Sunday, February 16, 2025

Hank J. Wimbleton Vs. Jack Cayman (Madness Combat Vs. MadWorld)


"Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence” - Jim Morrison

Hank J. Wimbleton, Nevada’s icon of sin.

Jack Cayman, The reigning champ of Deathwatch.

Violence. Brutality. Bloodshed. All of these aspects and more have been with this world before we ever walked on it, and they have no intent on going anywhere anytime soon. Some do it for money, power, a cause they think of as just, but some have no real motivation, they do it because to them, it's hella fun. The novelty of predator and prey has run its course but the thrill of smashing your foes into a bloody pulp is forever. Their aesthetically insane worlds that may seem cruel and disgusting to others are a playground for them to rip and tear and never stop. By all means, if it's a world built on blood, it's a world they’ll fit right into and have no regret, no remorse, no reason in mind. Only Madness.

But what if the greatest enemy of The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton™ fought against DeathWatch™’s undefeated champion? Will Hank’s natural psychotic murder spree continue as usual? Or will Jack add another body on his throne of corpses and claim the crown of king of CrabCave? Brace yourself for all probable and improbable thoughts as we dwell straight into this DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

This’ll be a fairly straight forward blog as opposed to the last few which need a good bit of explaining, Hank will not be given non-standard forms in Mag Hank either and both will be given their full arsenal. 

For Madness Combat, we’ll be looking at the mainline series of animations all the way from 1-12 along with the Dedmos series both Project Nexuses games new and old, as they are confirmed to be canon. Speaking of canon, Krinkels has stated that he doesn’t really care about canon and that basically everything is canon. So we’ll be using more extensive media such as the Incidents, which, although definitely more alternate scenarios than straight up canon, should be fair game, other flash games like Madness Accelerant and Madness Interactive and even the FNF Tricky Mod! Latter of which is surprisingly considered canon, but what we won’t be doing is scaling any Madness Combat character to any other crossover character in FNF. It’s still a mod not the main game and it borders way too much on cross scaling. Krinkels has also stated that the Madness Combat Wiki is a reliable source of information when he was writing for Project Nexus, obviously we have to take this with a grain of salt but it does mean trivia from there will be discussed so long as it doesn’t go against anything. Lastly, we’re going to be using the many claims and statements said by the series creator, Krinkels, on websites like CuriousCat and Twitch. An important note however, Curious Cat recently went down so keep in mind we’re using an archived version. But seriously stop asking him vs questions this is quite frankly getting ridiculous. 

For Jack, he only has one mainline game in MadWorld of course but we’re gonna use Anarchy Reigns to go against Hank’s more expansive media. But we still won’t be scaling him to any crossover character from that game, we don’t want this to become Pico stats vs Bayonetta stats or anything like that. Using crossover characters from an already crossover type game in a matchup like this is an easy way to kill any attempt at fun. So we’re ignoring any instances of cross scaling, this is a Madness Combat and MadWorld blog.

You can probably tell right from the get go but this blog will contain graphic blood and various other dark/graphic topics. This blog will also be incredibly different from others, as we will have a strong focus on style as well as presenting the information as needed. Both series are known for their esthetic and we want that to really shine here.


Hank J. Wimbleton


Somewhere in Nevada, in the cold wasteland where madness and violence are instrumental for daily life and a land boarded by absolute entropy attempting to consume everything that is, there lies a even colder mercenary hellbent on taking organizations down by slaughtering all agents inside of its bases and fighting the madness every step of the way. The most dangerous assassin in all of Nevada, the icon of sin himself, Hank J. WImbleton. The J. stands for “Motherfucker,” for the record.

The madness didn’t start for no reason however, one day in an orderly calm afternoon at the park where Hank sat under a tree. The guy next to him was listening on his boombox, playing it a bit too loud for Hank’s liking and when Hank went up to him to ask him to turn it down, he was met with a punch in the face. Instead of responding reasonably, Hank killed the man with his bare hands, prompting countless other people at the park to surround Hank and even the savior of Nevada, Jebus, showed up to bring Hank to his knees. And on that day, our hero had slain 30 men (32 if you include the zombies) and would later admit to having a good time while doing it, sparking a continuous love for splattering peoples brains out. 

Outsiders to the whole affair didn’t take too kindly for Hank igniting chaos among the orderly, in particular, an angelic being known as The Auditor created a whole agency called The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton (A.A.H.W for short) in order to fight Hank’s violence with violence and hopefully seize the madness once and for all. Unfortunately for Auditor, it had the opposite effect, with violence only bringing out more violence, madness quickly consumed most of Nevada and turned it into one of the most deadly places to live. With cities literally built on the blood of its workers, about half of which were spilled due to Hank. Hank joined another agency, this one made to counteract The Auditor known as The Status Quo (S.Q for short), probably because it was the only agency that let Hank kill without problems and were okay with bringing him back to life when the time called for it.

With these two agencies essentially being at war, this gave Hank multiple opportunities to do what he does best, kill. Over the course of the series we’ve seen him storm his way through several A.A.H.W, gathering a total kill count of 841 and dealing with all sorts of agents. From a runback with Jebus to gigantic grunts in Mag Agents to a clown powered up on pure improbability called Tricky. The latter of which has a special grudge against Hank due to him already being crazy and Hank killing him a good few times, with his loyalities now dissolved due to improbability, Tricky would torture Hank by killing him over and over again while putting him through various trails of clearing buildings to get to Tricky. That’s when, at least for a time, there was something Hank truly did fear, that goddamn clown of all things. Ending with him and Tricky being killed by Jebus, and his soul being sent to The Other Place, basically Hell in the Madness universe. 

Besides his dive into the A.A.H.W’s headquarters, he was assigned with the job of taking out Project Nexus located in Nexus City for good. Which included working together with fellow mercenaries Sanford and Deimos and his rival, Jebus, to take down the project from the dead hands of its director, Phobos. Who had literally come back from the dead as a ghost to obtain power and godhood under his corrupted vessel Project Gestalt. Without the 4 of them being there, Nevada would’ve been popped like two soda cans under Phobos actions but with him out of the way, they could restart the project good as new. With Jebus as its leader, the project's previous objective of saving lives could finally now be possible, until Hank shot him with a rocket launcher for not shutting up, sending Jebus tumbling off the tower. You see, the mission was about stopping Project Nexus, not restarting it and because of that, Hank didn’t care about the state of Nevada. To him, the mission was done and there was no reason to keep going. That’s the thing about Hank, he only cares about two things, the mission being completed and killing all who stand in his way. What’s for the “better of the universe” does not matter to him. Sanford and Deimos, who understandably didn’t want their whole world to be destroyed, were forced to fight Hank and luckily were able to kill Hank. Not for long however since he’s far too valuable to stay dead. 

The tragedy of Hank isn’t because he’s necessarily tragic, but because he can only do what comes natural and what comes natural for him is to kill, die and repeat. Hank is nothing more than a sheer force of nature that relishes in killing anyone, regardless of their mortal standpoint, in increasingly brutal ways. If not that, then he’s being killed trying to do so. He isn’t a hero by any means nor has any desire to be. With so much blood on his hands, it's no surprise that Hank’s regarded as Nevada’s one and only icon of sin. When he’s on the hunt, it's far too late for you to possibly fight back, and all that is left for you to do is join the endless pile of bodies in hell and tell whatever primordial creature down there that Hank J. Wimbleton sent ya.

Jack Cayman

"I don’t help people, I kill them."

Ever heard the saying ‘Violence is not the answer!’ welp, that advice probably didn't exist around 2000 years ago. All the way in Iraq Mesopotamia war was the way of solving problems. They'd fight over everything, because if there are people, there is conflict. But then, an idea came from it…  Wouldn’t it be cool if a bunch of people could watch these deranged fuckers fight? So they did. A bunch of camps sent their personal champions to fight, and whoever won would be rewarded with the rule of law. And with that DeathWatch was born. A competition where the most dangerous men, women and anything that likes killing would fight to the death, for whether you wanna decide something as big as a country's fate, or if you're having a minor feud. Now in the 20th century, DeathWatch matches have become huge and insanely commercialized, now being whole shows millions can enjoy and watch their favorite psychos rip each other to shreds. You're probably thinking, you’d need to find a whole city worth of sick people to engage in these games right? Welp you are! And we don’t just mean sick in the head.

During 2009 a terrorist group known as ‘The Organizers’ set their eyes on Jefferson Island, specially Varrigan City. There they would release a virus onto its population that would kill them in less than 24 hours. However, the Organizers informed any person that killed another would receive the vaccine. And so the games began once more, The city was quickly transformed into the stage of a DeathWatch game, with it being hosted and commentated by Howard "Buckshot" Holmes and former DeathWatch fighter Kreese Kreeley, with the remaining citizens being turned into the new contestants along with just a variety of other strange folk. Along with this, all the exits were closed off, and all forms of communication with the outside world were shut down. No one was getting in, and no one was getting out. The cavalry was not on their way and the chances of anyone saving them were 0. This was until a few days later, as a new contestant came in. Some thought he arrived bearing safety, but he came in with 0 peace, only some cigarettes, a chainsaw, and a shit ton of aggression. This was Jack Cayman.

A mechanic, bounty hunter, former marine and ex-cop, Jack entered these games and managed to gain sponsorship from Agent XIII. There The Organizers would observe Cayman and notice he clearly wasn't in this for fame and money, as he had already won three DeathWatch tournaments prior to this. They piece together that Jack must’ve been working with someone from outside. While The Organizers could kill him at any time, they realised Jack had already become a fan favorite among the audience with millions of sponsors and viewers betting on him, so they are forced to try and kill Jack while he’s in combat.

And so they tried, Jack was put against pretty much everything you could think of. Zombies, cowboys, ninjas, samurais, wrestlers, werewolves, cyborgs, vampires, the grim reaper, psychics, aliens piloting robots, and SO much more. With Jack easily carving his way through the contest and working his way to the top. As he got closer to winning the games, he also got closer to finding out the secrets and what the hell happened to the city. He saves Leonardo "Leo" Fallmont, a doctor from a hospital that was unwittingly trapped in the city but managed to obtain the vaccine. And even The Mayor's Daughter, who was the main person he was looking for over the course of the matches. Oddly though, when he found her he realised she's willingly staying in the city to watch and be near to the games. With that knowledge Jack refuses to do anything for her. Instead he seeks to find out exactly how and why Varrigan City became Death Watch, recognizing that there was no way that the city could have been transformed that fast without deep planning. 

As Jack kept climbing up the ranks, and neared his fight against the number 1 killer in DeathWatch Agent XIII reveals himself to be Lord Gesser, the thirteenth sponsor of DeathWatch and an influential figure in politics. Horrifying we know. Gesser reveals that he knows that the DeathWatch games were created to quench mankind's thirst for blood and violence in the absence of war, but admits that this particular game is only driven by someone's greed, as he passes on the name of Springvale to Jack and The Organizers. Who quickly recognizes the name as a pharmaceutical company and that they were the silent hand that had built, in anticipation of DeathWatch, much of the sets for the games as soon as the Organizers had released the virus.

During all this however, Jack finally reached the top of The DeathWatch leaderboard and was now ready to take down its champion; The Black Baron. Jack and The Baron fought for ages, matching each other blow for blow, but eventually like every contestant Jack had fought so far, he couldn't keep himself together and was another victim of the wrath of Jack Cayman. Jack won the entire competition and was now champion for the 4th time in a row. But after the match, Jack was ambushed by Noa, the CEO of the organizers and of DeathWatch and he tried to take Jack down only for Noa and his guards to be instantly shot dead by Leo, the Doctor from earlier. Leo tries to thank Jack for his help, but suddenly… Jack slices into his side with his chainsaw instantly, and disables his communication with The Agency. There he would accost Leo who writhed and yelled in pain. Turns out Jack had figured out this whole mess. He was aware that Leo's father, the president of Springvale Pharmaceuticals, had created both the virus and the vaccine, and was planning to use the televised DeathWatch event to demonstrate the effects of the virus to blackmail other countries to pay handsomely for the vaccine under threat of the virus release. Turns out Jack hit the bullseye dead on, as Leo admits he was only in the games to be close to the action, fascinated by the sport. With all this knowledge, Jack was done with the game, and done with helping Leo out. As Jack doesn't help people, he kills them. He sliced right into Leo's gut, killing him instantly as his body fell off a high tower. There Jack would hop on his bike, and ride out of Varrigan City and into the unknown but presumably brutal future.

That is where Jack's story ends. While his story may be short and simple, it’s hard to deny that during all of it, Jack made his presence VERY clear. So whether it be man, woman, monster, cyborg, robot, or even a god damn alien. You better be prepared, and you better be ready. Cause if you’re not, you’ll simply be another name on this champs list, and his chainsaw will fight right into your body, as well as he fits in this MadWorld.

