him, let’s go down that list. 

A Leprechaun’s power can easily be weakened or nullified through the use of a 4 leaf clover, so much so that he can barely use his magic or escape through a box he was trapped in. Like other magical creatures like the Clurichaun are specifically weak to wrought iron, burning whenever they touch it. However the most damning of all is in shoes, which Lubdan is obsessed with rubbing them clean and will drop whatever he’s doing to clean them. For some reason (This is not actually his biggest weakness)

No, his actual biggest weakness lay in none other than his gold. His gold has been cursed by the Clurichauns, where if he does not retrieve all of it after one year, he will surely die. What’s more is that his entire existence is dependent on the gold itself, he will be hurt if it is hurt and likewise be killed if it is destroyed.


Wishmaster hates his role as a genie with a passion. He’s not exactly keen on having his powers restricted to a wish. No matter the time, space or reality the wish was spoken in, he must obey the rules and grant it. While he usually can twist it to his liking, if someone wishes for too specific of a thing or something he can’t find a way to make it horrible. He’ll be stuck having to perform that wish.

His stone can also act as a great weakness for him as much as it is a benefit, if it is completely destroyed he can no longer be reborn and will have to face the eternal darkness that comes with his death. But besides that, if someone pure of heart that has no blood on their hands whispers the words “Nib Sugaroth Baheim”, he will be trapped inside his gem, again.

Finally, for someone like the Djinn who is stuck in a goddamn rock time and time again, you can really only be patient for so long. His ego and his impatience has made him rush things at the last minute and not think clearly, leading to him being tricked and defeated. This happens a lot.

Before The Verdict…

Does Leprechaun have a soul?

The argument of Lubdan having a soul or not having one has been tossed around quite a bit and it does actually play a pretty big part in this matchup, which we will get to in the verdict soon enough. So, does he have a soul? Short answer, yes he should have one. As mentioned before, Lubdan sold his soul in exchange for his gold, meaning he no longer has possession of it. But this doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t have one as in the very same movie we see him binding his soul to the well he was trapped in through a curse. There’s nothing outright saying he has no soul, just that it is owned by someone else. Which doesn’t imply he’s soulless or anything.

Mountain Wishmaster?

In the novelization of the first film, it’s said that the wish he granted that ultimately caused his defeat caused a ferrous earthquake that was equal to a 9.0 magnitude on the Richter scale, or 476 Megatons of TNT. Naturally, this might raise some eyebrows on if it's usable or not. Mainly because It appears that the main source of the earthquake wasn’t the Djinn himself, but The Stone of The Secret Fire. Given that it was swallowing the Djinn piece by piece and after it did, the earthquake continued and similarly consumed the mansion and all life in it. 

Does this mean we can’t scale Wishmaster to this earthquake? Well not quite Wishmaster bros, we do have solid pieces of evidence on how Wishmaster can scale. It was the gem doing it, and in this very novel it’s said that a Djinn’s powers are connected to the gem and in Wishmaster’s case, Wishmaster draws his power from the gem. Being stuck inside the gem to Wishmaster is the same as you being stuck in your body, it’s just the source of his power, it is his power. What’s more is that Wishmaster and this random dude survived an explosion that destroyed the gem itself. Wishmaster even resisted the pull that was causing the force of the earthquake for a little while, so it’s not far-fetched at all to say he’s comparable, at least in some way. There are other feats to back this up as well, like the storm feat in Wishmaster 2.

So is it usable? Maybe but we’ll get to more of that in the Verdict.


(Art by Travis Falligant)

(Same Matchup, Art by Enidude)


When it comes to sheer power and durability, these two were very impressive in terms of both their magical and physical stats. Lubdan is able to tear off human fingers and limbs with ease, break doors down, bust through rocks super casually which got 3 Megajoules, cause a farmhouse explosion with a wave of his hand which got 41 Megajoules, survive a well explosion which got 113 Megajoules and his magic has been said to be able to fry someone the moment they touch it, which ends up being 239 Megajoules. Given he’s tanked magical blasts comparable to his own, it should be reasonable to say that he can scale physically to his magic as well. Meaning that he should be Wall level at least, especially with lower ends feats getting this level too, and reaching Small Building level with his stronger magic.

Unfortunately for the Leprechaun, he was outmatched here. Wishmaster has mauled people to the point where they’re no longer recognizable, survived a fall from a roof of a college building, completely froze someone in seconds which is 22.3 Megajoules, blown up airplanes which got 3.88 Tons of TNT and him and another person survived his gem exploding into a hundred fragments that were all as strong and fast as guided missiles which can get 2.3 Tons of TNT - 11.4 Tons of TNT given that the movie showed the fragments taking up most of the lab. Meaning it should be fine to assume a higher end, something like 500 fragments should be reasonable.

This means that comparing the lowest end of the gem explosion for Wishmaster’s ends to Lubdan’s two strongest feats, Wishmaster would be 40 - 85x more powerful then Lubdan. With the plane explosion, that shoots up to 67.9 - 143x more powerful, and finally with the 500 end for the gem explosion he would be 199x - 422x more powerful. An absurd gap in power no matter which end you really go with. 

All of this is without mentioning Wishmaster’s highest end feats in the storms and earthquakes he’s caused, the earthquake in particular is a 9.0 on the Richter scale or 477 Megatons of TNT. Comparing this with Lubdan’s greatest feat would drastically increase the gap to 83,48,744,769x or in coherent terms, 83 Billion times stronger. Now, going back to the Before The Verdict section, begs the question, do we think this feat is viable? We personally say yes. It’s a crazy jump in power however it has enough to back it up with the storm feats, Wishmaster surviving an explosion that destroyed the gem (which caused the earthquake) and Wishmaster’s power literally being the gem itself. We think it’s fair to use, however we also think that even without this feat, it wouldn’t change much in terms of the gap. Wishmaster would still be 40x stronger at lowest and hundreds of times more powerful at highest. Suffice to say, power and durability goes to the Wishmaster.

Next up is speed and both didn’t have much to talk about, Lubdan could react to a flamethrower, block crossbow bolts which can travel up to 61 m/s, rush a cop before getting shot and move after before a bullet could reach him in close quarters, judging by the gun model and comparing Lubdan’s speed to the gun itself, we can say that Lubdan can get up to Mach 2.56 - 2.65. Now onto the Djinn, his power can work on someone in the blink of an eye, he can create afterimages by moving very fast which usually clock in at 89 m/s and he can scale to Morgana, who reacted to and moved out of the way of a gunshot. Giving Morgana the same treatment as Lubdan and comparing her speed to the bullet itself, Wishmaster can scale to Mach 1.1 levels of speed. This would mean Wishmaster is ever so slightly faster with a gap of 1.45x at a low end but using both of their bullet feats, Lubdan was 2.3x - 2.4x faster then Wishmaster. We buy the bullet feats for both so Lubdan should take speed. With this gap being widened by the multitude of vehicles and objects Lubdan has that increase his mobility and speed. This speed gap isn’t the worst thing in the world for Wishmaster to deal with to be honest, but it is a legitimate factor that will help Lubdan obtain a possible victory.

Arsenal & Abilities

Here’s where things get really interesting. Both had a large pool of abilities and arsenal to draw from and they shared many of the same abilities, so much so that they really do seem equally matched in this regard. But shared or not, they both did have a few tricks up to score a potential win. So let’s get right to it, why don’t we?

Firstly it's important to discuss the eternal nature of both through their immortality and regeneration. Wishmaster can regenerate from gunshot wounds to the chest and head and can be reborn within the Stone of The Secret Fire anytime he is killed. You must destroy the gem before being able to destroy Wishmaster himself, and with his ability to reconstruct his gem and his powers working on the molecular and atomic level, that’s easier said than done. Lubdan is a bit more complicated, he can regenerate from a single drop of blood, remain conscious after death and curse his soul to wander wherever he died or make a magical duplicate of himself, but like Wishmaster, his main immortality we’re going to discuss is his essence being tied to his gold. As long as it exists, he’s going to find a way to survive, even if it takes a while. Only when his gold is destroyed for good will he truly die.

So with two characters being able to resurrect and regenerate as long as their precious jewelry is around, how can they kill each other? These creatures of folklore have their ways and by ways I mean a whole lot of shit that can counteract the others immortality.

Starting with Leprechaun, his main wincons that will help him pull through in killing Wishmaster outright will have to be his Soul/Essence Manipulation. Here’s the deal, Wishmaster has come back from death more times then he can count but he’s never been able to resurrect after something as brutal as Lep being able to drink his soul, corrupt it or plain and simply destroy it if Wishmaster got his hands on his gold. From what we know of the Djinn there isn’t a way for Wishmaster to come back from this and he will die just like that.

Another way for Leprechaun to negate his immortality is through his Mind Manipulation, although they both share the ability to mind control people to do their bidding, Ludban’s the only one that can hop into peoples minds and mess their mind up that way. Once again, this is something we’ve never seen Wishmaster recover from.