Experience & Skill

Hank J. Wimbleton

If you couldn’t tell by his rank in Nevada’s underworld might suggest, Hank is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous and skilled people to have ever walked Nevada. Hank is referred to as “very old”, although we never get any actual age. He has a million dollar bounty on his head and for damn good reason. Hank knows a bunch of martial arts which he uses to perform his own style of combat centered around brute force. Despite his innate instincts and strength essentially being given to him with little actual experience beforehand, he’s pushed through the madness of Nevada,  performing insane feats along the way. He has aim dodged assassins, shot people behind him making no noise, noticed a mag putting a slug into his gun from far away, managed to clear a train worth of enemies in a few seconds, wiped a whole room of people and did the same thing when all of those people were turned into zombies and use everything he can to kill you, including a decapitated head, stop sign and fucking urinals. This is where Hank excels, his main fighting style isn’t to go in with all his best gear but to use his improvisation skills to kill who he can with what he can.

He has constantly infiltrated and slaughtered bases of a whole agency made to kill him literally called The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton, which is made up of agents who are programmed and cloned for the sole person of killing him. Made worse by conditions like reality being compromised and turned against itself at points, yet Hank remains killing as usual. Another agency he’s dealt with is the Nexus Core, who Hank has made run away in fear. He’s dealt with hordes of zombies known as Zeds, soldiers who are perfected in sound mind, body and killer instinct as the pinnacle of agency training, scouts trained in hit and run tactics, Sleepwalkers who are programmed with the   combat memories of The First Nevadean as well as large Grunts in Mag Agents, which he has stomped into a blender before.

As for individuals he’s gone head to head with, he’s fought Jebus, the liberator of Nevada from all mercenaries like Hank, more than one time, once by smacking him with guns and defeating him outright in the other. Alongside Sanford and Deimos, he has fought Director Phobos, one of the original Nevadeans with a thirst for power, and his pet, Project Gestalt, a giant and near invulnerable self-developing Mag powered by soul energy. Speaking of Sanford and Deimos, they both have battled the likes of Jorge, who can snipe a can off your head 100 years with his eyes closed. Jorge is portrayed as a joke compared to Sanford and Deimos, and Hank is leagues above them in skill. Deimos is also one of the longest lived smokers in Nevada, with smoking being a canonical way to doom someone to die no matter what with the cigarettes being described as  “not killing him now.” His partner, Sanford, is just as impressive with tactical intuition that borders on literal mind reading. With all this under his belt, you might think the only thing he hasn’t done is fight himse- oh wait he totally did. Sadly we didn’t see which version of himself would have actually won the fight.

Hank isn’t what you would call dumb either, he’s not the smartest and has never had formal education, but he isn’t stupid or anything. Just overconfident with extreme tunnel vision. He’s hid in the roof of an elevator to bait people into it before making it fall and can choose to be quite stealthy with his skills, able to move through vents and dropping down without a sound, sneak up behind grunts and strangling them before disposing of their body and hide in a box that was put into a truck and sent to another base for a surprise attack. He’s also apparently dabbled in real estate and volleyball, good for him.

Jack Cayman

Despite only having 2 games, Jacks did quite a lot in each of those appearances. For one Jack is a VERY skilled combatant when it comes to combat, being a retired marine, ex-cop and a former member of The Navy Seals and Special Ops groups probably gives that to you. Jack uses a variety of different moves, like backfists, giant swings, uppercuts, shoryukens, headbutts, suplexes, and he’s even been stated to know pretty much all forms of combat.

But Jacks can fight in far more unorthodox ways, most notably by using the environment to its absolute best. Very useful as DeathWatch is centered around getting points via creative kills. Jack will use tires or metal barrels to trap you in place, throw you into spiked walls or in front of a moving train, feed you to a weird robot sumo wrestler statue, strap you to a comically large electric chair, drown you in a giant fish tank filled with piranhas, grind you into little pieces by using a toilet flusher, roast you in a giant deep fryer, or even put you into a cannon before blasting you all the way to a volcano to blow you to smithereens. The dude will pretty much scrape the bottom of the barrels and use whatever he finds to murder you in the most vicious ways he can, and if he can't find anything in the barrel he’ll just bash you in with it.  

And considering he does all this crazy stuff regularly, it’s no surprise he’s rarely ever startled by… Anything really. Jack has seen various giants, tornado creating cyborgs, an army of werewolves, a magnetic father and son, succubus vampires, teleporting grim reapers, aliens piloting large robots, and even giant mutant monsters with strange powers. And not a single one even phased Jack at ALL. And to end it off, Jack himself is a pretty smart guy. He’s a great mechanic, has a crack shot with a gun, is an insanely skilled motorcyclist, and he was able to see right through Leo’s lies and plans at the end of the game. 


Hank J. Wimbleton


To be completely honest, Hank has an absurdly large arsenal of firearms and melees of all varieties he has used to splatter the heads of grunts alike across Nevada. Some of which he carries on hand and others he picks up as he storms through the building. Either way, they’re things he has access to and will use. Such is the case for his supply of Handguns, Pistols, Revolvers and anything that remotely fits into that category. All of which can be equipped with laser sights, scopes and suppressors for more accuracy or stealthy kills.


Likewise, Hank has a bunch of Sub-Machine Guns to pick in terms of efficiently gunning down anyone in his way. Most if not all can also be equipped with laser sight and suppressors. 


You’d expect one of the most brutal assassins this side of the Nevada has to offer to be equipped with at least one shotgun, and I can say for certainty that Hank has more than one.


A marksman at heart, Hank’s not only extremely skilled in using these bad boys, he has a frankly insane list of them to sweep through whole floors of grunts and skilled soldiers alike.

Heavy Weapons

Despite what you may think, Hank is crazy buff, which he not only applies by smashing people's faces in but by wielding heavy duty weapons that often require multiple people to work with one hand. Still with the destroying peoples faces part in mind, that part hasn’t changed. Unlike the other weapon categories, we’re going to be describing these weapons in detail due to them being varied and unique as opposed to writing a 2 word description of the 192th pistol.

  • ElectroCannon: As the name suggests, the ElectroCannon applies glowing beams of electricity to lethal effect, it can wear down Tac-Bars very quickly and destroy anything in a single shot. It can only be reloaded one round at a time, but the upside of incinerating your enemy is more than worth it.

  • M-249: Reloading may be a real pain in the ass with this gun, but it makes up for that with the fact that everybody will already be dead before you even have to reload. Its capacity and firepower are top notch and ensure just that.
    Mhati-999: You ever wondered why there are no tanks in Nevada? Well I can say that it’s  not because they don’t exist, it's because these grotesque 20mm anti-tank rifles do. Talk about overkill, what could a single grunt have done to you to deserve THIS?

  • PKN: It may be heavy, but honestly if you were expecting to be able to throw around a rapid fire weapon of this caliber like a rose in a garden of flowers, I don’t think you should be on the battlefield. 

  • Nevadean Assault Weapon Model 2500: Better hope your opponents brought an umbrella to this bullet shower, actually why would you hope that you want them dead.

  • NexTek 6000: I don’t really know why it's called the hog if all it does is tear into the turf with a bombardment of 30 caliber tusks. 

  • Minigun: What more do you want? This is the poster boy for melting enemies down one bullet fired at rapid speed at a time.

  • M203: Unbelievable that we’re this far into the arsenal section and haven’t mentioned a single grenade launcher, well we’re ending that with the mother of all grenade launchers, an under-slug and barrel mounted mother that is. These may only be able to fire a few slugs, but they can wipe out crowds with ease, explode the upper halves of Mag Agents and blow up supply trucks in a single slug.

  • NexTek 79: I heard you like to blow things up at double the effect, how about dual wielded grenade launchers that fire explosive rounds able to hurt soldiers of any shape and size.

  • N32 Launcher:  If exploding something wasn’t enough and you need to explode 5 more somethings, just wait till you get your hands on the biggest six shooter in Nevada. 

  • N-1 Heavy BA-Zucker: As the magnum opus of Nevtech’s explosive delivery systems, the larger than life N-1 promises an enormous drum magazine, trajectory that reaches a kilometer in length and a mixed explosive payload made up of a high pressure mixture weaved with antipersonal shattering shells to detonate enemies who may have looked at you the wrong way with. Make sure you don’t use indoors though, I know you’re going to, but I’m permitted to say it anywho.

  • Fourpack: For a more portable and less gigantic rocket launcher, Nevtech developed a revamped version of their beloved rocket launcher with firepower now 4x over the damage of any previous rocket or grenade launcher. 

Shock Weapons

If your standard gun or ammunition isn’t what Hank’s looking for, he has obtained a ton of other weapons centered around using more elemental means as projectiles. Such as electricity based items called Shock weapons that deliver shocks potent enough to fry someone instantly, among these weapons are the Taser Pistol, FourSix Electric, Shock Baton, Shock Slayer Knife, Shock Longsword and Shock Battle Axe.

Cryo Weapons

Cryo weapons are a whole brand consisting of a Cryo Pistol, Cryo Rifle and Heavy Cryo Thrower. Capable of applying temperatures typically used to freeze dry foods as a way to freeze people in place with just a few shots.

Fire Weapons

Rounding out the elemental weapon trio, Fire weapons should be expected from a guy who enjoys putting his victims in the most pain before dying as humanly possible. Naturally this includes your typical flamethrower that shoots an extended stream of ignited fuel but Hank also has a Firebug that launches napalm at enemies and a Shock Fire Knife.

Laser Weapons

Another brand of weapons left absent from the main list, Laser weapons were developed by Nexus scientists and designed to shoot concentrated photons strong enough to incinerate enemies. Among these on so grand weaponry given to basic soldiers with little training include the Nexus Laser Rifle, Carbine, and Pistolette.

Dissonance Weapons

Deprived from the S3LFs, aka souls, being extracted from the other place, Dissonance is a form of energy and radiation from a realm known as The Other Place, aka Hell, in order to research it. And by research I mean the big emperor himself Phobos weaponized it in the form of a Dissonance Slayer Knife, Nexus Blade, Dissonance Scattergun, Dissonance Lancer and Dissonance Cannon. Nearly all of these weapons have a reputation of being some of Hank’s absolute strongest, and for good reason too. Dissonance goes far beyond any other weapon we’ve talked about previously, with several properties that any of its weapons can pull off.


If having to reload or risk the chance of the gun jamming is too much for Hank to risk, he keeps a few projectiles in his pockets used to throw at enemies if need be. 

Melee Weapons

If you thought Hank rarely wants to get his hands dirty up close and personal, you’d probably never even heard of Hank. Hank used his fair share of melee weapons in nearly every spree he’s ever gone on, racking up quite an impressive catalog made up of just melees. Which we will get to as we’ve broken all of them down into little sections to make them more dissectible.


While not practical for dealing with a large crowd of enemies, Hank can easily pick grunts off one by one with knives of his choosing and boy does he have a lot to choose from.


He already kinda looks like a ninja, so why not better fit the role with an array of bladed swords? Hank is not picky about which one he uses, he’s wielded swords from America, Japan, China and much more from all corners of the earth. That’s what we call inclusive Hank, good job!

Misc. Bladed Weapons

Obviously with how much Hank has used over the years, there are bound to be a few weapons that don’t fit in with either knives/swords or hammers/clubs, there’s too many to make their own section for. So we’re going to lump them all in one big miscellaneous section dedicated to bladed weaponry we have yet to talk about.


In case he prefers blunt trauma over his typical slice and dice, Hank can use his varied selection of hammers and clubs to bludgeon you to death.


Although defending himself is hardly a priority, as Hank much rather thinks that killing someone before they can hurt you is the best way to go, he has a few shields ranging from all types of materials but all able to protect him from bullets.

The Prime Blade

After a thorough dive into a secret project known as Project Kobold, Hank and the rest of the cast obtained a sweet blade in the form of The Prime Blade. This is without a shadow of a doubt Hank’s most powerful weapon he’s ever acquired by origin alone, speaking of which, The Prime Blade is made up of “prime code” otherwise known as the prime essence of The Machine. We haven’t elaborated on The Machine much, but know that it is a theoretical all-governing body that exists in the manifold of all that is real, all are one in The Machine including Nevada and beyond. 

However, given that Project Kobold didn’t fully understand The Machine, it’s likely that the prime code they’ve discovered isn’t the full manifold of The Machine, as they could only get a glimpse of it through the S3LF Eater. In any case, it’s still a sword made up of the code of The Machine, most likely the arm that extends into Nevada known as the Mandatus or Grand Steward. Aka the event that caused Nevada’s existence in the first place, which is extremely impressive because Nevada is an infinite and potentially 4th Dimensional structure along with being layered. Suffice to say, with that much power it's no wonder why it one shots every enemy in the game and why it also has other purposes other than just being a strong sword.