While Lubdan can't destroy the gem through force given he’s much weaker than it, but he can transmute it. Now whether or not Lubdan will do this since his whole thing is that he loves riches is up to debate. The point is, if Lubdan has to, he will turn this gem into whatever he thinks fits the moment, like an animal, object or a piece of his own gold.

Now for Wishmaster, he has quite a few options to deal with Lubdan and his gold. Like Lubdan we’ll be going down the list of what he can do to put an end to this lucky Leprechaun. First of which is… just destroying the gold. Yeah, there’s really nothing stopping Wishmaster from just nuking Lubdan’s gold with his far more powerful magic and kill him that way, Lubdan can’t do anything when that happens and will at the very least be incapacitated until another piece of his gold is brought to him in the future. Wishmaster doesn't even need to do this with his magic, he can do this with his bare hands due to the strength edge in his favor. So he doesn’t need a wish in order to deal with Leprechaun’s immortality

Wishmaster doesn’t have to resort to brute force either, his Soul Manipulation and BFR is a surefire way to kill Lubdan. We’ve already discussed how Lubdan has a soul, just that he traded it for his gold, meaning he’s very vulnerable to Wishmaster’s magic. If Wishmaster finds a way to twist Lubdan’s words, Lubdan’s soul will be transported into the realm of the Djinn where Wishmaster will now be able to do whatever he likes with it. Torture it, absorb it, you name it. As soon as Lubdan makes any sort of wish, which is ridiculously easy for no reason. All you really have to do is say “I want”, “I’d love”, a command to The Djinn or just answer a question that Wishmaster pressures you to ask.

Like Leprechaun, Wishmaster can mess with his Mind or Possess him if he doesn’t choose his words carefully. Both of which are things that Lubdan similarly has never counteracted. What makes Wishmaster’s mind manipulation especially dangerous however, is its range. It was able to spread throughout the country of Persia in order to make people worship and appreciate the king that they used to hate. Meanwhile Leprechaun had to get up close in order to infuse his magic into your mind and take over it. 

How about changing Lubdan’s body, Wishmaster also has very good transmutation, in fact his corruption and unholy magic passively transmutate things. He could turn Leprechaun into a mannequin, glass and more if so wanted. But he could also use an infection to turn Leprechaun into a duplicate of himself on contact. This duplicating infection changes anything it infects to match the person it's based after in every physical way, essentially getting rid of Lubdan’s healing factor.

It didn’t just take duplication to negate Leprechaun’s regeneration, Wishmaster could do with any one of his abilities. The smallest part we’ve seen Lubdan regenerate from is a single drop of blood, impressive but given Wishmaster’s abilities work on the molecular and atomic level. It really wouldn’t take much for Lubdan’s regeneration to run its course.

Lastly is Wishmaster’s more crazy abilities and to be blunt, Lubdan couldn’t hold a candle to these. Reality Warping, Causality, Probability Law, Spatial, Time Manipulation are far too much for Lubdan to realistically handle. Lubdan only performed two of these abilities (Spatial and Probability Manipulation) through wishes and enchanting his lair; we have not seen him do these abilities on his own, especially in fights. Meanwhile, Wishmaster being able to break reality, go against the laws of time and space and undo any event were more than enough to make sure this Leprechaun isn’t feeling so lucky.

As you can see, All of Lubdan’s possible wincons are things that Wishmaster can also do, that being Soul and mind Manipulation and Transmutation, and to a much greater effect. But we’re done yet, there are factors and abilities that can help the other pull these wincons off.

For Lubdan, his trump card is his Paralysis Induction. By looking at and growling at Wishmaster, he can stun him in place and leave him open for any of Lubdan’s other wincons. Along with this, his flute can also be used to temporarily immobilize Wishmaster for a short period of time. His Clairvoyance and Extrasensory Perception also mean that Wishmaster likely is never going to be rid of this Leprechaun for long and Lubdan will eventually find out about the secret to his immortality.

For Wishmaster, he can bring basically anything in the vicinity to life for an army to hold the Leprechaun back, including his Djinn Dog which should possess a similar power to his master. An important thing to recognize is that Wishmaster’s abilities, as shown in the many party scenes of these movies, can affect multiple people simultaneously at far ranges like an entire country While Leprechaun could only use his abilities on one person at a time. Last but not least is Wishmaster’s sealing, if he ever gets the opportunity to trap Lubdan in the Stone of The Secret Fire the fight is basically done. Lubdan will be stuck in the pocket dimension between worlds with an infinite distance between him and reality, all while being at the Djinns mercy. No problem for the Wishmaster though, because he can go in and out of the stone as much as he wants. Meaning he could just keep Leprechaun trapped in there with no way to get out, and that would by all technicalities count as a win.