Bentley R Type

In Apotheosis, Hank makes his entrance not by a sneak attack or anything like that, but by crashing a car into two smokers outside the building. He has to get around somehow I guess. 

Suicide Bomb

Also used in Apotheosis is a last resort tool Hank can use when he’s down on his last leg, metaphorically because he doesn’t have any legs of course. In any case, Hank apparently installed a bomb into his body which he can activate with a small detonator he keeps handy.


As stated before, Hank is a master at improvisation and using his surroundings to his advantage, this includes random and batshit insane items, regular tools repurposed into murder machines by yours truly to standard weaponry that didn’t fit the role of any of the other sections we’ve talked about so far.

  • Giant Blender: I take it Hank likes blenders, he’s spent what’s probably hours tossing people into it and stomping Mag Agents into its blades, which have no trouble cutting flesh up for the record.

  • Drink: Obtained by the local vending machine of god knows where.

  • Sherif Tracker: Tracks the Sheriff’s location at all times, not sure why’d that be useful anywhere else, unless it can be swapped to locate anyone's location.

  • Frag Grenade: Your typical, albeit a bit basic grenade fit for blowing holes through walls or destroying a crowd of enemies in short range.

  • Fiber Wire: Used for a quick and stealthy kill, latter of which is rare for Hank I know.

  • Scrap Boomerang: A melee option that Hank uses as a melee instead of how it's intended, although he can likely throw a mean boomerang if he puts his heart into it.

  • Okay Boomerang: A slightly more okay version then the previous boomerang I suppose, this time made of actual metal instead of junk, it's a marvel of aerodynamics and with the right skill can come back to whoever threw it 10 out of 10 times.

  • Throwing Disc: Same thing as a boomerang really, just fancier with the add-on of playing music if you have the right equipment. Not that Hank likes music.

  • Grappling Hook: A simple tool used for climbing up walls, but the only climbing going on here is that of hospital bills.

  • Severed Head: Hank has a real nasty habit of ripping the heads off of Agents and using them as weapons to beat other Agents to death. Talk about extreme.

  • Stop Sign: Infamously used to kill Tricky and turn him into a zombie, as well as killing the sun (yes, really), this weapon must cause a lot of trauma for Hank. Blunt force ones that is.

  • Pipe: Cue the sound effect.

  • Iron Pipe: Cue the sound effect. With extra iron this time.

  • Pipe Wrench: You best watch your mouth around Hank, otherwise he might fix your mouth by popping a tooth out with this here wrench. 

  • Bottle: Go get me a beer, Jack Cayman!!!

  • Broom: Talk about sweeping up the mess of battered corpses, I don’t know why’d you talk about that actually.

  • Citizen Cane: A hell of a way to say good day isn’t it?

  • Clipboard: Be sure to sign there in your blood, oh wait you’re a little too dead for that. And a little too out of blood.

  • Wrench: Useful for propping open those sweet vents.

  • Crowbar: Very useful for propping open those sweet vents. Or peoples heads, both are equally useful purposes. 

  • Test Tubes: This one is really just odd, I can’t imagine it’d be pleasant to be beaten up with Test Tubes I guess?

  • Urinal: Look I know Hank’s a mercenary and all but he has to have some integrity. This apparently still has a functional flushing mechanic even after being ripped from the wall of a bathroom.

  • Wood Board: You’re unlikely to have anyone running away with this in hand, but hey it makes for a hella embarrassing way to die if you want to ruin someone's afterlife.

  • Bike Chain + Padlock: Presents yourself as a threat for sure, even if it's a bit fragile it still has the capability to kill. 

  • Welding Torch: A liquid fuel torch with built in fuel for no purpose whatsoever except to wield, don’t get any crazy ideas.

  • Power Drill: An industrial standard tool capable of boring holes into all sorts of materials, now they’re just asking you to murder someone with it.

  • Rebar: Rebar and concrete. Not much too it.

  • Power Saw: Used to turn one thing into two things.

  • Pickaxe: Used to smash rocks into smaller rocks.

  • Mining Shovel: A surprisingly really tough and durable weapon, it may be better suited for digging graves but who says it can’t be the reason for the grave?

  • Rock Smash: A deconstruction tool rather than a reconstruction tool, which still holds true in the field of combat a little too much as it's dangerous to the operator as well.

Jack Cayman

Retractable Chainsaw

Jack's bread and butter. A Cybernetic right hand which Jack can use to bash your head in with for really brutal punches while using blinding speed strong enough to send cars flying. But obviously that's not all it can do. It’s best function is that it has a fuckin built in retractable chainsaw Jack can pull out to go Ash Williams-Style on his challengers. 

This baby can slice through the human body like paper, tear its way through metallic items like butter, precisely rip out one's heart, and even out-do Big Bull Crockers giant chainsaw which dwarfed Jacks. God are chainsaw’s badass. 

Spiked Baseball Bat 

To get through The MadWorld of DeathWatch, Jack would need more than a chainsaw and his fists to get to the top. Luckily Jack has many pickup items to use as a secondary item to his chainsaw, ranging in many ways they can aid him. 

Starting off Jack has a spiked bat which he can swing with immense force to send anyone hit by it flying while also dealing good sharp damage. Jack usually uses this to send opponents towards huge dart boards in the game ‘Man Darts’. It was even the weapon used for the killing blow on The Black Baron.

Twin Daggers 

For even sharper damage Jack can use these dual daggers for quick and slicey dicey damage. Jack can use these to repeatedly stab your chest, tear your head right off in a quick slash, and brutally stab right into your back before lifting you into the air, ending this brutal combo by pulling the daggers apart along with your upper half. 

Long Spear 

For even sharper sharper damage, Jack can use a GIANT long spear for combat. Jack can thrust it towards opponents to damage and stab them, stack various enemies on it like a human shish kebab, and can even launch a victim into the air before spinning it around like a helicopter propeller to slice them into nothing but limbs and blood. 

Golf Club

Going back to the sports element of Jack's arsenal, he has a metal Golf Club which he uses to play ‘Man Golf’. A Game where Jack thwacks a zombie's head right off and into a target to gain points. He’s also 100% willing to use it on anyones head really. 


Another sharp weapon. Jack has a japanese ninja sword he can use to slice off people's heads in a mere second, instantly tear a person in two from the middle, and can slice up opponents into a variety of pieces in just two swings. Gotta get back, back to the past Samurai Jack. (Cayman)

Double Chainsaw 

Stolen from Big Bull Crocker, it’s a giant heavy chainsaw the size of Jack himself. This behemoth of a weapon has two saws on it, which Jack can use for heavy brutal swings, mowing his way through large groups of enemies alongside items by swinging it around, and Jack is somehow able to do various swift combos with it despite his size. Easily Jack's best bladed weapon. 

Burning Torch 

Moving onto Jack's stranger tools, he has a torch which instantly ignites itself once pulled out. Which Jack can swing around similar to his bat, except when swung it causes fiery explosions which deal afterburn to the targets, with the victim causing anyone else they touch to get caught on fire. Jack can also use it to breathe fire like a Chairzard, but finding actual footage of this is incredibly difficult. 

Magnet Gun 

For weirder stuff, Jack has a large Electromagnetic Gun he stole from aliens. When used it will activate and pull up to 3 targets right towards the weapons coil, which Jack can then launch away with enough force to splatter them into pieces. It’s also a magnet so it would pull away any metallic item in an opponent's hand at that time. It makes for a great stunning weapon, disarming tool, and it’s generally a great option if Jack wants to force an enemy into CQC.

Rocket Launcher 

The final pickup item Jack has. It is a four barreled minigun like weapon, which is bigger than Jack himself that he can use to fire a group of powerful missiles which could deal tons of damage to even Martin and his mech. Although after 4 shots, the gun will vanish and Jack will need to pick up another one. 

Happy Pills

Considering how brutal DeathWatch is, Jack is clearly gonna take some heavy amounts of damage. It’s alright though, as Jack has a few healing items to aid him if this goes down. He has what are known as ‘Happy Pills’ which heal a decent amount of his health. Insert joke about drugs here.

Happy Onions

If Jack is REALLY low on health, he can chow down on a Raw Onion for full health and the vegetable somehow refuels Jack's chainsaw too. Insert joke about Shrek and or Wario here. 


Jack's main form of getting around Varrigan City. It’s a black and white chopper motorcycle which is incredibly useful. This thing moves at blinding speeds that are made even faster through engine boosters, it can easily take down other contestants' bikes, can drive down a giant skyscraper through pure speed, seemingly lets Jack use his chainsaw without it ever running out of gas, and it can even be used as a weapon. 

This was best shown when Jack drove off Kojacks bike, before throwing his own bike down making Kojacks bike explode killing him along with it, and when Jack strapped the chain attached to his bike around a Werewolves head before driving around in circles reducing it’s face to nothing. 

The Gator Tooth 

Moving onto tools Jack uses during his appearance in ‘Anarchy Reigns’ it seems his cyborg arm got a HUGE improvement. As the weapon now has two saws much like The Double Chainsaw. Not just that but the chainsaws are coated in fire and can even ignite explosions when swung and Jack can perform a heavy charge move to instantly obliterate any enemy in his path. 

This chainsaw allows Jack to perform many moves as well, which will all be linked right here. So yeah, pretty badass.

Sniper Rifle

Even when not in the DeathWatch games, Jack still has various pickups he can use. Such as this sniper rifle, which can fire with enough force to create explosions and send Gargoyle robots flying. 

Missile Launcher 

For more ranged options, Jack and other characters in Anarchy Reigns can use a Quad Launcher that fires 4 homing missiles at a selected target dealing tons of damage. Even if that target is a giant 10 ft tall mutated monster. 

Incendiary Grenades

For more portable explosive power, Jack is armed with Incendiary Grenades, which create giant explosions when thrown which later ignite large hordes of fire to burn a victim. 

Anarchy Reigns Items And Power Ups

In Anarchy Reigns, guns and explosives are FAR from Jack's only pickups. As in the multiplayer modes and levels of the story, he can use various items which do many useful things that can quickly turn the tide of a fight. Which we will list right below this

Note; Some scans will show other characters that aren't Jack using these, but keep in mind this is just the player using a different character. Jack can use all weapons shown here. 

Super Charged Trap

Starting off we have this small device. While it may look like a weird bop-it, it’s actually pretty useful as when thrown it will cause a giant electrical shock which stuns a target for an extended period of time. 


Very simple. When used, it coats Jack or whoever is wielding it in a green circle which acts as a shield to defend against attacks. 


Also pretty simple. This tool instantly turns Jack invisible, making him hard to track against the naked eye. Although it will run out after enough time passes. 

Team Summit 

With this powerup, Jack can summon his entire squad to his location. Not sure how this will help him considering he’s well… alone in this fight, but it's something. 

Cage Match

With this item, Jack or whoever's using it will force whoevers hit into a cage match, where they are transported to a giant cage where they will fight. Whoever wins gets an item crate at the end before being transported back to the arena. Jack can use domain expansions I guess. 

Carpet Bombing

Yes really. With this powerup, Jack summons a horde of jets to begin carpet bombing the arena. Continuously firing multiple missiles to deal tons of damage to whoever's unlucky enough to be hit. Although these can harm and even kill Jack if he’s caught in one.

Mutant Bait

With this item, Jack can summon a total of 3 mutants to aid him in combat. This is very useful as Mutants in Anarchy Reigns are giant hulk-like brutes with super strength and durability that will charge and attack anything it sees. And keep in mind that's just the damage one could do, Jack has 3 of these dudes.

Jack could also potentially use his Team Summit move on them to summon them if he’s far away. 

The Satellite Laser

Ending off Jack's list of powerups, he can use a large satellite laser to auto lock right onto the selected target before firing right down causing a huge explosion that deals tons of damage. Smth smth Yakuza. 

The Gale Force 

That's right, he has another vehicle. This time it’s a hovering ski-like machine with a dash feature and is equipped with a flamethrower to boot. The perfect contraption for mowing down groups of enemies while getting around.


Remember how we mentioned improvisation in skills for Jack? Well I think it’s time we actually show what this madman has used as a tool to end one's life, we will bullet point his most iconic and useful ones as we doubt you want to hear us list every type of rock or piece of paper Jack can kill you with.


Hank J. Wimbleton

Nevadean Physiology

The creatures that lurk in Nevada, often referred to as “Nevadeans”, are not human in the way we are, in fact they’re nothing like us. There are no men, women or children in Nevada, just these weird monsters tumbling about and beating the crap out of each other. These monsters have clay-like skin and cannot die of old age or natural causes. Rich, Employee Of The Month in all of Nevada, was implied to be able to survive for 30 years on the job straight with no access to food, water or even sleep. Last of which Hank doesn’t need to operate at full capacity either. Them having no arms and just hands isn’t an artstyle choice, sometimes, they canonically have floating hands that are able to stretch far away from the body, it's not recommended to go past a few miles however. See? Being a Nevadean isn’t all that bad, beats out being one in real life by a long shot. Not a big accomplishment though.