Moving onto their weaknesses, Lubdan had a lot that could be used against him and incap him. Four leaf clover, wrought iron and not being able to collect all of his gold in a year. All of which can be exploited by Wishmaster by Summoning or Age Manipulation. The same cannot be said for Wishmaster, who’s only weakness besides the limitation on his powers (which we will discuss in Tertiary Factors) is being sealed back within the gem by someone pure of heart with no blood on their hands saying the words “Nib Sugaroth Baheim”, and since uh… Leprechaun is Leprechaun. This weakness is basically meaningless

In conclusion, Lubdan may be incredibly unpredictable with his better arsenal and more varied magic, but when it comes down to sheer quality. Wishmaster could do everything he can do and more. 

Tertiary Factors

Okay, what you’re probably thinking about right now is even if Wishmaster has stronger and better magic that can kill Lubdan at a moments notice, how would he be able to get around needing a wish to kill Lubdan? Shouldn’t he be restricted and not be able to do this? Yes he is limited in his abilities, we are not denying that. However, he only needs one wish from Leprechaun to negate his immortality and win. Which is where Wishmaster’s cunning and experience comes into play. First things first, the Wishmaster is by no means defenseless without a wish. He can fight physically and use some of his powers without needing a wish to do so. 

Hell, he’s killed several angels and fought Archangel Michael and The Hunter perfectly fine. He’s experienced at this sort of thing. With Lubdan’s iconic attribute of never shutting the fuck up and his rhyming, it’s totally reasonable to say that Wishmaster would find a way to twist his words eventually and be able to kill him that way. While he’s fishing for a wish, he can use his superior physical strength (since he and another person survived the gem exploding in their faces) to overpower and keep the Leprechaun at bay.

Obviously, there is a chance that Lubdan could trick Wishmaster with his wording and Wishmaster would be forced to grant it. He has to after all. However when you compare the 4 or so times Leprechaun has twisted someone's wish into their death to Wishmaster’s 800 at one point. You can see that Wishmaster was the much more experienced one in this regard.

Speaking of experience, it’s about time we got to skill and experience anyway. As funny as it sounds, both were very skilled in terms of fighting and leadership of their respected species. Lubdan’s fought multiple Clurichauns at once, space marines and other magical users like Esmeralda. While Wishmaster has fought several angels like Michael and The Hunter and easily bested them in combat. They sound pretty even, but the main difference between them is how long they’ve been doing it. Leprechaun’s age is really inconsistent but the oldest we’ve seen him is predating christianity, or about 2,000 years old. Nice, but Wishmaster is as old as the creation of the universe and predates time itself. He’s taking experience with ease.



“Death to he who sets a Leprechaun free. Steal his gold, it will corrupt your soul, you see. For many a moon the legend has grown, death toll increases, solution unknown. Beware the evil wanderer in search of his loot, lest you suffer the wrath of his golden flute. Flee while you can, the future's not good - for no one is safe from a Lep in the Hood!”


  • Slightly faster, gap only increases with vehicles.

  • Overall more unpredictable and versatile.

  • More crafty, able to create new weapons on the spot if needed.

  • Lot less limited in how he can use his abilities.

  • Possibly is able to incap or bypass Wishmaster’s resurrection with his Mind, Soul and Essence Manipulation.

  • Could negate the Wishermaster’s resurrection outright if he were to destroy the gem, which he can do by transmuting it.

  • Able to immobilize The Djinn with his flute and Paralysis Inducement.

  • Better rapper.



  • Much weaker no matter what.

  • Far more exploitable weaknesses that Wishmaster could use at any time.

  • Weaker showings of skill and experience. 

  • Less cunning and more prone to slip up on his words which would result in letting Wishmaster use his abilities, especially due to Lubdan’s constant rhyming.

  • His only other main wincons that could’ve helped kill the Djinn (Existence Erasure and Time Travel) are things the Djinn resists.

  • Leprechaun lacks the means to keep up with Wishmaster’s reality bending abilities.

  • Lil shit.


“You wish to know what I am? To you, I am this: the cry of the abandoned child, the whimper of the whipped beast. I am the face that stares back at you from the shadows of your mirror. The hollowness at the heart of all your hopes, Alexandra. I AM DESPAIR.”