Hank isn’t as dangerous as he is due to his sheer strength, but rather his love and drive for killing. Fear might not be a strong motivator in Nevada, but when Hank’s ecstatic he is much more deadly than if he was furious or terrified. This is why in scenarios where Hank is really excited about using his strength, which is almost always given how much this guy likes to kill, he’s able to outmatch Nevadas who are normally just as strong as he is like Sanford and Deimos.


In both Nexuses games, Hank gets access to what is known as a “Tac-Bar”, a meter that lets the user instinctively dodge attacks and enemy fire so long as it's full or demonstrates Hank’s natural ability to avoid damage. The only way to bypass the bar is to shoot the user from behind, however the highest tier of Tac-Bar is able to completely nullify this. Making it extremely hard to catch Hank once he’s on the loose.


When Hank racks up to 20 kills, which is a matter of when not for the record, he can activate Bullet-Time, an ability that slows his perception at times to a crawl. Letting him perceive things at a much slower rate to the point where he can see afterimages while it's active. Hank still moves normally however, it's just his perception that slows down.

Non-Physical Interactions

Due to being the pinnacle of Nevadean capabilities, we can reasonably assume Hank should be able to perform anything normal Nevadeans can. Like hurting ghosts in a haunted mansion that are god-like entities ushered into Nevada for really no reason. This is backed up by Hank himself being able to hurt characters like Phobos, who is a S3LF throughout their fight, S3LVEs are not only the souls of Nevadeans but they are non-physical abstractions as well.

Supernatural Endurance/Willpower

Along with the rest of the Madness Trio, Hank is described as having cognitive endurance that lets them outlast other grunts and Nevadeans by nature like they have some sort of slight plot armor granted to him by The Higher Powers. Among these Nevadeans that Hank can outlast include the Magiturde, who has an unlimited supply of strength and willpower at his fingertips. This “plot armor” so to speak is comparable to the other protagonists, maybe even stronger given Hank’s record, and Sanford’s been described having been blessed with nigh unkillable resilience and or luck that keeps him alive.

Similarly, Hank’s combination of willpower and flat-oute divine intervention thanks to The Higher Powers keeps him upright and moving. We see this endurance Hank possesses on more than one occasion, he’s been shot several times, lived through some crazy injuries and doesn’t need sleep to do any of this. But my favorite case of his utter resilience is the time he unflinchingly pulled a knife out of his thigh and then proceeded to stuff his wound with a hotdog wrapper. Continuing his murder spree with zero difficulty. 


Hank isn’t what you call good at staying alive, in fact he’s died 8 times canonically and 2 times in non-canon material. But this bastard keeps coming back like he’s some sort of revenant and it’s not unexplained, there are multiple reasons for nearly every time he’s come back. First of which is because The Higher Powers, entities of extraordinary abilities that govern Nevada, have brought him back to life to continue the agenda. The Higher Powers are the ones who write the story and plan out the events of the series; they've given Hank a form of plot armor that lets him outlast other characters in the series due to his endurance and constitution along with it being said that divine intervention keeps him alive as well as his encounters being driven by causality manipulated by The Higher Powers.

Now don’t let this think the plot won’t let Hank die or anything, like I said it has let him die 8 total times and the plot armor granted by The Higher Powers doesn’t negate this so much as it does heighten his survivability. Which was previously pretty weak. Saying The Higher Powers will always bring Hank back is a bit untruthful in of itself, The Higher Powers views are based upon fact not preference and The Highest Power, The Maker, does the things he does due to him being bored. So while useful, this isn’t a really a reliable way for Hank to come back and can be seen as outside help regardless.

Luckily, this isn’t the only explanation for Hank’s unkillability. When someone dies in Nevadean, their S3LF are sent to The Other Place, the membrane between what could be and what is, basically being Madness Combat’s form of Hell. Dying again here instead scattering of one's consciousness that then takes form across different stories and hells in The Other Place. This is why we see Hank fighting another Hank, they’re the same S3LF and each Hank is one part of his consciousness that has been broken down and reassembled. Given that each Hell in The Other Place ideally corresponds to a S3LF, and there are at least thousands of S3LFs in the series and all it takes is for one version of Hank for resurrection to occur, Hank’s potential extra lives reaches the thousands, maybe even higher. There is actively not an infinite number of Hells however.

But this now hinges the question on how reliable Hank coming back is. A large majority of the time it is Doc bringing Hank back and not Hank himself, but there have been times Hank’s come back on his own will. Deimos, now Dedmos, has also been stated to be partially reasonable for bringing himself back. Doc just makes this process a bit easier. So it’s definitely not impossible for Hank to bring himself back from The Other Place, especially since Krinkels has stated his ability is comparable to Deadpool’s regeneration and Michael Myers’s immortality. Whether these statements should be taken literally is up for debate but the point is Hank can do it by himself if he needs to. What about the timeframe you ask? Not much is known there but The Other Place clearly does not experience the same time we do, events that take nearly a minute in Hell are only a few seconds in Nevada, Doc’s own process to bring Hank back may have lasted a short time in Nevada but it was 2 full episodes where Hank was battling his way through hell in The Other Place. Hank may be fighting for his life in The Other Place for a long time but in reality it hasn’t been too long outside of it, while these aren’t exact it’s a good estimate on how Hank’s immortality can be measured. The time he did come back had Tricky retain the same fresh injury as the last episode, so it doesn't take too long. 

If Hank somehow doesn’t get sent to The Other Place when he dies, then he has a chance to roam the living as a spooky ghost that’s still able to interact with their surroundings. Even in death he doesn’t stop trying to kill, god bless.


(Art by DozenRahyz)

While he technically doesn’t dissolve into The Other Place like other S3LFs, he’s referred as Insolvent because of this, Hank’s body, soul and mind are all perfectly fine during his ventures to The Other Place. Minus the beatings, stabbings and shootings that took place. In these episodes, the time and space present in The Other Place was angular and jagged, essentially meaning that events are constantly being skipped to another tangent. For further proof, Madness Combat’s timeline as a whole is not affected by changes in the past.


Jack Cayman

Cybernetic Enhancements 

In Anarchy Reigns, Jack's arm wasn't the only thing that got upgraded. As it turns out, 75% of Jack's body is now fitted with cybernetics, pretty much making him a cyborg. 

This provides Jack with many benefits for a fight. Not only did it make his physical capabilities even greater and improve his chainsaw, but Jack now has a cybernetic eye which lets him and Amala track people through satellites and he can even auto lock onto a selected target meaning avoiding Jack is even trickier. 


I think we speak for everyone here, that none of you would really… Like being in a room with Jack alone. Welp, neither would anyone else in the game. This dude has spooked various characters just by entering rooms, hell the actual DeathWatch announcers will WATCH Jack break the rules and simply change them as that's far easier than trying to talk to him and getting their heads ripped off.

Power Struggle

One of the most iconic features of the MadWorld game. They’re basically Quick Time Events Jack has to pull off in a short amount of time that counter his opponents attacks and deal tons of extra damage that he normally wouldn't deal. They’re also real spectacles to watch. 

Extra Lives 

Sometimes in the brutal world of Varrigan City, Jack is not always the one killing others. Others eventually catch up to him and end his life in a brutal fashion… But not for long, as luckily Jack has a total of 3 Extra Lives!

Yes these are indeed canon, as the announcers of the game will acknowledge when Jack picks a Jack Balloon up. (Even more backed up by how The Black Baron casually comes back from death over and over again in the game) Oh yeah, Jack Balloons are basically items scattered around Jefferson Island that he can pick up which give him more Extra Lives. The actual limit of how many there are in the game is really hard to pinpoint down, with the wiki saying Jack can pretty much carry as many as he feels like. But for the sake of trying to get a number down, let’s say Jack gets 3 Extra lives each level, considering that's how many he starts with.

There are a total of 14 Stages in MadWorld, assuming each one has 3 Extra Lives scattered around the place, Jack will have a total of 42 Extra Lives by the end of all that. Even if this number is wrong (Whether it actually be lower or higher) having several revives that let you come back is pretty useful. 

Anarchy Reigns Perks & Abilities

Due to Anarchy Reigns being far more focused on their multiplayer than the campaign, its multiplayer got something pretty much all online games have at this point; Perks. These can increase Jack's stats, improve his weapons, and generally aid him in a fight. These include…

  • Guard Master: 500% increase to guard durability. Incredibly effective against Rampages.

  • Auto Guarder: Allows for automatic guarding, except when attacking or receiving damage.

  • Judo Master: Increases both grab range and grab attack power 20%.

  • Takedown Defense: Allows for automatic grab breaking in any situation.

  • Sprinter: Increases dash speed and jumping ability.

  • Master Evader: Boosts evasion distance and increases number of consecutive evasions from three to six.

  • Rampage Marauder: Provides assistance during head-to-head Rampage battles.

  • Rampage Master: Increases length of Rampages 20%.

  • Herculean Effort: Increases speed while carrying objects and increases damage from item attacks by 50%.

  • Hitman: Increases points earned by eliminating enemies 50%.

  • Rifle Enthusiast: Begin matches with a rifle and one extra bullet. Also increases rifle attack power 20%.

  • Cage Match Enthusiast: Triple bonus points awarded for winning a duel.

  • Stealth Master: Begin matches with a Stealth item. Increases stealth duration 50%.

  • Shield Master: Begin matches with a Shield item. Increases shield durability 100%.

  • Mugger: Causes stunned enemies to drop items they are carrying.

  • Healing Factor: Increases Vitality Gauge recovery rate 20%.

  • Hard Charger: Increases Killer Weapon Gauge recovery time by 20%.

  • Rapid Respawner: Reduces respawn wait time to zero.

  • Power Leveler: Increases level up efficiency. Level 2 requires only a single kill, Level 3 requires a three kill streak.

  • Killjoy: Increases power 80% for one attack following a taunt. Effect wears off after a short amount of time.

Rampage Mode

If you fought Jack was scary and dangerous already, you ain't seen nothing yet. In Anarchy Reigns Jack can enter what's known as a ‘Rampage Mode’ each character has their own one which lets them manipulate and control a specific element. The element Jack uses is fire, pretty obvious considering its chainsaw is in a blaze half the time.

When in this state Jack becomes stronger and tougher being able to walk off pretty much all damage, he can move incredibly fast and punch at blinding speeds that can stun enemies allowing Jack to deal as much damage as he wants, and of course it gives Jack a fiery aura to make all his blows burn. 


(Art by JohnMammer)


Hank J. Wimbleton


  • Slayed over 30 men because they played music too loud and were rude, later admitting he had a fun time while doing it.

  • Killed the Sheriff. 

  • Infiltrated and slaughtered bases of an agency literally created to kill him called the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton™.

  • Went against powerful Nevadeans such as Tricky The Clown, Jebus, Mag Agents, The Auditor, Director Phobos, etc.

  • Alongside Sanford, Deimos and Jebus, he stopped Project Nexus for good.

  • Is the final boss of Project Nexus, going against Sanford and Deimos because “The mission was done.”

  • The most violent mercenary Nevada’s ever seen.

  • Would pet a dog 




Jack Cayman


  • Won three DeathWatch competitions before the events of MadWorld.

  • Walked into Varrigan City and instantly climbed his way through the ranks of DeathWatch at incredible speeds.

  • Killed countless amounts of enemies, including punks, ninjas, zombies, armored soldiers, and even aliens.

  • Fought Werewolves, Robots, Aliens, Vampires, A Clone of himself, and even The Black Baron.

  • Figured out how DeathWatch forces others to kill each other, and those who're involved.

  • In Anarchy Reigns, he took on Leo, Robots, Mutants, a Kraken, and even Cthulhu. (It’s a big robot, not the giant octopus monster) 

  • Quit smoking for his daughter's sake. 





Hank J. Wimbleton

Sanford and Deimos

Hank may be at the top of the crown when it comes to mercenaries in Nevada, but he can’t do everything himself. Against his own will, his mission has been aided by a pair of chuckleheads named Sanford and Deimos. Despite these two not being as dangerous as Hank, with Hank being noted as capable of throwing Deimos through a wall, they’re still very deadly in their own right. Together they were able to take Hank down, although not with Hank putting up one hell of a fight. Hank’s still more deadly than both of them combined, it’s said he could take on Deimos’s undead form in Dedmos too.

Jebediah “Jebus” Christoff

The Savior of Nevada in the flesh, Jebediah Christoff, or as he’s more commonly known, Jebus has crossed paths with Hank on multiple occasions. Fitting since Jebus uses the powerful artifact of The Keystone Fragment to take down prominent madness bringers in Nevada and Hank is well… Hank. Jebus’s run ins with Hank, Jebus is shown to have a clear advantage however Hank holds his own in all fights he’s had with Jebus and even beat him in a direct fight in Project Nexus. Where Jebus then became a party member that Hank is comparable too, so scaling makes perfect sense.

Other Nevadeans

For a series that literally names the horde of enemies as “The Victims” to Hank’s slaughter, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that Hank easily outclasses any Nevadeans from the A.A.H.W, Merc, Project Nexus or any other Nevadean for that matter.

Jack Cayman

DeathWatch Contestants

Not much explaining should really be done here, but if you really are curious; Jack should scale above pretty much all The DeathWatch contestants consistently. He’s won a total of 4 tournaments, climbed his way to the top of the one you follow within the game in a short amount of time, and he bests pretty much everyone being able to keep up with them in both power and speed.

It should be noted, each boss should most likely upscale one after the other due to how the game works so that's why some lower feats will be listed above higher ones. 

Anarchy Reigns Cast And Enemies 

The other game Jack appeared in that everyone seems to forget! Jack should solidly scale to pretty much everyone in the cast, he fights on par with Leo in the story mode, beats down The Blacker Baron and reacts to and tanks attacks from Nikolai. So scaling is a no brainer here. 


Hank J. Wimbleton

“They’re coming for you, Hank… YOU GONNA COMPLAIN ABOUT IT, HAAANK????”

With so many accomplishments under that blood stained belt of his, it's easy to think Hank may very well be an unstoppable force of nature that knows no bounds. However that could not be farther from the truth, Hank’s bloodlust, although it does make him extremely dangerous, it has blinded him multiple times, resulting in him being snuck up upon and being shot or stabbed. His tunnel vision has been shown to hurt him besides dying, like the time he was shot while dealing with Mag Agent Torture and Tricky. Hank is very reckless and overconfident in his abilities, opting to take fights he has no way of winning and not taking foes seriously until it's too late. He also really has a hard time staying alive despite his endurance.

Hank is flawed within his tactics as well, he hardly carries much of an arsenal on him half the time, mostly grabbing guns and melee weapons from the grunt he kills or the building he infiltrates. Meaning he has to worry about ammo due to not having it on hand, so his guns are far more limited in usage then you might expect. Lastly, although The Higher Powers are able to resurrect Hank at any time, it's really only because they need to in order to keep Nevada running and therefore continue the madness. They don’t always do this, there have been several occasions where Hank has died and The Higher Powers did nothing, leaving Hank himself and Doc to pick up the pieces. Meaning that The Higher Powers are fairly unreliable even with Hank’s plot armor. Same goes for Doc, nearly all times Hank’s been shown to come back involve him and take awhile to pull off, as well as Doc needing Hank’s body. 

Jack Cayman

"And Jack is on his way to hell!"

“You don't think he maybe might go to heaven?”


He may be the king of DeathWatch, but even a king has his own set of flaws. And Jack is no exception. For one, Jack rarely enters a fight with an actual battle plan and chooses to improvise on the fly, rolling with whatever blows come his way. So if Jack sees something that catches him off guard, it’s unlikely any battle strategies will be made to counteract. Jack himself is also still human despite his insane endurance, and while his extra lives and healing items can prevent it. He can be brutally killed just like any other contestant in these games once those lives run out. 

For weaknesses in terms of Jack's equipment, well most of his arsenal is primarily melee focused with him only having a few ranged items. Showing he relies far more on CQC than ranged fights, hell those melee weapons aren't so perfect either. His pickup items will eventually break into pieces after enough swings forcing him to try to find a new one, and his chainsaw arm has a limited amount of fuel, with Jack needing to let it rest and charge back up after using it too many times. 

Before The Verdict…

The Sun + Tricky The Clown Scaling

“I killed the sun?”

Okay fine we’ll talk about it.

If you somehow don’t know by now, there’s a feat in Madness Combat 3 where The Improbability Drive caused the sun to turn into a regular grunt and Hank killed this grunt, causing the sky to go from its usual gray to a dark after the sun’s death. Later on, a new sun was developed that shined bright enough for the sky to turn red. This is easily the most infamous feat in Madness Combat and there is a ton of discussion over it. So, what’s our take? Well, we certainly do think it's a feat but it's far more complicated than it looks and the gist of it is we do not buy Hank being able to scale to it. Oh yeah, also in this section we’re going to talk about Hank scaling to Tricky and if it's viable, since it's related to this feat.

Let’s take a step back, it’s clear the sun was not at actual sun size when Hank killed it and not showing any property of such. It shows no sign of giving off heat, has actual teeth and bleeds like any other grunt would. This is also an underdeveloped Improbability Drive being used that was affecting the whole world by Sheriff activating it. Hank didn’t kill the sun, he killed a grunt form that the sun turned into due to The Infinity Improbable taking over reality, given it operates at such a scale.

This leads to two other cases of this feat being argued depending on the route you want to go to, the sky turning dark after the sun’s death and Tricky’s improbability drive turning the sun into a grunt. Starting off with the first one, besides being dead, the sun is now shattered across the sky and visibly broken into pieces in Project Nexus. Is this because Hank killed it? Not directly. Obviously, killing the gruntified version of the sun did have something to do with it given the sky immediately went dark but it's actively implied by Krinkels that something irregular did it, furthermore in this clip he states it was obliterated when it was put to that state in Project Nexus. Which you can very much see is not the damage Hank performed by beating it with a street sign. In fact, we know some sort of reality warping was used to transform the sun back to its original state and then shattered. The Improbability Drive caused the sun to have a smiley face in the first place, and as you can see, is no longer present in Project Nexus’s shattered sun. We know this smiley face removal was unrelated to Hank, the face remains after the sun grunt is killed. Proving Hank had nothing to do with what happened to the sun besides killing the grunt version which then caused whatever reality fuckery went on. Tricky’s Improbability Drive was said to facilitate the ability for the new sun to be created and turn the sky red, showing that the same Improbability Drive can work on such a scale that it affects the entire sky. 

Conversely, there is absolutely no piece of evidence that suggests Hank was the sole reason for the sun being shattered and or the sky going dark. It’s just a generally wild assumption to make based on the words “And of course, Hank shooting the sun, making the sky go from gray to not gray” and it's something we never see Hank or any normal Nevadean for that matter do after. These words can very much mean that Hank killed the sun then the still active Improbability Drive to respond in an unreasonable manner by turning the sky dark and shattering the sun across the sky with it. If that sounds weird, that’s because the Improbability Drive is weird. Earlier in the scene it was making whales and marshmallows fall from the sky, the former of which doesn’t exist in Nevada. Hank meanwhile, especially at this point in the series where he’s still struggling with regular grunts, is far more grounded and has never showcased any form of wacky nonsense like The Infinite Improbable. Let’s put it like this, what’s more likely to shatter a sun across the sky and turn the sky dark with it? The thing that caused the sun to come alive in the first place that’s all about wacky shit happening that was also affecting Nevada’s reality worldwide or some guy with a stop sign hitting the sun after it was turned into a regular grunt? 

The second way you can argue Hank to be star level regarding this feat is through the clown himself, Tricky. This is an underdeveloped Improbability Drive, a better one was put into Tricky and it fuels his abilities by having the energy run through his veins. There isn’t really anything wrong with applying this feat to Tricky, since it was the Improbability Drive that turned the sun into a grunt, besides the feat being pretty much uncalcable. The next option for Hank getting this level and higher as we will soon see Madness Combat characters get to is through scaling to Tricky. Which we also don’t think is a viable way for Hank to get high.

Tricky’s fights with the main cast are very brief to say the least, he knocked Jebus out in a single strike and ripped his head off soon after, sent both Sanford and Deimos against and through a wall before getting bored with them and in the case of Hank, he consistently is shown to play with Hank for episodes on end. Throughout nearly all of their encounters, Tricky is toying with Hank non-stop. Krinkels has confirmed that Tricky has the power to end it for our protagonist but doesn’t because it's no fun, it's even stated that Tricky would be able to kill Hank whenever he wants if he wanted Hank dead. he has too much fun killing Hank over and over again for that. Hank has on occasion hurt Tricky and cut him up real good, but strangely this doesn’t really equate to harming The Improbability Drive. Tricky’s body can receive a great amount of shock from The Improbability Drive being damaged and his base form that still has the power of The Improbability Drive running through his veins even in a mortal coil like state, proving that The Improbability Drive really does nothing for his durability. Which checks as he bleeds just as easily as any other Nevadean and the same as he did before the drive was implemented, which he does numerous times which makes it clear the intent is his durability not being amped. The only times Hank’s hurt him is while he’s in base form. Compare this to Hank’s interactions with a form made up of The Improbability Drive like Demon Tricky, who Hank couldn’t do any damage to and folded immediately upon his transformation.

Before fully going into more scaling arguments in the following sections, we should put into perspective that Hank isn’t impressive because of his strength but because of his tactical coordination and explosive joy he has when killing. Hank dying to basic agents is a common occurrence and in a regular fight he would lose to Mag Agent v4 mid diff. His strength is crazy on its own but it doesn’t set him apart from anyone else in the Madness universe and while he certainly isn’t “just a guy”, his physical attributes aren’t off the charts compared to other grunts.

In short, while this feat is certainly an infamous one and we do think it can be considered viable for someone like Tricky, we see no real way for Hank to be able to scale through it no matter the argument you’re going with.

Universal To Higher Madness Combat?

Madness Combat, being built on the premise of violence slowly creating more entropy and its already insanely impressive cosmology, has itself a bunch of arguments to be made when regarding cosmic feats that scale to parts of the cosmology. We’ve already tackled what we think of Tricky scaling, so we won’t be discussing that as to not be repetitive, much like Tricky scaling however, all the arguments of cosmic Madness Combat are real and valid. It’s just Hank scaling to these characters is what we find problematic. We’re looking at all the parts of this puzzle and giving in depth explanations on all of them in order to be as clear about scaling as we can.

Director Phobos & Project Gestalt

“Plushified Versions of Sanford and Deimos.”

First and foremost is the overarching antagonist and his perfect vessel of Project Nexus, Director Phobos and Project Gestalt. Phobos’s main quest in Project Nexus was to evolve into a state of godhood through the discovery of The Other Place and Dissonance. To do this, he developed Project Gestalt, an enormous Mag Agent that contained the S3LFs of hundreds of thousands of Nevadeans to generate enough power to ascend past the limits of Nevada and merge with The Other Place, a multiversal structure as explained in Immortality. Hank, Sanford and Deimos together were all able to take down Project Gestalt and fight Director Phobos, so what’s the issue? Well the issue is that Director Phobos was explicitly said to not be ascended and capable of merging with The Other Place during his boss fight, as the boss fight is framed to be stopping Phobos from doing this. 

 This is directly confirmed by Phobos’s dialogue, he says the lines Project Gestalt is ready for my second coming! A shame you won’t live long enough to witness my ascension.” mid fight and  Jebus, before you fight Project Gestalt, says that they must stop Project Gestalt before it consumes The Other Place and becomes all-powerful. Phobos even says "While I have my perfect vessel, it doesn't matter Christoff! I will merge with The Other Place and have my godhood!" after being defeated, proving he wasn’t ascended when fighting Hank. And after this, Phobos tries to perform his plan by possessing Project Gestalt, but Hank and friends were able to kill Project Gestalt before he could do so, preventing him from merging with The Other Place and ascending to godhood. Meaning that not only was Phobos not at godlike power during his fight with Hank, he was never even able to get this godlike power in the first place, he was stopped by Project Gestalt’s death, so Hank really has no way to scale to this no matter which way you cut it. 

Neither Phobos nor Gestalt were at multiversal levels of power here, the Phobos Hank fought was one of the many S3LFs that was extracted from Gestalt. Phobos was already an impressive foe, being able to hold his own against Jebus wielding The Keystone Fragment, but he was also pumped full of S3LF energy which he used for attacks and stole The Keystone Fragment back from Jebus near the end of the fight. He was definitely powerful in his own right, but saying he had the capability of merging with The Other Place in this state is flat out untrue and has nothing backing it up along with going against the very reason the fight was fought in the first place. Hank, Jebus, Sanford and Deimos were all trying to stop Phobos from doing this, otherwise, as Sanford said, they’d pretty much be screwed.

The Employers (Mostly Auditor…)

(Art by AokiCyber)

A group of entities born out of The Machine’s needs for concepts, The Employers are extraordinarily powerful and have very good arguments for scaling to cosmology themselves. They govern Nevada and the infinite entropy that surrounds it at all times, that being The Infinity Improbable as discussed previously, they treat Phobos like their toy and weren’t threatened at all by his plan of merging with The Other Place which can be used to argue they’re in similar leagues of power as he is and lastly, they are apart of the cosmology themselves. No joke, they are walking dimensions that’s similar to The Other Place. Among other high tier feats. Suffice to say, the angels of The Machine are hella powerful in their own right. So let’s see how Hank stacks up against them.