  • Far more powerful and more durable.

  • Much more skilled and experienced in general.

  • Superior cunning and trickery, which allowed him to minimize his power limitations.

  • After one wish, Wishmaster would now own Lubdan’s soul and be able to end the fight whenever he wanted.

  • Leprechaun had no way to escape Wishmaster’s BFR and Sealing.

  • Wishmasters more powerful abilities like Causality, Law, Time and Probability Manipulation and Reality Warping were too much for Lubdan to realistically handle.

  • Wishes were able to negate Lubdan’s regeneration due to his powers working on the atomic level.

  • Able to exploit most if not all of Leprechaun’s known weaknesses, including destroying his gold, which would kill Leprechaun instantly.

  • Way better AOE and range.

  • What about my case man?



  • Slightly slower.

  • More limited in how he can use his abilities, although he could potentially find a way to twist Lubdan’s words, he must obey the wish in some form.

  • Impatience and ego may blind him and leave him open for the gem to be destroyed.

  • Less versatile and struggles to adapt to Lep’s unpredictability.

  • Worse regeneration. 

  • The Wishmaster book is too shiny for its own good. 

Overall, this fight had a lot of moving parts and variables that made it hard to determine who would make it out alive. 

While it may seem that Wishmaster needing to have a wish to use a majority of his haxes and wincons would mean that his chances were unreliable, we actually differ. Wishmaster can fight physically and use some of his abilities without a wish, this isn’t to say he isn’t limited but he’s a lot less than you imagine. With his trickery, cunning and experience dealing with fights akin to this one and Leprechaun’s constant rhyming and never shutting up will eventually allow him to get the single wish he needs from Leprechaun to open the door to his plentiful wincons. All of which Lubdan struggled to properly counter and many of which were superior to Leprechaun’s own abilities. Lubdan trying to destroy Wishmaster's soul? Wishmaster can do that too with just having his magic near you. Lubdan wanting to mind control Wishmaster? He can do that too at a much greater range. Transmutation? Same thing. 

Power didn’t favor The Leprechaun either, Wishmaster at basically any end was far more powerful and durable both magically and physically. Meaning he could just overpower Leprechaun and destroy his gold with brute force if he really wanted to. This isn’t to say that Leprechaun is without his advantages, him being slightly faster does make a pretty big difference, he’s more versatile and unpredictable and he could possibly win with his previously mentioned wincons. But no matter which way you look at it, Wishmaster had everything he needed to stomp this Leprechaun’s luck down on the ground. Wishmaster’s Soul, Mind, Matter, Age, Causality, Probability, Law, Spatial and Time Manipulation, BFR, Sealing, Transmutation, Range and AOE of his abilities and brute strength allowed him to ultimately overwhelm Lubdan’s regeneration and immortality and kill him permanently. 

But even without a wish, there is nothing preventing him from destroying Lubdan’s gold with his absurd strength advantage alone, he’s always able to do this and this will result in the death of The Leprechaun himself, meaning he really didn’t have to indulge in Lubdan’s games. Now during this time where Wishmaster is playing his cards, he could land a win if he got up close to use his wincons. The thing is, he has to play up close which is something he can’t really do if Wishmaster is just as skilled, more experienced and far stronger. Lubdan is faster but this speed gap is very manageable. Especially with The Djinns ludicrous abilities and range. 

And this is only if we take Wishmaster at his normal wish granting self, imagine the results if we took his limitation similar to one of those party scenes in the movies where he’s able to use a plethora of his abilities at once upon multiple people. Lubdan’s situation would get much worse very fast, because that way he would immediately be BFR’ed into the Djinns realm and have his soul fucked with as soon as he approaches Wishmaster and gets affected by his magic. While Lubdan has a decent chance to take out Wishmaster right away, it’s not going to be as easy as Wishmaster just destroying his gold outright or keeping his distance and waiting for an opportunity to use his wishes to make sure this sole survivor of the Leprechauns exists no more. 

Leprechaun’s savage willpower  and unpredictability may have made him a worthy foe, but Wishmaster’s power, abilities, experience and cunning were enough to snuff out his rainbow. As the leader Wishmaster claims yet another win, the only thing Lubdan knows is to Fear the Djinn.

The Winner is Wishmaster.

Final Tally

Leprechaun (0) - Careful what you wish for.

Wishmaster (2) - Spycrab, Iceking

Next Time…

The Demon vs The Entity (Wes Craven's New Nightmare vs The Suitmation Trials)

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