The main Employer we see throughout the series, The Auditor is the primary focus on this example, after all he did create The A.A.H.W. In any case, Jebus defied the Auditor and fought back against him in episode 8, where they fought in an admittedly short fight. The thing about this fight however is that The Auditor was strictly limiting himself to mortal weapons to fight Jebus because he’s kind of an idiot. He wasn’t using his full power and it clearly does show. Even then, he kicks Jeb’s ass in this encounter, Jeb literally never got a hit in because of his intangibility and was killed in an attack that did nothing to The Auditor afterward. Hank, who is already shown to be weaker than Jebus half the time, simply can’t keep up with Auditor.

Another argument comes from dissonance being said to be able to hurt The Employers, I hate to be the one to say this but this doesn’t translate to attack potency at all. Not only in the same stream is it said that The Employers are the opposite of dissonance, but it is repeatedly stated that because their bodies can’t handle it. This is because they are angels to The Machine, a being that’s made up of all reality, they can’t deal with dissonance’s unreality. This is exactly why Trick was able to take over Auditor’s body in Expurgation, The Auditor requires rules to exist and Dissonance and Improbability act as boils to his water. The Machine and The Employers are built on logic while dissonance is built on the complete inverse of logic. This hax part of dissonance that affects even the most powerful beings as long as they follow the rules of logic is something you can’t scale Hank to. He’s able to survive dissonance blasts sure, but dissonance’s unreality doesn’t really harm him so much as it does The Employers. It’s a resistance he has to the effects that would give The Auditor trouble. There’s just really no way to scale Hank to any of The Employers based on this.

It should be said that although base Hank does not scale to The Auditor, Mag Hank absolutely does, as he’s harmed Auditor wielding The Keystone Fragment directly, and could maybe even take on the other Employers if he had the chance. 

The Machine

The Machine in context of Madness Combat scaling acts as sort of the penultimate entity in terms of power, second only to The Maker, who made The Machine in the first place. The Machine is a theoretical all-governing body that exists within what is real, its body stretches far beyond the occurrent however. It’s said to encompass both The Other Place and The Infinity Improbable, both of which might sound familiar if you’ve been reading the past few sections. This along with possibly more but that’s better saved for another day make up The Machine, and with that presence obviously comes great power. Unfortunately, yet again there’s really no way for Hank to scale to such a threat. 

Dissonance has been said to be able to hurt The Machine, but much like the section of The Employers it’s said that it does this by running not on logic compared to The Machines logic, in the same clip no less. This means that it's purely a hax thing and not something someone like Hank can physically scale to. Dissonance is a dura neg that operates on the complete opposite spectrum of reality then The Machine and its Employers, it’s not able to hurt it because it’s all powerful or anything like that.

The next argument is based on the boss fight in Project Nexus you have with The Machine, but it’s not really The Machine per say, it's an extension of its will in an avatar that was said to be weaker than The Employers, which the regular version of The Machine is said to dwarf in power. What’s more is that it’s actively stated to only have lost the fight against The Player due to be destined to, and even The Machine must play by its own rules of fate. This’ll really do you no good in terms of trying to scale Hank to The Machine, which just logically makes no sense off of the basis that The Machine is everything that ever was, never was and everything that could be while Hank is Hank.

However, it isn’t so bad for Hank here. The weapon known as “The Prime Blade” is said to be made out of The Machine’s prime essence. Project Kobold didn’t fully understand The Machine and could only get a glimpse at it through The S3LF Eater, so it is unlikely that the sword scales to the full manifold of The Machine. Instead, we can reasonably assume Project Kobold had just as much knowledge on the damn thing as characters like Doc, whose studies said that The Machine has an arm extending to Nevada to comprehend what’s going on. Nevada’s full scope is infinite in size and potentially 4th dimensional, so the blade is at least High Universal to Universal+. If you were to assume it’s grander parts of The Machine, then it can get higher. Don’t get any funny ideas though, Hank does NOT scale to this. The weapon one shots every enemy in the game by sealing them into The Machine except The S3LF Eater, whose exposure to The Machine has made it more resistant to prime code effects and therefore being sealed into The Machine.  


In short, Madness Combat scaling is a mess. There is a bunch of nonsensical and cosmic structure and characters in this series, it's really only natural for a series like this to have a very convoluted scaling chain. But no matter which way you put  it, we really don’t see Hank scaling to any of the cosmic feats and characters whatsoever. Not only is there really not a ton of evidence for Hank keeping up with these characters but it breaks a fairly consistent scaling chain, Hank and friends needed to stop Phobos before he ascended, Phobos is seen as a plaything to The Employers, Tricky would have no chance in a fight against Auditor, The Employers are eclipsed by The Machine, The Maker made The Machine and so on and so forth. 

In an incident, we see this same logic be applied with Hank losing to Jebus, Jebus losing to Mag Hank, Mag Hank losing to Tricky and everyone else there losing to Tricky. Now this isn’t really canon but Krinkels has stated he doesn’t care about canon and it's clear the intent is that human characters like Hank, Sanford and Deimos are nowhere near the level of characters like Tricky. Canon or not, it backs up the scaling chain we’ve previously mentioned.

To re-establish what was said in Tricky Scaling, Hank having the strength similar to these threats isn’t what makes Hank… Hank. He isn’t impressive because of his strength of tactical strategy and explosive tendencies, he regularly dies to normal agents and would lose a 1v1 with Mag Agent v4 mid diff in an equal setting. Hank’s strength is still by all means insane but it doesn’t set him apart from anyone else in the Madness universe. All and all, we won’t be using any of this scaling in the verdict. If you choose to buy it, by all means. These sections were mainly explanations on feats we think don’t really get the full context explained and not buying Hank scaling to it is our take, to each their own but either way please be civil about this. 

Infinite Speed Hank

Yeah so this exists. When asked on how fast Hank’s reaction time is, Krinkels responded by saying at fastest it is the speed of causality, Hank is so ingrained into the cause and effect nature of Nevada that his reaction times are determined by physics not thought. That’s pretty handily Infinite speed due to being dictated by physics. 

But there’s one problem, the sentence that comes after this directly says that this almost never, if at all, happens and is only available to Hank when he “must not be killed.” Meaning that this isn’t something Hank has at all times or hardly ever, it’s the fastest he can possibly go so it shouldn’t be considered his standard speed. It saying “when he must not be killed” also implies that there’s some sort of a Higher Power or other divine interference granting Hank this speed in order to keep Nevada running. Remember, The Higher Powers hold an objective viewpoint on Nevada and will do anything to do their jobs. Hank getting this kind of speed is not only not standard but it also is something we’ve never seen and is completely theoretical while requiring outside help to pull off. So no, we won’t be using this.

Jack Cayman Vs. Hurricanes

You may have noticed in scaling for Jack, we mentioned the fact he can easily scale to Herr Frederick Von Twirlenkiller, who is stated in by Howard and Kreese to be capable of punching with so much force he created a gigantic hurricane which then later sunk all of New Orleans which was calculated at 1.44 Gigatons of TNT or Large Mountain level. This is easily the best feat Jack has in his tool kit, so we are going to address some problems some people might say about it.

First off, it is very unlikely the announcers are well… Lying about this. Kreese himself doesn't even react at all to Howard saying this, which would’ve been odd otherwise considering Kreese has faced Twirlenkiller before and seen what he’s capable of. He was more so focusing on the fact he made a shitty pun which aids the idea that this is a very unforgettable and famous thing that happened within MadWorld. The hosts are also pretty honest too, they’ve admitted to being bullied in school, getting stuck in tons of chewing gum, all their contestants being unwilling, sticking their dicks in blenders, and tons and tons of stuff about their exes all on public TV. These guys have absolutely 0 filter, so yeah no reason to assume they're lying.

And secondly the argument is that this is an outlier. While the calc is a lot higher than Jack's other feats, as we will mention later Jack has plenty of feats mentioned in scaling to backup him fighting those who can get to Multi-city block - Town. Also should be noted each boss gets stronger and tougher, and Von was only the THIRD one you fight out of the various others, and he did this feat years back so by the time he fought Jack he was most likely much stronger than this. And this isn't even accounting for Jack's perks making him even stronger, notably his Guard Mastery perk which makes him 500% tougher. This would boost the feat up to 8.670 Gigatons Of TNT which places Jack at Island Level. So yeah, the feat is not only fine, but can get even higher through the logic of the game and stat amps. Very neat. 

Jack Hits People To The Moon? 

Yes really. In the Man Golf sections of this game, Jack can launch guys with his catapult so hard they go flying towards the moon in seconds before splattering.

This feat is clearly just… Not good. The Moon looks more like a background item rather than the actual thing, the blood splats are huge on it and visible from far away showing this is clearly a small moon, and while MadWorld is really.. Bizarre to say the least, it still generally follows the basic laws of physics. So we can’t give Jack the same logic characters like Cuphead, Eddy, and various feats of interacting with comically small versions of celestial bodys that silly toon force cartoon characters get. Sad day indeed Jack bros. 

No Black Hole Feats For Jack?  

Yes really again, Jack in two instances can scale to ‘Black Holes’ one from Black Baron and the other from a random stage event in Anarchy Reigns. Should be… pretty obvious but uhhh. These aren't black holes. Barons simply seems to be an effect caused by his tornado, not him actually creating an actual black hole. And the Anarchy Reigns ones are stated to be artificial black holes which send you to a random place in the arena. So no solar system Jack… We’ll get them one day, don't worry… 


This is a fairly complicated one for what’s it worth, we’re going to divide this debate into 5 main categories: Strength, Speed, Arsenal, Skill, Experience and Endurance.


With both having a record for breaking bones, throwing others around like a rag doll and tearing them to shreds for a finisher, it shouldn’t come as much as a surprise that they had a lot to bring to the table both in both direct feats and scaling. With the primary focus on both of their fighting styles being killing people by overpowering them as quickly as possible, stats are a major factor of this fight and will dictate many future advantages both will have, win or lose. 

In terms of strength and durability, Hank’s very casually broke open boarded up windows and reinforced steel doors, latter of which usually gets up to 12 Megajoules, he’s survived lightning bolts which strike with 0.38 Tons of TNT, scales to Sanford and Deimos surviving a building falling on top of them which gets 8 Tons of TNT when rounded up, can survive a grenade shot from the M203 Grenade Launcher which has a punch of 10.5 Tons of TNT and the Fourpack which is 4x as powerful as M203, or 42 Tons of TNT, which characters like Jebus have also survived with a potential energy of 252 Tons of TNT. More impressively he’s fought Project Gestalt, who can survive the divergence engine hitting him with 36 Tons of TNT and Director Phobos, who uses a heavy amount of dissonance for its attacks which Hank can survive, with weaker dissonance blasts are able to atomically destroy Mag Agents with a force equal to 256.4 Tons of TNT. Project Gestalt is powered up by more S3LFs than anywhere else in Nevada, and a lesser number of S3LFs were used to power Nexus City for 30 years. Given that no new S3LF extraction was happening and the timeframe, that’s looking at an energy of 43 Kilotons of TNT. This feat could be considered a little more skeptical with the lack of a real timeframe, but we’ve ruled that the 30 year end is fine with the info presented on the wiki and Rich’s shift lasting the same amount of time. 

Now onto Jack, he’s one tough cookie alright. He’s punched people so hard they’ve flown out of the stage and into the audience, picked up a helicopter mid-air and slammed it on the ground, smashed Little Eddie with his own weapon which gets 246 Megajoules, fought foes able to throw around forklifts and ram into a giant boat, survive literal carpet bombs which usually drop bombs worth about 0.5 Tons of TNT and keep up with Martin’s robot which is the deadliest weapon on the entire island and world, which includes the volcano used to kill Yokozuna. Judging from the blast, it's in between a VEI 2 and 3, or 239 Tons of TNT to 2.39 Kilotons of TNT. Finally, there’s Von Twirlenkiller, the 98th rank contestant who in his previous fight, was able to sink the city through his hurricane attacks, wielding a power over 1.44 Gigatons of TNT. Keep in mind, Von Twirlenkiller is a lower rank contestant and characters like Martin have superior tech that is actively called the most dangerous thing in the whole world even with Von’s tornado generator gauntlets in mind. So Jack can very well upscale this feat and with Anarchy Reigns, having an upgraded Black Baron in Blacker Baron, who is already stronger then Martins gear. We can apply perk increases to this feat, potentially getting it to 2.6 Gigatons of TNT with Killjoy and 8.6 Gigatons of TNT with Guard Master. Depending on if you want to use these multipliers is really up to how you want to look at it but either way it doesn’t change Jack’s base power.

With all this in mind, they both do generally share a similar stat range with only a few differences, they were at least building and can reach city to multi city block pretty easily. With multi-city block ends, Hank was actually a tad bit stronger with a gap of 1.07x over Jack. A similar but bigger gap is told in their town ends, with Hank being 18x stronger in that field. Using the high end for the volcano and Hank’s MCB ends gives Jack a 9x edge and doing the opposite gives Hank a 179x edge. All of this however is without mentioning the windy elephant in the room, that being Von Twirlenkiller’s hurricane getting calculated to be large mountain, meaning Jack was over 33,591x stronger at absolute minimum. And considering this is a weaker boss and Jack’s fought stronger foes and equipment afterward, this is very likely higher. Not even mentioning the Anarchy Reigns perks being able to buff Jack’s strength and durability up to widen this gap more. While Hank has a weapon that’s easily able to outdo Jack’s power, that’s better saved till later and doesn’t scale to him physically. Jack handily takes the edge in power. 

Moving onto speed, Hank can deflect gunshots with a sword and a speed of Mach 10, scale to several means of bullet and rocket dodging, duck under a lightning bolt which gets Mach 224, blitz Nexus clone which can analyze a lifetime worth of memories instantly which translates to 43% c and scale to laser timing in Project Nexus which range from 25% c - 46% c. Meanwhile, Jack can slice bullets midair, outrun the world's strongest rockets traveling at Mach 10, scales to Black Baron moving in tandem with lightning at Mach 130 speeds and Jack himself moving in tandem with lasers in Anarchy Reigns, a feat that gets 7% c. It should be said regarding their laser feats that this isn’t really a speed uncommon in the verse, these characters have fought foes who use radiation and electromagnetic beams for primary attacks, so both higher ends are perfectly fine. At low ends, they were pretty much equal with both having scaling that gets them to bullet or missile timing, but with lightning feats Hank was 1.7x faster and with both’s arguments for laser timing, Hank keeps the advantage with a gap of 3.6x at least. Which with Hank having multiple can easily get higher, we’re looking at a gap of 6.1x - 6.5x favoring Hank. No amount of perks are able to save Jack this time, that’d only boost him up to 10.62% c and 4.37x slower. Hank takes speed more times than not.

We weren’t lying when we said stats would shape a majority of the arguments both have for winning, going forward we’re going to be referencing stats a lot so to be clear where we have both, Hank is Town level and Relativistic (43 Kilotons and 46% c) and Jack is Large Mountain and Sub-Relativistic (1.44 Gigatons and 7% c).

Arsenal & Abilities

Now onto the main draw of the debate, their arsenals. Both will kill anyone with anything they can get their bloody hands on and they’ve gotten their bloody hands on quite the arsenal. They’ve used just about everything that could ever be deemed deadly and some more on top of that and with the stat distribution. Its suffice to say, arsenal may very well be the determining factor on who makes it out of here alive.

At first glance, it was clear that Hank had the bigger assortment of weapons but quantity doesn’t always equal quality. A majority of these weapons are really just basic firearms that, with Jack’s durability in mind, really would only slow him down. The elemental firearms he had are a prime example of this, these won’t be able to stop Jack for very long given his resistances to them, but he won’t be able to recover instantly. Hank’s arsenal proposes an interesting dynamic to be had since Jack didn’t have many long ranged options while Hank a ton. This combos well with Hank’s speed advantage, letting him keep his distance and wear Jack down until he’s vulnerable to being taken out by a fatal blow. This isn’t to say Jack didn’t have any, he did have rocket launchers, sniper rifles and grenades to keep Hank on his toes but that’s nothing Hank hasn’t dealt with before. 

On the flipside, Jack had counters to being worn down by Hank’s long ranged options in his far better healing options. Hank doesn’t really recover from injuries in his missions besides the use of healing stations, otherwise he always tries risking it. Jack has Happy Pills to heal up a good bit of health and Happy Onions to completely refill his health bar and chainsaw. Jack had a superior arsenal when it came to up close too, his many chainsaws have a greater reach than any of Hank’s melee weapons and can perform some pretty impressive stuff on their own, like creating explosions with each swing and cutting through cars along with multiple enemies at once. He has shields which can block any weapon of Hank’s giving him trouble and his motorcycle is far better at catching up to Hank then Hank could with his car, especially considering Hank kinda sucks at driving. 

Hank’s arsenal isn’t just firearms however, he has two frankly insane means of offense that Jack just can’t possibly survive. This being Dissonance weapons and The Prime Blade. Dissonance is pure unreality and unlogic, capable of warping Jack’s mind and turning him crazy, vaporizing him on contact at the atomic level and destroying him on the conceptual level, you get the gist. The fact that they hone onto nearby targets also meant Jack had little means to escape it once fired in his general direction. Now the problem with Dissonance weapons is that they drain very fast, require dissonance energy ports to reload which are specific to the Nexus tower and are hard to properly handle. They’re pretty janky to wield which can lead to leaving himself open and Jack taking the advantage to get up close. Still, such a powerful weapon cannot be understated. 

Remember how we said Jack was stronger, well this advantage basically goes out the window when discussing The Prime Blade, a weapon forged out of the prime code of The Machine and welding at least Universal levels of power, far above anything Jack’s faced. This means that even at upclose, where Jack is at his best, Hank still has an option to kill him. Or, as another ability The Prime Blade has, seal him into The Machine where he has no way to get out.

Jack, having the strength advantage, doesn’t really need to worry about having any durability negating options in order to kill Hank. All he really needs to do is land a single hit, and since the speed advantage isn’t too big to where he can never land one and luckily for him he has weapons with this concept in mind. Take for example, The Magnet Gun, which will pull Hank towards him regardless of where he is. It also helps remove any piece of equipment giving Jack trouble, like Dissonance or The Prime Blade. Although Hank actually resists Dissonance a good bit so Jack can’t use it for himself, he can use The Prime Blade against Hank though. It is fairly unlikely Jack would really know how to do this but it’s useful to bring up nonetheless. 

Jack’s Anarchy Reigns power ups granted him abilities to get up close without issue and AOE options. With these he could stun Hank with far stronger electricity then he’s been shown to resist, turn Jack invisible which is strangely something Hank has never dealt with before and trumps Hank’s very own stealth, force Hank into a small arena where he has little options to run to and has AOE options in carpet bombing the area and calling down a lock-on satellite strike. Yes, carpet bombing is an actual viable option, you love to see it. In any case, Hank’s options of ending the fight were not AOE and even with his speed and speed amps, it’s not unlikely he would fall victim to these. Though Jack himself can be harmed by his own carpet bombing. 

With their arsenals out of the way, it’s pretty unclear who had the edge. Sure Hank’s offensive means were much more powerful, but comparing them is like dropping an anvil on an ant vs smashing the ant with your foot. One of them is much stronger, yes, but the efficiency of killing that ant is pretty much the same. But that raises the question, could they even kill each other? 

Jack’s extra lives and balloons act pretty much how you’d expect them to act, if he dies he comes back for an encore. Comparing them to other extra live characters like Black Baron, another Jack can just spawn in whenever the previous one is killed. Our research on the game and wiki has concluded that Jack likely has an average of 42 lives available to him. But no matter the amount, there’s really nothing these lives can do against either Dissonance or The Prime Blade, which are Hank’s biggest wincons. Dissonance is literal conceptual erasure along with performing several more abilities in a single shot, it's incredibly busted, and The Prime Blade being able to seal Jack away in The Machine completely removes the issue of having to kill Jack at all. So the question now is can Jack’s own arsenal get around Hank’s immortality, and to figure this out we need to take a deep look into Hank’s immortality once again.

As you could’ve probably tell from the immortality section for Hank being so long, there’s a lot to discuss when it comes to immortality in general in Madness Combat. Mainly in its reliability and timeframe. To get this out of the way, we don’t consider The Higher Powers bringing Hank back to life to be reliable. They’ve only brought him back on occasion when the need comes for it, his plot armor is about staying alive longer than most not keeping himself alive if that makes any sense. Hence why it’s said that he has little issue being killed because of the combination of his willpower and plot armor. He still can die and has died very often and The Higher Powers have done nothing, meaning that although the keeping him alive part is something the plot armor gives, it doesn’t make it so he can’t die entirely. Meaning this can’t really be used for immortality, it can also just be seen as outside help regardless. 

This mean’s Hanks only other option of immortality is in The Other Place. To reiterate his immortality here, Hank when he dies goes to a realm called The Other Place where his S3LF can be broken down across the many realms when he dies again there and all it takes is for one of these pieces to crawl out of hell for him to resurrect. The timeframe is inconsistent but luckily time doesn’t pass the same in The Other Place. He sometimes has outside help do this but it's proven he can come back on his own and as stated by Krinkels, it can hypothetically function the same as characters like Deadpool’s healing factor. Whether you want to take this literally is up for debate but it's clear Krinkels does have the intent of Hank being able to do this fairly quickly. Hank keeps his memories too so he’ll remember exactly what happened to him prior. However, there is a drawback to this. Everytime Hank has died, he has to go through hordes of enemies and deal with intense pain similar to what Dedmos had to go through. If his stamina and endurance runs out, he can very much be incapacitated. If he doesn’t go to The Other Place, then he can potentially come back as a ghost and continue the fight. So yes, we do consider Hank’s immortality to be reliable in most circumstances so long as he doesn’t tire out.

Now to compare the immortalities to one another, Hank had far stronger immortality and it gave a good bit of versatility too, with ghost Hank not being something Jack’s equipped to face. Hank’s potential with his S3LF splitting across the hundreds of thousands of realms in The Other Place far exceeded Jack’s 42 lives. Even if it was bigger and we pushed the amount to the absolute max, it’d be less than Hank’s potential. But there’s a reason it's called potential. Jack’s immortality had far less assumptions to be made in its timeframe and was overall a much more reliable way to get back in the fight.

Hank was the only one of the two that could win the day by using their better weapons once, Dissonance’s conceptual erasure and multitude of other abilities were far too strong for Jack’s immortality to handle. In contrast, Jack didn’t have an option that could negate Hank’s immortality but with how Hank’s immortality works it's possible for him to outlast it until Hank tires. Nevertheless, Hank undoubtedly had the superior weaponry.

The main argument now hinges on endurance and if Jack could wear Hank down enough to where he succumbs to The Other Place and stays dead. We’re going to use the term endurance a lot but it doesn’t just mean stamina, it piles up immortality, stamina, pain tolerance etc all in one. 

Now looking at abilities to determine who could hold themselves together before the other ripped them apart, Hank’s speed advantage only got worse with Tac-Bar and Bullet-TIme in mind. Tac-Bar lets Hank instinctively dodge attacks and convert lethal blows into light grazes or outright misses. Bullet-Time slows his perception of everything around him to where he views everything as going slow-mo, even himself, whenever he gets 20 kills. Given that he goes through hordes of enemies in The Other Place when he dies, he’s getting Bullet-Time basically every time he comes back. Both of these make hitting Hank that much harder and it doesn’t do any favors that Tac-Bars can really only be drained by rapid attacks. Jack is much slower so he’s not gonna have an easy time hitting Hank.

Hank’s plot armor may not assist him if he were to die but it does help him stay alive, it grants him cognitive endurance that’s tailored to have him outlast other grunts around him, including those with unlimited willpower. His pain tolerance has gotten to a point where he doesn’t even notice injuries like being stabbed in the leg.

Jack isn’t without his ways to stay in the game, as said before, he has better healing options in Happy Pills and Onions. Latter of which refuels his chainsaw while he’s at it. Hank has no such options of healing bodies healing stations that are scattered around levels in Project Nexus, which obviously are nowhere near as on demand and will not come into play here.

Jack also has better ways of increasing his stats, while they don’t really help him in the speed department, being able to equip perks that are able to increase defense, power, evasion, stealth, recovery rate, shield duration etc are very useful here and go well with his strength advantage. His rampage mode is a similar case, although Hank can also get a power boost based on his emotions, rampage mode is much more direct and has the added bonus of Jack being able to walk off most means of damage and strike repeatedly up close. He even could summon a squad of men, robots and giant mutants to assist him, keeping Hank occupied while he positioned accordingly or plan his next means of attack.


Going back to weaponry with the idea of endurance was hard to gauge due to most of their equipment being limited in use, with Hank not carrying around any ammo other than what’s already in the gun and Jack’s chainsaw needing to refuel at times. Both’s melee options, as varied as they were, had durability that would mean they would break after extended usage. The big difference is that Hank only needed to hit his more dangerous weaponry once, so he had far more flexibility. Dissonance may run out quickly but it hones in on any general target it was fired near and The Prime Blade has infinite durability so it can’t break no matter what, Jack’s going to have trouble. What’s worse is that all of his methods are equally limited in use, he can only carry two Anarchy Reigns items at a time and he can’t use them simultaneously, his healing options were limited in use themselves and his Magnet Gun suffered a similar problem in needing to recharge after a few uses. Meaning that nearly all of his methods to wear Hank down until he tires out won’t last forever while Hank can keep coming back to life as long as he keeps himself going.

Hank not only has the more powerful arsenal, but he has the endurance and immortality to outlast Jack’s own until Jack is left with little options to keep up until he’s met with a killing blow. Jack didn’t let his one go by easily but overall, but overall endurance goes to Hank.

Tertiary Factors

In what might be the closest comparison we’ve had to this verdict, skill was not an easy one to decide. You’d expect Hank, who has taken on enemies much more powerful than himself and Jack constantly, to take this one with ease, but Hank’s skills are really all linked to his initiate killer instinct, this isn’t to say he isn’t skilled, far from it, but a majority of his stunts are pure instinct and aren’t a surefire way to take skill. 

Hank knows multiple martial arts and uses this knowledge to overpower his opponents with his own unique fighting style centered around improvisation. He’s fought swords with the blunt ends of guns, swept through rooms of grunts and zeds in seconds, wiped rooms of people and has a very keen sense of seeing and hearing, being able to see a mag being put into a gun from far away and shooting people sneaking up behind him the moment they enter a room without looking. More damningly, he far outclasses Sanford and Deimos who regularly humiliate Jorge, who can snipe the head off your shoulders from 100 yards away with his eyes closed. Jack is a similar story, he can perform just about any martial arts move in his game like suplexes and shoryukens, rode his way through a race while killing all of the racers, reduced a man to a skeleton by firing a revolver rapidly without missing a single time and uses his own improvisation skills to utterly butcher you in the most horrific ways possible. Jack can also fight people just as skilled as himself like Leo and Nikolai in Anarchy Reigns and be just fine. The real kicker is that, because of his training in several leagues of being a soldier, Jack is said to be an expert in all forms of combat. 

Right from the get go, you can already notice that Hank is the better sharpshooter while Jack is better hand to hand combatant. Which lines up well with the stat distribution, Hank’s skills let him benefit more from keeping his distance and landing the shots he needs to take Jack down and Jack’s skills let him use it in conjunction with his strength to win almost any close quarters encounter and getting Hank close to him in the first place. Their improvisation skills are decently on par with the others with only a few minor differences here and there. Hank’s main fighting style of using his improvisation and strength to fatal effect isn’t going to be of much use, since he’s much weaker then Jack physically and their improvisation are about equal. It isn’t impossible for Hank to adapt to Jack’s advantages as the fight progresses; however, sooner or later he’ll find his own and use them as he sees fit. This doesn’t really seem to clear who had the better skill though, with them both excelling in several fields and having a big advantage in the field that went along with their stat advantage nicely, it’s hard to say who really had skill. It seems it’s safer to call skill a tie.

But what about experience and what they’ve both respectively gone up against? Hank’s certainly fought more impressive foes then Jack has, Jebus, Phobos, Sanford and Deimos, hordes of agents who are perfected in sound mind, body and killer instincts as the prime of agency training, himself at one point, the list really goes on. Jack isn’t without his own supernatural encounters however, as he’s fought giants, armies of werewolves, succubus vampires, aliens and grim reapers, these just weren’t as wacky as the thing Hank’s seen. Madness Combat is inherently a more wacky franchise then MadWorld ever was so this shouldn’t come as much of a shock. The big difference between Hank and Jack’s experience is their training, Hank didn’t have any sort of training before the boombox incident and had most of his skills basically given to him while Jack’s been everything from a marone, cop and a member of The Navy Seals and Special Ops before joining the DeathWatch games. We don’t know Hank’s age or origin before either, the only age we can assume is 30 years based off The Agency Against Hank Wimbleton being present before the fall of Project Nexus. This is only a high estimate so he could very well be younger, but that’s still less than Jack being 47 years old prior to the events of his games. Jack should be able to seize experience for himself.

Something to mention that’ll likely sound weird at first, Jack smoking might unfortunately backfire for him and result in his death if we were to completely equalize the verses. Smoking in Nevada is a canonical way to kill you, not only do we see countless smokers die as soon as they take a puff and this isn’t a gag either. Krinkels has stated that the moment Deimos, a chain smoker, lit up a cigarette he was doomed to die. The cigs are described as “not killing him right now” until they actually did, his title is even "One of the longest lived smokers in Nevada." Granted, this smoking didn’t extend to Dedmos and Deimos’s immortality so at most it’s only going to result in Jack dying once before he comes back with another life. Don’t take this as a serious argument for Hank winning, it’s just something we found that we thought was funny and kinda sad considering Jack in Anarchy Reigns quit smoking for his daughter. Smoking kills folks, don’t do it.

Lastly, while this isn’t really a category that’ll matter too much to the verdict, it should be mentioned that Jack is much smarter than Hank. Hank has great tactical and fighting instinct but he doesn’t really have a formal education and struggles with tunnel vision caused by his bloodlust and thrill for the kill. Jack’s a mechanic and able to see right through others' plans, the latter of which will be very useful for exploiting Hank’s trouble at staying alive. Remember, Hank’s plot armor lets him outlast other Nevadeans, it doesn't keep him alive and never has been shown to. Hank can often act reckless and without thinking clearly, his overconfidence has let him fall right into an enemy's hands and easily torn apart. Meanwhile, Jack keeps a level head and a cool composure for most of his fights, always thinking ahead and planning ways to finish the fight.


Hank J. Wimbleton

“If violence was not your intention. Then why, in all of Nevada, DID YOU INVITE. HANK. J. WIMBLETON!?”


  • Solidly faster, made worse via emotions.

  • Tac-Bar letting Hank dodge most if not all attacks and Bullet-Time slowing his perception and giving him time to react to Jack’s weapon worsened the speed advantage.

  • Weapons such as The Prime Blade were able to oneshot Jack up close.

  • Dissonance weapons were more than enough to kill Jack for good, even with extra lives in mind.

  • More varied long range options, along with being more skilled at long range.

  • Cognitive Endurance and Plot Armor made it far easier to outlast Jack’s immortality.

  • More experienced in dealing with crazier, and stronger, opponents.

  • Asexual icon.

  • Canonically would be a cat person.

  • Inspired by Rayman.


  • Overall weaker.

  • Less experienced and skilled in close combat.

  • Immortality may be unreliable in some cases and is in general less direct than Jack’s.

  • Much worse mentality and overconfidence, which Jack’s smarts can potentially take advantage of.

  • Worse AOE options.

  • Bald.

  • He doesn’t even have the decency to finish a fucking hot dog what is wrong with this guy.

Jack Cayman

“I’ve got three of these games under my belt. Why not make it four? Just don't get cocky... WHO WANTS A PIECE OF THE CHAMP!?”


  • Far Stronger and Tougher, made even bigger via perks and Rampage Mode. 

  • Greater weaponry tailored to close range.

  • More reliable and portable ways of coming back into the fight, alongside having easier access to healing options with his Pills and Onions.

  • Weapons like The Magnet Gun and AOE options in Carpet Bombing/Satellite Laser help minimize the speed disadvantage.

  • Far smarter and more experienced than Hank, being a more mentally put together guy and his improvisation being better.

  • Overall better showings in skill when regarding close quarters.

  • Voiced by Steve Blum. 

  • Dad Lore.

  • Those announcers man, those fuckin announcers. 


  • Overall slower.

  • Tac-Bar and Bullet-Time make it difficult to even land a hit on Hank.

  • Didn’t have many ranged options to keep up with Hank’s own.

  • His extra lives could not bring him back from being destroyed by Dissonance or The Prime Blade.

  • Hank’s potential unlimited methods of resurrection were much more potent and his cognitive endurance made it much harder for Jack to keep up in the long run.

  • A lot of his weaponry was more limited in use and would eventually run out with time.

  • Go to your Discord right now and look up “Jack Cayman MadWorld” on gifs and see what comes up.

  • His game takes place on “Jefferson Island.”

Overall, this fight was not only a bloody one but much closer than you’d probably expect going into it with tons of crazy pieces of arsenal and abilities making it one of the craziest debates we’ve ever had. Everything from their stats, arsenals and skills lined up with their best way to keep the other down. For Hank, his speed and Tac-Bar/Bullet-Time helped him keep a fair bit of distance between him and Jack, his marksmanship and varied arsenal of long ranged options only meant that Jack going down was an inevitability if he were to keep it up. Especially with his stronger weapons in Dissonance and The Prime Blade, which Hank only needed to get off once to negate Jack’s immortality and kill him for good. Jack’s strength and abilities to increase certain statistics through perks and modes made killing Hank extremely easy if he ever got his hands on him, only made truer with Jack’s better hand to hand combat and more experienced in combat in general. He even had ways to catch Hank by his tail with his Magnet Gun, AOE and stunning options. 

What this came down to was a game of endurance and immortality, when looking at their immortality, Jack’s was more reliable and easily accessible but Hank’s had the far greater potential and Jack had no way to get around it. Hank at his theoretical max could resurrect himself hundred to maybe even thousands of times while Jack had on average a total of 42 extra lives, if you were to really push it he can likely have more but we know it’d still be lower than Hank’s potential. But for Hank to put this to use, he has to fight against hordes of enemies in hell and come back on his own, all of which he can do but runs the risk of draining himself and staying dead because of it, temporarily anyway but it’d still be incapacitation. The question now is could Jack wear Hank down to where he could make sure Hank doesn’t have the will to keep going and succumbs in The Other Place before Hank gets off Dissonance weapons or The Prime Blade. Because extra lives or not, there is no possible way for Jack to ever hope to be able to survive the effects of conceptual erasure and higher dimensional sealing through a universal at least sword.

Jack had many tools to help, healing items, Anarchy Reigns perks and abilities, The Magnet Gun forcing Hank to engage in close quarters and his many AOE options catching Hank with little room for Hank to dodge even with Tac-Bar in mind. But the thing is, all of these are limited and will run out of juice and usage in due time. Hank’s Dissonance is also limited, but the thing is it hones into targets it was fired in the general vicinity of and only needs to hit Jack once, and The Prime Blade wasn’t limited, it has infinite durability meaning it couldn’t break. It wasn’t just Hank’s arsenal that helped with this either, Hank has plot armor literally made for the sole purpose of outlasting those who he’s up against, like ones with unlimited willpower, this doesn’t prevent him from dying as previously said but it does mean it’ll keep him going for quite some time. Hank’s own natural cognitive endurance proves this and so does his pain tolerance, letting him barely notice injuries and letting him go through excruciating pain like in, you guessed it, The Other Place where pain is felt in all varieties. Hank is one determined bastard and will stop at nothing until the mission is finished, if Jack is giving Hank a fight he’s enjoying it is unlikely for him to let it go just because he’s dying, this guy’s already died too many times for that to matter. Hank had everything it took to outlast Jack and land the hits he needed to end the fight right there and then.

Jack might’ve given Hank one of the greatest fights he’s ever experienced and certainly didn’t make it easy with his strength, skill and experience, but Hank’s speed, marksmanship, varied arsenal and endurance were all he needed to finish the madness once and for all and come out on top in this world of combat.

The Winner Is Hank J. Wimbleton

Final Tally

Hank J. Wimbleton (4) - Spycrab, Fiction, Iceking, DoRitto

Jack Cayman (2) - Kreese and Howard

hankwin!!.mp4 [video-to-gif output image]

Next Time…

Greetings and good afternoon, morning and or night to all of you reading this! This is Spycrab here reporting from your total legal killing tournament games in Nevada, this match sure was a big one huh? Biggest one of these blogs I’ve had and is easily the one that’s going to be the most controversial regarding Madness Combat’s side of things. In  any case, thank you so much for reading! Just a reminder that this blog was done out of my love for this series, it’s one of the many Newgrounds content I grew up with and experienced, so please be respectful, I put a lot of effort into Hank’s side. 

I even got Iceking into the series just for this blog and he came out loving it and working on this blog as well. Big thanks to Fiction and DoRitto for lending a helping hand with MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns however, their work equally deserves to be recognized. Toss them a banana for their hard work here, couldn’t have done it without them.

For such a big blog, it only fits to end it off blog. While we do have blogs for other blogs in the future not related to horror, horror is our roots and there are a ton we would like to do. Hence why we’re hosting a poll for the next horror matchup we’ll be tackling. Here are the options!

Vote Here for the matchup you’d like to see next!

If all goes well, the vote will be concluded and the winner will be revealed in the next blog. Can’t wait to see which will take the lead! Speaking of the next blog…

The Demon vs The Entity (Wes Craven's New Nightmare vs The Suitmation Trials)

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